Life Record of Xiuzhen Teacher

Chapter 440 The Four Pirate Gangs

"In this case, I'll ask you to call me Brother Zhang. If you don't dislike me as a mortal, just call me Brother Tang, and don't call me Brother Tang." Tang Lao was a bold person and laughed when he heard the words.

Mr. Tang's words made all the people sitting below almost slip to the ground, especially the people of the Tang family, who cried in their hearts.

Even if the old immortal is called Zhang Weidong's ancestor, he has little to do with Tang Xingzhong and others. At most, he has to show some respect for Zhang Weidong. But the old man called Zhang Weidong a brother. How can they afford to hurt their daughters and grandchildren? Do you want a fifty- or sixty-year-old like Tang Xingzhong to call a little off-law uncle? The most hurtful is Tang Guorui. He is the leader of the younger generation. The prince brother can be counted in the whole capital. Do you want him to call a little white face grandpa?

After bowing to Tan Zhengming, he has experienced being offered like a master by Dongming, an old Taoist priest who is more than 100 years old. Zhang Weiqing's psychological quality is much better than before. He is not pretentious when he hears words, and he also said boldly, "That's it settled. I'll call you

As soon as Zhang Weidong said this, Tang Xingzhong and others swallowed tears into their stomachs, but they did not dare to raise objections.

The old man wants to be a brother. What's the turn for them to interrupt and oppose it!

Just when Tang Xingzhong and others were depressed and swallowed tears into their stomachs, Zhang Weidong finally had more contact with the society recently, and people have become more knowledgeable than before. Then he added, "But Brother Tang, I still have an opinion. You are old and have a high status in the Republic. We still have our own friends. Otherwise, it must be a mess, and it's better not to mention this matter to outsiders. Otherwise, if you want me, a poor teacher, call me a brother to you, a founding general, I'm afraid I'll have to leave tomorrow and lose my job!"

Zhang Weidong's words almost reached the heart of Tang Xingzhong's people, and he couldn't wait to go up and hug Zhang Weidong and kiss him fiercely.

"Haha, that's right. But it's cheaper for these bastards!" Mr. Tang pointed to Tang Xingzhong and laughed.

Because he was old, he also recognized a fairy-like little brother like Zhang Weidong. Mr. Tang was particularly happy and spoke much more casually than before.

Tang Xingzhong and others have not heard their father (grandpa) pointing at them to call them bastards for a long time. In their impression, as their father (grandpa) sits higher and higher, people become more majestic, and they are more and more afraid of him. It's just that today's son of a bitch made them suddenly feel the long-lost love and kindness.

"Isn't Mr. Zhang a college teacher? I think we can call him Mr. Zhang in the future. Tang Xuhong took the opportunity to propose.

"I think it's good, it's good." When Tang Xingzhong heard the words, he hurriedly followed the echo.

Teacher is a kind of professional title. Even if Tang Xingzhong is in a high position - it is normal for a personal teacher, but at the same time, because of the special nature of the profession of teacher, if the person who calls is really interested, the teacher's name will have respect. Tang Xuhong's proposal not only expressed respect but would not lose their face, which is also the best of both sides.

"Akay, okay, do you think I don't know what's going on in your head? If it hadn't been for the different era, Weidong would have been really young. Do you think you could escape? Mr. Tang stared at everyone angrily.

Tang Xingzhong and others smiled when they heard the words and didn't dare to squeak.

"Brother Tang, I have something to ask you for help this time." After all, Zhang Weidong was worried about Lv Yafen's father's safety, but he was not in the mood to quarrel about these matters, and his words turned around.

"Look at me, I'm old, and my memory is not good. If you don't say it, I almost forgot the business. Incident, what's going on? Mr. Tang said with a smile.

"It's about the recent incident of Somali pirates hijacking the 'Tianfeng' cargo ship. I have a student's father who became the second deputy on this cargo ship." Zhang Weidong said.

Previously, Zhang Weidong and Mr. Tang talked about friendship according to the secular relationship. Dongming just sat there and listened quietly, without saying anything, and there was no change in expression. Isn't it just to call Xiao Tang a brother? It's cheap, Xiao Tang! However, when he heard that someone kidnapped the teacher's student's father, Dongming's expression suddenly cooled down. Originally a fairy Taoist bone, he suddenly turned into a sheathed sword, which was penetrating.

Although Mr. Tang is old now, he has always been concerned about the country. He also knows about this matter. Hearing the words, he took a look at the hole that suddenly became as sharp as a sharp sword, and then frowned and said, "It turned out to be this matter. I also know this matter, but this matter is difficult to do!"

With that, Tang's eyes turned to Tang Xingqiang and said, "Xingqiang, please tell Wei Dong in detail."

