Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 158 Progress

Peicheng likes to have such a beautiful and psychic golden cat at home, so he bent up and stroked its smooth golden hair.

Jin Lin enjoyed her master's touch very much. She also liked the breath of her master very much. She narrowed her eyes, stretched out her tongue and licked Li Peicheng's hand holding her, and curled up her whole body.

"Well, you are making good progress. It seems that you should be able to fully recover by the end of the year."

Li Peicheng walked to the terrace with the golden cat in his arms and said with satisfaction.

The late autumn night came much earlier than summer, but it was only after six o'clock, but it was completely dark.

Standing on the terrace, you can see the city *** dim, and many people are walking in Wushan Square.

Jin Lin saw the prosperity of the human city for the first time. Her squinted eyes immediately opened wide, her front paws stood up, and her lovely head raised high, looking at the charming and strange night scene in front of her in surprise.

"Are you interested in going down?" Li Peicheng smiled when he saw that Jin Lin's eyes were shining.

"Hmm!" Jin Lin nodded and looked at Li Peicheng's eyes with pleading eyes that people could not bear to refuse.

Li Peicheng looked at it and smiled and went downstairs with the golden cat in his arms. He thought to himself that the world was really strange. If someone had told me that there were goblins in the world before, I would have scolded him for superstition. I didn't expect that the cat in his arms now was a goblin.

Maybe the legendary story of Xu Xian and the White Lady in Hangzhou is not completely fabricated! Lan Xiaoxue and the three of them are also at home. As long as the three of them have nothing to do in the unit, they are used to staying in this house.

They feel particularly down-to-earth and warm in this family.

"Wow, such a beautiful cat! Boss, where did you get it? It's really beautiful!" Lan Xiaoxue saw Li Peicheng coming down with the golden cat in his arms.

Immediately, his eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise.

When Lan Xiaoxue shouted like this, Du Meiling and Deng Jie immediately gathered around and stared at Jin Lin and kept praising.

When Jin Lin saw the three women staring at her, the boss was unhappy. In her eyes, the three of them were just as weak as ants.

If she had known that these three people had something to do with her master, she would have stared at them.

"Will the boss ask me to give you a hug?" Lan Xiaoxue asked for help.

Now Jin Lin is finally angry. She is a golden cat demon who can only fly away.

It's a shame to let her be hugged by Lan Xiaoxue like a doll.

Of course, the master is an exception. He is willing to hug her, which is her supreme honor.

"Meow!" Jin Lin shouted, and the golden hair on her body stood up, and her big eyes stared at Lan Xiaoxue angrily.

The anger of the golden cat demon is not a joke.

As an artist, Lan Xiaoxue is particularly sensitive to the outside world. Seeing this, she actually felt that the cat's eyes seemed to be able to speak. She warned her that its dignity was inviolable. She was shocked and stepped back several steps.

patted his chest and said in surprise, "Boss, your cat will be angry!" Li Peicheng smiled.

touched the skin of the golden cat demon and said, "All three of them are my friends. Don't be rude."

However, Li Peicheng also cared about the dignity of the golden cat demon as a strong man and did not let Lan Xiaoxue hug her.

Jin Lin doesn't understand the meaning of the word boss, but she still understands the meaning of the word friend.

Hearing the words, he curled up with a little fear, for fear that Li Peicheng would blame her.

But it's strange in my heart that he is such a powerful person as his master.

Why are friends so weak?

When the three of them saw Li Peicheng's words, the cat seemed to understand, and they were very surprised.

"Does the boss want to go out?" Du Meiling asked.

Li Peicheng nodded, pointed to the golden cat, and said, "Take her out for a walk."

"Then take us out."

Du Meiling said immediately.

Li Peicheng smiled and said, "Well, let's go out to get some air together."

Seeing Li Peicheng's consent, the three of them were particularly happy.

Wushan Square is a very famous square in Hangzhou. To the west is the West Lake, and to the east is the famous Dihefang Street and the antique, flower and bird market.

There are many people in Wushan Square, including tourists from other places, residents like Li Peicheng who live nearby, and citizens who come here elsewhere in Hangzhou.

Avening to Wushan Square, Jin Lin jumped down from Li Peicheng's arms and walked at Li Peicheng's feet. Her big eyes looked around curiously from time to time. She secretly marveled at the wisdom of human beings, which could make cars and electric lights... Lan Xiaoxue and the other three of them were particularly interested because they could go Rising, laughing like a silver bell from time to time.

The beautiful appearance of the golden cat attracted the attention of many people. Unexpectedly, there were people who wanted to pay for the golden cat, which made Li Peicheng laugh and cry. Jin Lin was naturally angry.

There are many people walking dogs in Wushan Square, and there are big dogs. When I see the golden cat walking in the square, I want to bully other puppies and kittens and come to scare them.

