Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 193 Re-enlightenment

Li Peicheng's consciousness sank into Dantian and felt the changes in Dantian with his heart.

The changes in Dantian are still the same as he felt last night and in the early morning. There is no abnormality, which makes Li Peicheng very happy. Practice has proved that his cultivation method is feasible at present.

The condensation period compresses the aura of heaven and earth into liquid, while the golden elixir period further compresses liquid energy into a solid state. This change is very similar to the change of physical phase in physical chemistry and is affected by pressure.

It's just that the aura of heaven and earth is obviously a kind of energy. How can energy follow the change of physical phase? Li Peicheng was puzzled.

Thinking about it, Li Peicheng suddenly scratched the sentence said by the great scientist Einstein that matter and energy are one thing.

The essence of energy is matter, the essence of matter is energy, and energy is the expression of matter that is infinitely close to nothing.

With one connection, Li Peicheng felt that his head was about to explode. The endless and strange knowledge about energy and matter was opened in his head like a dust, and it was strung around in his head.

Substance? Energy? Energy? Substance? Now even Li Peicheng is a little difficult to define the golden elixir and the flowing Zhenyuan in his body.

Because the golden elixir and the real element in the body show energy and matter at the same time, unlike what we usually see, it is just the appearance of things.

Just like an egg, all I see is an egg, and it is impossible to intuitively see the energy contained in this egg, that is, how many calories and calories we often talk about.

However, because Li Peicheng was touched for a moment, he found that the golden elixir and Zhenyuan in his body were actually invisible.

At the same time, it is also energy, nothing more than this substance can only be seen through divine consciousness.

Complicated! It's so complicated! Li Peicheng held his head in both hands.

keeps scratching, and the hair is in a mess.

Jin Lin saw this.

He looked at the master tremblingly, his eyes were full of concern, but he did not dare to disturb the master at all.

She knows that there must be something wrong with the master's thinking. At this time, she should not disturb it. If she is not careful, she may go crazy.

The thinking in my mind is still very messy, full of Li Peicheng's whole thinking space.

At this moment, what I learned before has become difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Because there are too many conflicts.

If Li Peicheng is not very understandable.

There is no difference between right and wrong. That's okay. It's okay to care about it.

He is a scientific researcher.

It can be sloppy in some things, but it can't be sloppy for a long time on these serious academic issues.

As time went by, Li Peicheng almost fell into a state of madness. Jin Lin became more and more nervous, and she began to become extremely scared.

Even when facing Jiang Qing.

She didn't feel that she was so scared.

If you go crazy, you will be light and heavy, and if you are light, your skills will retreat greatly.

If it is heavy, it may disappear, which is also the reason why practitioners are always trembling when practicing, like walking on thin ice.

Jin Lin was afraid that she would suddenly lose her master. She didn't dare to imagine this. It seemed that once the master was lost, her life would be bleak from now on.

Li Peicheng seems to have walked into a dark maze. He can't see his head at all. The more chaotic he is, the more chaotic he is. It seems that he will never see a clear road.

Li Peicheng's mind began to tremble. His spirit was tempered very powerfully because he often controlled the acupuncture point, so once his spirit was out of control, he would be like a horse galloping and unstoppable.

At this time, Li Peicheng had already felt that his spirit began to run radially, and his consciousness could not control the disorder of his spirit.

The devil was born from the heart. At this time, Li Peicheng finally felt the powerful conflict and destructive power for the first time because of confusion and strong conceptual conflict.

Darkness shrouded in Li Peicheng's body, his divine consciousness, his soul is floating in the endless world, and he can't find an exit.

Cold sweat hung down from Li Peicheng's body like rain and soaked his clothes.

It's in danger! Practice is the only criterion for testing truth and science! Li Peicheng has always been a principle of truth in dealing with the problems encountered in scientific research. At this time, it suddenly lit up the whole world like a lightning, like a lighthouse in the vast sea that pointed out the way for Li Peicheng.

No matter how incredible the problem encountered now is, how much conflict it is with the past, since it exists and has appeared, there is only continuous practice, continuous practice to test, to uncover the mystery, without the need for mediocrity to disturb itself.

Just like the apple on the tree will not always hang on the fruit tree because you don't know the principle of universal gravitation. When it is ripe, what should fall will still fall.

