Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 307 Oriental Immortals

I finally can't hang the hanging bottle today, and I have to hang it for half a day tomorrow morning.

I haven't dared to hug my son for two days. I really want to cry without tears.

The beginning of the month is the best time to get a monthly ticket, but my body is really disappointing. I have no choice but to pay more than 2,000 words. Brothers, let's look at the monthly ticket, and we dare not ask for the monthly ticket with more than 2,000 words.

I hope it will be lively after the bottle is hung up tomorrow morning.

A gloomy cold wind blew, mixed with the subtle sound of breaking the air.

The next black spot in the moonlight became bigger in an instant, and a pair of blood-red wings spread out long, covering the light of the moon.

In the middle of a pair of wings are relatively thin bodies, pale faces, ferocious tusks, bloodthirsty and greedy eyes.

Greedy eyes stared straight at the purple pupil elixir in Li Peicheng's hand, and his huge wings tilted slightly in the air, drawing a perfect arc.

With a shout, the monster in the air rushed to Li Peicheng like a glider.

Li Peicheng snorted coldly, held his palm, and his arm swept the shadow of the corridor in the air.

Bang! With a loud noise, the monster's sharp claws fell into the ground of the granite fiercely.

The dust was flying, and the hard granite was smashed.

Stephen was shocked. He had long known that the person who could kill Edward would not be simple. Today, as expected, the speed of dodge was no less than that of his speed.

The blood-red wings reflect a strange light in the moonlight, and there is a sharp inverted hook under the wings.

The legend of vampires in the Western world is actually true! Li Peicheng quietly looked at the uninvited guest in front of him and was secretly surprised.

"Talk, I really have some ability. No wonder Edward fell into your hands."

Stephen's voice is sharp and loud, which sounds extremely unpleasant.

Li Peicheng's casual hand just showed did not calm Stephen, and Stephen was full of confidence in himself.

Edward is just a baron, but he is a viscount.

And it has been staying on the viscount for a long time.

Even if seven or eight Edwards are not his opponents, he does not believe that the seemingly young human being in front of him is more powerful than him, and it is impossible to practice in his mother's womb.

On the contrary, Ren Jitian and Shangguan Xuan made Stephen a little afraid, but it was just a little bit.

Although it can be seen that Stephen is not simple, Ren Weitian and Shangguan Xuan still secretly lamented for Stephen in their hearts. When this guy is not good to come, he chose this time.

Can anyone provoke the head brother? Shangguan Xuan and Ren Jintian thought to themselves, but their eyes shot like watching a play. This look made Stephen, who had always thought that his race was superior, extremely unhappy, and there was no reason to feel uneasy in his heart.


It turns out that you are the same kind named Edward.

Well, that's good, that's good. Since you dare to come to the door, it seems that your ability must be much better than Edward's!" Li Peicheng looked at Stephen with great interest and said calmly.

Li Peicheng's inference made Stephen very satisfied.

But his tone and eyes made Stephen feel that his dignity had been provoked.

But after all, Stephen has lived for more than a hundred years, and the uneasiness in his heart is enough to make him act cautious.

"It seems that you are a smart man, and Edward deserves it by saying that he left without permission.

However, when you killed Edward, you seriously trampled on the noble dignity of my blood clan. If you answer one of my conditions, this matter will be exposed. Otherwise, even if you have the ability to compete with me, it is difficult to resist other masters of my blood clan to seek revenge.

Stephen said.

It's just that after the words, the threat is revealed.

This guy is also clever. He knows how to carry out the power behind him to threaten me, but I even dare to provoke the Laoshan faction. Are you afraid of your overseas bastards? Li Peicheng said in his heart.

"Oh, I don't know what the conditions are?" Li Peicheng asked with a smile.

Stephen was secretly overjoyed.

Edward's life and death have nothing to do with him. If it hadn't been for the order of the Marquis, he wouldn't have been lazy to do this trip, but now it seems that this job will have paid off.

"The two purple things in your hand!" Stephen covered up his nervousness.

said word by word.

It was just the greed in his eyes, but he betrayed his restless inner world.

As a viscount of the blood clan, Stephen still has a certain vision. He is fully sure that if he eats those two purple things, he will break through the viscount's realm that has been stagnant for a long time and become an earl.

This ugly guy has a good vision, but it's a pity that he is too naive! Li Peicheng's smiling face suddenly sank and said, "Isn't your Excellency too beautiful?" Stephen believes that as long as the other party is a little more rational.

will obediently hand over the purple things.

After all, the powerful blood clan is not something mortals can resist.

Life is obviously much more precious than precious.

This code is common to all races.

So Stephen was waiting for the wonderful voice he wanted to hear in Li Peicheng's mouth.

But I didn't expect that the other party was not on the road.

The anger and greed in Stephen's heart finally wiped out the trace of uneasiness and reason. The ferocious fangs flashed with a terrible cold light in the moonlight, and his ferocious claws scratched a cold light in the air and fell straight to Li Peicheng's facade.

Li Peicheng's face was cold, and he didn't see any movements, but Stephen's claws could not fall in the air alive.

In Li Peicheng's eyes, Stephen is just an ant.

Stephen was so shocked that his wings trembled uneasily, and his bloodless face was now as white as frost.

Stephen wanted to take back his claws and then run away from this horrible guy, but found that he couldn't move as if he had been fixed.

Hmph! Li Peicheng snorted coldly, and the sky suddenly thundered on the ground. A dazzling lightning fell from the sky and hit Stephen with a loud bang.

Suddenly, Stephen was smoking all over his body, and his strange blood-red wings were broken, emitting a fishy smell.

"Oriental Immortals! Oriental Immortals!" Now Stephen is really scared to death.

If the blood clan is the strong in the Western world, then the immortals in the East are the strong in the whole world.

is full of mystery and legend.

Just like the thunder and lightning just now, it is a fairy magic that the blood clan can't even think of.

When Stephen was born, he was warned to go to the land of Oriental Shenzhou as little as possible, where there was a mysterious power, but he didn't expect to meet him today.

Li Peicheng just gave Stephen a little punishment. Otherwise, Stephen would have gone into nothing after a lightning bolt. Despite this, Ren Weitian and Shangguan Xuan were still stunned.

In the past, it was just rumored that there were spells, but today I really saw it.

"It seems that your Excellency is still a little knowledgeable. In this case, I will spare your life and go back to tell your people not to mess with us!" As soon as Li Peicheng finished speaking, Stephen found that he had regained his freedom.

Stephen wanted to maintain the noble dignity of the blood clan, but his inner fear made his demeanor disappear, and he fled awkwardly with his leaking wings.

"Are you the head brother? You let him go like this!" Ren asked puzzledly.

Jianghu kindness and resentment, pay attention to loyalty and righteousness, pay attention to the heart should be cruel, and the hand should be fast.

Although this small blood clan seems to be far from the opponent of the leader, Ren Anti-Tian still doesn't think that he should be let go, so as not to cause more trouble.

"What do you think? Li Peicheng, the eldest brother, smiled and suddenly disappeared on the balcony. An invisible body quietly followed Stephen.
