Life Record of Xiuzhen Teacher

Chapter 287 Jealousy?

"Brother Fang, you're out of sight. I'm not going abroad or anything. I'm just going back to the hotel. There's no need to be so grand." Zhang Weidong was not angry.

Sometimes it's too polite, but in fact it's also a kind of alienation. Zhang Weidong said so, the more happy Fang Zhongping was, and he stopped insisting when he heard the words. He laughed and said, "Then I'll let Xiao Li see you off."

Xiao Li in Fang Zhongping's mouth is the cold man who drove a Bentley car before.

When Xiao Li stood by the car door and saw Zhang Weidong again, his eyes were no longer as sharp and surprised as at the beginning, but full of awe. Seeing Zhang Weidong going down the steps, he hurried to open the rear door, and then bowed modestly from the bottom of his heart and asked Zhang Weidong to get on the car.

Although Wuyi Mountain is a tourist city with tourists every year, it is only a county-level city in the mountainous area of northern Fujian, and the prosperity at night cannot be compared with Wuzhou City.

Bentley cars are driving on the road, and the street lights are flashing, but there are not many people who are really wandering on the street. However, the air in Wuyi Mountain at night is really fresh. Sitting behind the Bentley car and opening the window, the head-on night wind makes people feel extremely cool and comfortable. Looking up at the sky, it can be seen that there are stars in the deep night sky, indicating that tomorrow should be a sunny day. These can no longer be seen in a coastal city like Wuzhou. Zhang Weidong is a doctor and teacher majoring in environment. He can't help sighing when he breathes such fresh air and seeing such a beautiful night sky.

The economy has indeed developed, and the people's living standards have indeed improved, but looking back at the gray sky and breathing the turbid air, is it really worth it?

Bentley drove steadily and fast, and soon Zhang Weidong saw the hotel from afar, but almost at the same time Zhang Weidong also saw two familiar figures hand in hand. It was Li Li and Su Lingfei who returned from shopping.

Zhang Weidong couldn't help but be shocked. He hurriedly closed the window and retracted himself back.

Bentley car, if the two of them saw the little white face sitting leisurely in the Bentley car, it would be great if they had not interrogated his ancestors for eight generations.

When Zhang Weidong just shrank back to the leather seat, the Bentley drove past the two.

"Wow, there are also Bentley cars here!" When the car passed by the two people, Zhang Weidong heard Li Li's exclamation.

Zhang Weidong couldn't help saying that it was dangerous. If he had appeared at the window just now, he would have been seen by Li Li.

Zhang Weidong asked the car to stop at an inconspicuous place near the hotel, then got out of the car, and then walked slowly to the hotel.

"Oh, Wei Dong, you just came back now. Where have you been? There is no one to see when eating. At the door of the hotel, Zhang Weidong met Li Li and Su Lingfei. Li Li looked at Zhang Weidong and asked in surprise.

"Cough, there is a friend in Wuyi Mountain who had a meal together." Zhang Weidong told the truth.

As for friends, of course, he doesn't have to make it clear.

"Is it a female friend?" Su Lingfei glanced at Zhang Weidong in a strange tone.

"Male." Zhang Weidong continued to tell the truth.

"Your friend is quite personalized. He smells so good, and his hair seems to be very long!" Su Lingfei sniffed Zhang Weidong's nose like a puppy, and then casually took off two long black hairs from his shoulders. While rubbing her long hair with her fingers, she looked at Zhang Weidong with a sarcastic look.

Zhang Weidong suddenly remembered that he had just "lingered" with Fang Jing for at least half an hour, and his body was inevitably stained with a little girl's fragrance and her hair. Looking at Su Lingfei for a moment, he blushed slightly and didn't know how to explain it.

It can't be said that this is because he felt sorry for a rainy season girl who accidentally left her when he hugged her. If he really wants to say so, Zhang Weidong has no doubt that his pervert status in Su Lingfei's mind will directly rise to a crazy pervert.

Seeing that Zhang Weidong blushed slightly, Su Lingfei couldn't say a word at all, which naturally confirmed the conjecture in her heart.

Although he already knew that Zhang Weidong was a pervert and liked to find flowers and ask Liu most, he had already made up his mind that he would only develop friendship with him, not love. He would do whatever he likes, which is none of her business at all. However, looking at Zhang Weidong like this, he couldn't stand loneliness and went to that kind of place when he went on a trip like this. Su Lingfei didn't know why she was like a knife in her heart. She couldn't wait to rush up and kick the pervert.

Why are all men in the world so virtuous?

"Well, Li Li, let's go, ignore this big pervert!" But in front of Li Li, Su Lingfei finally didn't come out of her feet. She glanced Zhang Weidong fiercely, then shook Rusi's hair coolly, took Li Li Li's hand and went to the elevator.

Although Li Li didn't believe that Zhang Weidong would be so lustful, his fragrance and long hair came back alone at this time, but she couldn't help but believe that her brother had just gone out to pick flowers for food. However, Li Li's reaction was not as big as Su Lingfei's. On the contrary, she turned around and gave Zhang Weidong a look of helplessness, asking for more blessings, and then went to the elevator with Su Lingfei.

Su Lingfei and Li Li got into the elevator, and Su Lingfei pressed the floor without saying a word.

"Wait for Wei Dong!" Li Li said hurriedly.

"What are you waiting for him for? Doesn't he like to be romantic and happy? It's better to stay outside at night. Su Lingfei passed through the elevator door that was slowly closing, stared at Zhang Weidong not far away with hatred, and said angrily.

Zhang Weidong originally wanted to take two steps quickly, but when he heard Su Lingfei's words and her eyes that he couldn't wait to eat, he finally stopped.

According to the relationship during this period, Zhang Weidong has accumulated some experience. It's better to provoke a woman less when she is mentally ill. Besides, if he really wanted to squeeze into the elevator, Zhang Weidong didn't know how to explain the fragrance on his body and the two hairs. In this case, it's better to stay away from her. Anyway, it's not a day or two to be a pervert, but being mistaken by Li Li makes Zhang Weidong a little embarrassed.

But sooner or later, Li Li will be Tan Yongqian's woman, and she will have to call him uncle in the future. Sooner or later, she will know who he is. Zhang Weidong doesn't have to explain in a hurry.

"Are you jealous?" When the elevator came to the door, Li Li looked at Su Lingfei with a side face and carefully tested it.

"Cut, am I jealous? Why am I jealous? He's not my boyfriend. What's wrong with me?" Su Lingfei said disdainfully, but her cheeks were unconsciously hot, and she seemed to have a feeling of being peeped through.

"Then what are you angry about?" Li Li asked.

"Am I angry? I just think this guy is too much. Everyone is traveling outside, can't he restrain a little? Su Lingfei gritted her teeth and held a fire in her heart.

"All right, he said he was not angry! With such a big reaction, you can see that your face turns red.

Look at me again, do you react as much as you do?" Li Li pointed to the mirror in the elevator.

"Conversely, anyway, I don't like his nonsense like this. Really!" Su Lingfei looked in the mirror. As Li Li said, she hesitated for a moment, and her cheeks became hotter and hotter.