Although Lan Xiaoxue didn't have a chance to hold the golden cat, she likes such a cute golden cat in her heart.

Seeing the big dog running towards the golden cat, he hurriedly said to Li Peicheng, "Boss, call the golden cat back quickly."

Li Peicheng smiled and said, "The golden cat is very fierce. It's okay."

Sure enough, as soon as Li Peicheng's words fell, the golden cat let out a meow. The big dog immediately ran away as if it had seen a ghost. Its owner barked in the back for a long time, but he did not stop.

Lan Xiaoxue and the other three were stunned and felt really amazing.

coincidentally, he secretly glanced at Li Peicheng and thought that his boss was really amazing, even his cat.

"Go to Hefang Street. You have been working for my boss for so long, and I haven't bought any gifts for you.

You can choose any one when you go to Hefang Street, and I'll give it to you.

Walking to the east of Wushan Square, he saw that it was crowded and lively. Li Peicheng suddenly remembered that he had to buy a few simple and elegant wine bottles of monkey wine as a gift. He thought that there were many antique things in Hefang Street. Maybe he could buy a few. When he saw the three girls' eyes shining, he smiled.

The three of them are now the leaders of large companies and people of the upper class, but in front of Li Peicheng, regardless of his identity and image, they actually cheered happily, which made Li Peicheng shake his head repeatedly.

After shopping in Hefang Street, Lan Xiaoxue and the other three picked out silk scarves respectively.

When picking up the scarf, everyone should be surrounded and let Li Peicheng comment. Li Peicheng said it was beautiful, so they happily bought it. The girl who sold the scarf looked at it and thought that this man's family must be very rich, and he could handle three women with such a good temperament at the same time.

After shopping around, Li Peicheng also bought the wine bottles he wanted, all of which were porcelain wine bottles with ancient charm.

Back to Wuzhuang, Jin Lin continued to practice, while Li Peicheng sacrificed the last magic weapon he chose, the green eagle bow.

In this way, Li Peicheng has golden dragon armor to protect the body, Yinlin gun melee, green eagle bow long-range attack, which can be said to be fully equipped with weapons.

After refining the green eagle bow, Li Peicheng also began to practice like Jin Lin.

Recently, because of the sacrifice of magic weapons, Li Peicheng found that his skills did not retreat and progressed, and in the process of sacrifice, he constantly understood the heavenly way contained in the magic weapons and understood a lot of things, and there were faint signs of breaking through to the late Jindan.

According to Li Xuanting's estimate, Li Peicheng has the help of Bixia Stone, and he should be able to break through to the later stage of Jindan in recent years.

But now it is obviously very different from Li Xuanting's estimate. Li Peicheng has only returned from the snowy mountain for two or three months. His practice is also normal, but there are signs of breakthrough.

This made Li Peicheng both excited and a little uneasy.

Because Li Xuanting said that it is not necessarily a good thing to improve the realm too quickly, but sometimes it is very dangerous.

This is also an important reason why Li Peicheng did not step up his practice day and night after returning from Xueshan, because he relied entirely on external forces from the innate realm to the middle of Jindan, rather than his own efforts. In this way, it is easy to have an unstable foundation and needs to be stable.

Looking inside, a trace of energy quickly did not get into Jindan. Jindan became more and more dazzling, but Li Peicheng always had a doubt in his heart why he didn't seem to feel anything wrong at all, and there was no sign of losing control of Zhen Yuanli.

Although he did not understand why his realm was rapidly improving, there was no problem of getting out of control as Li Xuanting said. However, as a rigorous scientific researcher, Li Peicheng has always believed in telling the truth, not empty words.

Since there is no unstable foundation, it can only show that Brother Li's words are not suitable for him, or that he is an example. Li Peicheng thought so and continued to practice at ease.

In fact, Li Peicheng is indeed an example.

When he was a martial arts person, he saw through the energy nature of Reiki and its relationship with life. He has always maintained a scientific research attitude towards cultivation. He was not trembling and fearful. He thought that the way of heaven was completely mysterious and unpredictable. In this way, from a certain angle, Li Peicheng's mood has arrived. A very high degree.

For an inappropriate example, immortality, that is, the eternal heavenly way is the mountain that Li Peicheng wants to pursue and conquer. Although he is far from the ability to conquer now, he has the psychological belief of victory and is not afraid at all.

Just like the battle between the two armies, his heart has prevailed.

Of course, it is not enough to have the advantage of mood. The immortality trick makes Li Peicheng's body constantly become strong.

makes his body strong enough to withstand the rapid growth of real power, which is also what Li Xuanting felt very shocked and puzzled at the beginning. Why does a congenital master have such a strong body, which also makes him see hope in Li Peicheng.

In the early morning, Li Peicheng woke up from the entrance, opened his eyes, and the light flashed away.

One night of practice made Li Peicheng find himself a step closer to the later stage of Jindan.
