Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 154 New Scientific Research Projects

As soon as the secretary saw Minister Wang's expression, he knew that he was not familiar with this matter. He said strangely, "Mr. Zhang seems to be a little angry today. You should be careful later, especially when asking Sun Xinpin, you should answer cautiously.

Minister Zhang seems to attach great importance to this person.

I'm going to tell the minister that you're here now.

When Minister Wang heard this, he hurriedly thanked Secretary Qian.

In his heart, he is up and down. Sun Xinpin obviously has nothing to do with it. How can Minister Zhang ask the director of a district garden bureau? And he is angry about it. How can it be? This kind of nobody, even the city leaders won't care.

Minister Wang couldn't figure it out for a long time. He thought that he must be careful after a while. Minister Zhang's soldier was born. Once he was angry, even the main leaders of the province would let him go.

"Minister Zhang let you in."

Minister Wang was thinking that Secretary Qian came out to call him.

Minister Zhang's anger has slowly subsided at this time, but he is still very dissatisfied with Minister Wang, the city's head of organization.

So when Minister Wang came in, his face was very serious and deep, and a sense of majesty that had been in power for a long time filled the whole office.

Although Minister Wang is also a high-ranking official, he dares not breathe in the face of this majesty.

"Minister Zhang, I don't know what your instructions are?" Minister Wang asked carefully, and he didn't dare to sit down.

Minister Zhang pointed to the black leather sofa in front of his desk and said neatly, "Sit down."

The habit of long-term barracks life makes him still like to be straightforward.

Minister Wang sat down. Minister Zhang looked at Minister Wang with his eyes and said, "Lao Wang, our party's selection of talents should be only for use, and we must not do whatever we want.

You should keep this in mind.

When Minister Wang heard the words, his heart suddenly jumped. Thinking of what Secretary Qian said, he couldn't help complaining in his heart. This time, it seemed that he was really likely to have made a big mistake.

But how could the damn Sun Xinpin have Minister Zhang as a backer? If so, how could he squat in the district garden bureau for so long? Thinking of this, Minister Wang felt a little more at ease.

Thinking to himself, Minister Wang didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said, "Be sure to keep it in mind."

Minister Zhang snorted coldly and said, "The garden in the West Lake District has been so good in recent years.

Why is Comrade Sun Xinpin still in place? When Minister Wang heard this, his heart immediately kept sinking.

Only three words of Sun Xinpin echoed in his mind, which gave him a terrible headache like a tightening spell.

It's really a disaster. It turned out to offend the minister of the provincial organization because of this small section chief official, and depending on the situation, because this matter left a very bad impression on Minister Zhang.

"This is my negligence at work, and I will definitely try my best to improve it."

Minister Wang hurriedly stood up and said.

When Minister Zhang heard this, his face slowed down a little and said, "Let's talk about it today.

Remember to control good talents, and it is important for hard-to-earth party members and cadres like Sun Xinpin.

should be used boldly.

When Minister Wang heard this, he immediately nodded and said yes, and then left.

After leaving Minister Zhang's office, he immediately returned to the municipal government.

You have to think about it carefully. For example, if the official sits in the position of Minister Zhang, if Sun Xinpin had not had an unusual relationship with him, Minister Zhang would not have said it so easily.

Since Minister Zhang has found him, if this matter is handled well, he may be blessed by misfortune, and it is possible to go further in the officialdom.

If you can't handle it well, it will be endless.

Think about it.

Minister Wang's heart began to become hot, and his fat head began to keep turning.

Of course, we need to deal with it well. The position of deputy director of a garden bureau is too unlevel, and it really needs to replace Han Ziwei.

It is inevitable to offend the Han family and Han Shengmeng, and there is not much room for improvement.

Sit in an Audi car and haven't arrived at the municipal government yet.

It really gave Minister Wang a good position.

Isn't Secretary Wang of the Party Committee of Chun'an County just seriously ill and unable to preside over the work of the county party committee? Chun'an has developed tourism, and Qiandao Lake is famous at home and abroad.

Sun Xinpin is the director of the West Lake District Garden Bureau. He is an official in tourism construction. First, let him be the deputy secretary who presides over the work of the county party committee, wait for Secretary Wang, and then upgrade to a higher level to his position.

With the experience and qualifications of managing a county, and Minister Zhang in the province, as long as Sun Xinpin can make some achievements, transfer back to the city, and then upgrade to another level, it should not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Minister Wang began to sigh and envy Sun Xinpin. I don't know how this guy could make friends with Minister Zhang.

Back to the municipal government, Minister Wang immediately took out Sun Xinpin's information and looked at it carefully.

In the past, even if he saw that Sun Xinpin was excellent, he would not care too much, but this time, the more he looked at it, the more dazzling he became. He thought that my person was so excellent. If he was put aside like this, he was probably more angry than Minister Zhang.