Tang Xingqiang nodded and said yes, then looked at Zhang Weidong and said solemnly, "Mr. Zhang is currently active in Somali waters. The first group is called 'Pantland Guards'. They are the first group engaged in organized piracy activities in Somali waters; the second group is called 'National Coastal Volunteer Guardians'. Their smaller group mainly plunders small ships sailing along the coast; the third group is called 'Melka'. They use small fishing boats with strong firepower as their main tools, which is characterized by a flexible way of committing crimes; the fourth group is called 'Somali Marines', which is the most powerful pirate gang among the four major gangs, and their activities are as It was the first of these four gangs to engage in pirate activities 'Puntland Guards' that hijacked China's 'Tianfeng' cargo ship 300 kilometers away from the line. The leader of the Puntland Guard is Boyah, with at least 200 armed men, and the people who provide them with intelligence and logistics services are innumerable. It has powerful speedboats, sophisticated guns, and many cannons and rocket launchers.

When Tang Xingqiang introduced these pirates, he secretly looked at Zhang Weidong from time to time. When he saw Zhang Weidong heard these words, except that his eyes became a little cold, the expression on his face never changed, and he was as calm as a pool of stagnant water. Tang Xingqiang couldn't help sighing in his heart that he could make the old immortal respect the teacher, and his courage was really comparable.

sighed in his heart, Tang Xingqiang continued, "Because the pirate gang is strong, has many eyes and ears, and there are hostages in hand, the rescue work is very difficult. Five days ago, our Huya Special Forces had been dispatched once, but as soon as they touched the pirate's nest, the enemy had received the information and directly pulled out the hostages, so we had to retreat directly. After this rescue operation, the Puntland Guard released the news that once they found out that we dared to take another rescue operation, they would kill the hostages. Now our army is in a very difficult situation. It can't be saved, and it can't be saved! These *** people!"

Speaking of chagrin, Tang Xingqiang couldn't help punching the chair heavily.

"Since our special forces had touched the pirate den five days ago, it means that you have known the exact location of the enemy." Zhang Weidong looked at Tang Xingqiang calmly, and his eyes became colder and colder.

How dare you threaten to kill the hostages, these ***!

"Yes, but it's useless to know it now. The rescue can only be unexpected, and the unprepared attack can be effective. Where the pirate's nest is located, the local people are often associated with the pirates, and they can receive news as soon as the wind blows. Five days ago, the 'Pentland Guard' was still talking about the ransom with the owner of 'Tianfeng' in private. They didn't know that we had learned about it. It can be said that it was the best rescue opportunity to carry out the rescue, but unfortunately, they returned without success. Now if you want to carry out the rescue for the second time, not only will the safety of the hostages be greatly threatened, but also the possibility of not being discovered is extremely small. Tang Xingqiang frowned and said depressedly.

"How could this happen? Some time ago, it was reported that the American 'Sea Seals' successfully rescued a kidnapped captain! Is there really a big gap between us and them? Tang Xuhong said.

"There must be a gap with the United States, which I can't deny. But some time ago, the United States successfully rescued the kidnapped captain, which is completely different from what we are experiencing now. After the hijacking at that time, several American warships immediately arrived at the scene and had a series of arduous negotiations with the pirates, but failed to reach an agreement. Later, the lifeboats on which the pirates lacked fire and lost power, so they could only 'drift' on the vast sea surface of the Indian Ocean in eastern Somalia, which was only about kilometers away from the Somali coastline. As long as they succeed in landing, they will return to the embrace of the 'pirate's nest'. It will become more difficult to solve this matter. As a result, the U.S. military has taken all necessary measures to prevent the pirates from rushing to the scene. On the other hand, it has always kept the boat within its own effective monitoring range, so that it has no possibility of landing with hostages. For this reason, the U.S. military dispatched seven warships and N otter aircraft. After many days of confrontation, the captain was finally rescued.

"And our current situation is much more complicated than the rescue some time ago. Not only are there many hostages, but the pirates have returned to their land base. Once our people step into their territory, after the last shock, it is difficult not to be found by them. Tang Xingqiang analyzed.

"Does that mean that the rescue is basically hopeless?" Tang Xingzhong frowned and asked. He is the deputy minister of the Propaganda Department and is most concerned about the classics at home and abroad. Now that our military has intervened in the "Tianfeng" hijacking incident, it has long been widely spread abroad, and domestic reports have begun to appear one after another. In the end, if my army is hopeless and finally pays the ransom obediently, it must be a big blow to our country's reputation, which Tang Xingzhong, the vice minister of the propaganda department, would never want to see.

"For the safety of the hostages, that's true." Tang Xingqiang showed a helpless wry smile on his face. After saying that, he looked up at Zhang Weidong.