Suddenly, all the distracting thoughts disappeared.

Once the true heart demon appears, there are usually three situations. One is to be swallowed up by the heart demon and the ashes are extinguished; the other is to barely defend the mind, block the invasion of the heart demon, and the power retreats greatly; the last is to destroy the heart demon and retreat.

Li Peicheng has eliminated the heart demon this time, and once again strengthened his scientific research mentality for Xiuzhen, that is, he does not blindly worship superstition, and does not lose any contempt, but maintains a positive and confident attitude to face Xiuzhen, a mysterious field.

The distracting thoughts were extinguished, and the demons were eliminated. Li Peicheng felt refreshed, his mental strength was soaring at an unimaginable rate, and his mood also improved.

Li Peicheng opened his eyes with a smile, and what he saw was a plum blossom and a rainy face, which was so heartwarming and sad! Li Peicheng was stunned and immediately thought that it must be his own situation just now that scared Jin Lin. He was secretly moved by the little goblin's concern for him, so he smiled gently and said, "Why is the little goblin crying? Aren't I okay?" Jin Lin wiped her tears and said seriously, "Jin Lin's life is given by her master. If the master is gone, Jin Lin will follow her master!" In the past, Li Peicheng was upset that Jin Lin was at the tip of the horn. Today, he heard her words at the tip of the horn again, but he was not upset at all. He was only moved inexhaustible.

The world says that monsters are crooked demons, and who knows that they are real people of temperament! Li Peicheng sighed in his heart.

"Don't be silly. Even if I have something to do, you have to live well for me!" Although Li Peicheng was moved, he said sternly.

However, Li Peicheng's harsh words obviously have no effect. Even Li Peicheng has no choice but to recognize the truth.

Jin Lin did not reply, but stared at Li Peicheng firmly.

The blue eyes made Li Peicheng sigh feebly in his heart, and his grim expression became gentle again.

"I'm going to take a shower!" Li Peicheng whispered that he has now become accustomed to Jin Lin's service. Of course, this habit is also forced to develop.

"I'll put hot water for the master!" Jin Lin was completely relaxed at this time and stood up and said happily.

Li Peicheng nodded, and then saw the seductive and graceful figure into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, it's already early in the morning, and it's time to play the second elixir.

Li Peicheng carefully hit the second elixir rune seal. After a dozen of this elixir rune seal, the essence of the five elements in the elixir furnace began to slowly merge.

Gold and water, water and wood, wood fire, fire and earth, earth and gold; gold and wood, wood and water, water and fire, fire and gold.

The five elements interact with each other, restrain each other, keep blending, and slowly breed yin and yang.

The two qi of yin and yang absorb each other and slowly breed aura, but the whole process is extremely slow, and it can't be detected without careful observation.

Li Peicheng did not dare to relax at all at this time. As a scientific researcher, he knew very well when it was the key to the experiment and could not be a little distracted, so he noticed this subtle change.

The five elements of yin and yang! Five elements of yin and yang! This is the first time that Li Peicheng has seen the transformation of the five elements of yin and yang so clearly, and then to the emergence of aura, there seems to be a very familiar feeling, so Li Peicheng silently said in his heart.

"The positive and negative poles! Positive and negative poles!" Li Peicheng suddenly jumped up and smiled happily.

Li Peicheng's sudden explosion scared Jin Lin, thinking that the master was going to be enchanted again! Reiki is a kind of energy. If the yin is compared to the negative pole in the power supply, then the yang is the positive pole. The yin and yang are adjusted to produce spiritual power, and the positive and negative charge flow produces an electric current. Isn't it the same reason? Sure enough, energy is matter, and matter is energy. Zhenyuan and Jindan in my body explain this phenomenon most vividly! Li Peicheng sighed greatly.

It is said that genius scientists are all crazy. At present, it is impossible to know whether Li Peicheng is a genius scientist or not, but one thing is certain is that he sometimes becomes a real madman when he encounters scientific research.

As soon as Li Peicheng compared yin and yang to the positive and negative poles in electricity, he had a crazy idea in his heart. As soon as this crazy idea came into being, he forgot everything and immediately put it into action.

The connection between science and cultivation is true. It is my blind association. Many scientific theories are written by me that lack rigor, so I hope you don't take it too seriously. Just laugh it off. nk"