After Minister Wang put down Sun Xinpin's information, he immediately asked someone to let go of the review of Han Ziwei first.

After all, it is difficult for Sun Xinpin, the director of a district garden bureau, to be transferred to the deputy secretary of the county party committee in Chun'an County, so he can't organize the case.

However, with Sun Xinpin's qualifications, Yan Shun, the deputy director of the Garden Bureau, as long as he acts in accordance with the rules and regulations, and Zhang Yongsong, the head of the provincial party committee, is supported by the back, even if there are Han family and Han Shengmeng behind Han Ziwei, he will be vulnerable.

Of course, the best result is to get the approval of the municipal party committee to Sun Xinpin to go to Chun'an, so that everyone will be happy.

- After Minister Wang temporarily shelved the matter of Han Ziwei, he went to the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of the personnel organization to report the work, and also brought Sun Xinpin's information.

After becoming a true person in the Jindan period, he brought unimaginable benefits to Li Peicheng in his study and scientific research.

I usually need to read science and technology books for a few weeks, but now it only takes two or three days to read them smoothly, and I keep them firmly in my mind.

Because of this, since the return of the snowy mountain, Li Peicheng has been reading crazily in school, and his mind has accumulated rich scientific knowledge that others can't imagine.

Rich knowledge guides Li Peicheng to go further on the road of scientific research.

Therefore, Li Peicheng returned only two or three months, but his performance in scientific research shocked Professor He, and he even doubted whether he had studied there in the previous two years.

When Li Peicheng arrived at school, he read a book in the office for a while. When he was about to start today's work, Professor He called Li Peicheng to his office.

Seeing that Professor He was only 45 years old, but he already had a few white hairs on his temples, Li Peicheng was slightly moved and wanted to get some monkey wine for him to drink another day.

The monkey wine is carefully brewed by Hou Shi Cai Tianmu mountain fruit, which can prolong life. It is just right for Professor He to drink.

"The department recently bought a plasma spectrometer. You have operated in the Department of Environmental Sciences for a period of time, and now you and Dr. Wang are in charge.

You take time to write some operation details and precautions.

Professor He said.

Instrument analysis is an indispensable auxiliary discipline for scientific research. Li Peicheng worked hard in the Department of Environmental Sciences and published an article in the analysis magazine.

After the snow mountain came back, he studied it more and more. He even memorized a lot of the spectral lines of the elements, including which spectral lines would interfere with each other, and he knew roughly in his mind.

So as soon as Professor He said it, he simply responded.

After the matter was settled, Professor He continued: "Last year, I applied for a project on rice plague pathology research, which has now been approved and included in the national "863" scientific research plan.

Because you were not here last year, you were not included in the list of scientific researchers when you applied.

Now that you are back, I hope you can get involved.

Li Peicheng has read this information and knows that rice plague is a common rice disease caused by fungal pathogens, which can cause rice yield losses of up to 15% to 30%.

It is estimated that due to the harm of rice blast, the annual production of rice worldwide is enough to feed about 60 million people.

So many countries are studying the world's problems, but so far there has been little progress.

China is a big rice country, and it has invested a lot in this area every year, but there is also no special progress.

This is a very challenging scientific research project. If there is a breakthrough, he will not only make contributions to the country, but also fulfill his grandfather's wish and become a veritable scientist. Li Peicheng has this idea in mind and has a strong interest in this project. He replied, "Thank you, Professor He for your trust. Leave it to me."

Professor He laughed and said, "I am often surprised by your scientific research and learning ability. I really don't know how your head grows. It seems that you are more knowledgeable than me.

I'm not going to use you as a graduate student of the labor force, but a real scientific researcher. If you have any suggestions, you can give any ideas.

Li Peicheng smiled with some embarrassment and said, "How dare I compare with you, teacher?"

After saying that, Li Peicheng thought for a moment and said, "Isn't the focus of this scientific research on molecular biology?" Professor He was very surprised when he heard this. He thought that Li Peicheng was really a natural talent for scientific research. Before he could show him the information, he had keenly grasped the key direction of scientific research. It seemed that he was really looking for the right person.

"Well, that's right.

This project is to study the invasion and destruction mechanism of germs in rice.

If it goes well, I plan to continue to study whether it is possible to implant gene fragments of disease-resistant bacteria to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating rice plague.

Professor He nodded, and then gave Li Peicheng relevant project materials.

The two talked again. Li Peicheng left Professor He's office after being told that he would start scientific research experiments next week.

I spent a day in the experimental building. When I accompanied Sun Xiaoxuan to self-study in the evening, Li Peicheng put the book on the desktop, but in fact he was studying the knowledge of alchemy with divine consciousness.
