Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 439 Follow

With a click, Chang Ge was cut off by a knife, but the straight knife was still cut down hard.

Li Peicheng's eyes flashed a trace of approval again.

Although this place is very different from the Yuanli Mountain Range, because of its gravity several times that of the earth, Li Peicheng has secretly estimated that it would be difficult to fly without the cultivation of the Jindan period.

Tengwu can be more than ten feet high, which shows the strength of its own physical strength.

And the straight knife was used by him, full of fierce and hegemony and unstoppable power.

It is especially rare that he is a person with a broken arm. To achieve this extent, he really has some martial arts talent.

The wide and sharp blade crossed Wang Ao's head, and Wang Ao was split in half on the spot.

Seeing this, the horse thieves were so scared that they were so scared that they shouted and ran around one after another.

Teng Wuyue put on Wang Ao's mount, held a straight knife in his hand, and rushed to the fleeing horse thief.

Where the blade passes, the head falls to the ground.

Tengwu killed ten people in a row, but the horse thief dispersed, and it was difficult to catch up, so he rushed back.

Tengwu rode a horse a few meters away from Li Peicheng, then turned over and got off the horse. He knelt down on one knee to Li Peicheng and held his fist: "Tengwu thank you for your kindness."

Li Peicheng smiled and said indifferently, "It's just a matter of raising hands!" After saying that, he was ready to leave.

Tengwu did not get up, but said respectfully, "Sir, please stay."

Li Peicheng stopped and looked at Tengwu.

"Just now, I heard that Mr. wanted to go to Yuanlong City, but I was quite familiar with Yuanlong City. I dared to ask him to lead the way for him. If there is anything, I don't have to bother you."

Tengwu Dao.

Li Peicheng is not familiar with the moon star.

If there is a local person with you, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

This Tengwu's performance just now can be said to be brave and resourceful.

Affectionate and righteous.

And he is also a knowledgeable person depending on the situation.

Li Peicheng couldn't help but move slightly when he heard the words.

He stared at Tengwu with both eyes.

said, "I want to travel all over the world.

I don't know if you know anything about other places except Yuanlong City? When Tengwu heard the words, he was more determined to make some kind of conjecture.

Great joy.

immediately nodded and said, "I served in the Tigers in the early years.

Follow the army to the south and the north.

I've seen some of the world.

"In that case.

Then you can follow me for the time being.

Li Peicheng said.

"Thank you, sir!" After Tengwu's thanks.

Then I got up.

His face was filled with indescribable excitement.

made his resolute look softer.

At this time, those villagers saw the horse thieves far away.

Everyone cheered in the distance.

But he didn't dare to walk towards the two of them.

The cheers echoed in the sky, but Tengwu, who was originally excited, suddenly felt a contradiction.

He has guessed from various signs that Li Peicheng should come from the mysterious Yuanpi Mountains.

This trip down the mountain is an experience of entering the world. If you follow him, you may be able to step into the mysterious world that tens of millions of people yearn for, and you can listen to one or two of his instructions.

I'm afraid I can't enjoy it all in my life.

This is a blessing that no one else can ask for, so Tengwu asked Li Peicheng to follow him to fulfill the responsibility of his servant.

It's just that this village is a hiding place when Tengwu is in trouble. After all, he is reluctant to leave them for a while and does not let go of what a shrewd person Li Peicheng is. Seeing this, he appreciates Tengwu more and more, and said, "You call a few young and Once a horse thief comes, it's easy to resist killing the enemy.

When Tengwu heard the words, he immediately wanted to thank him, but Li Peicheng waved his hand.

said, "Go quickly."

"Yes, sir!" Tengwu bowed and walked to the village with joy. After a while, he took three young and strong men to Li Peicheng.

Li Peicheng casually opened up a few of their meridians, and taught them a few subtle tricks to kill the enemy and the way to exhale, so that they could practice well.

Then he rode away with Tengwu.

The two of them rode on horse, neither fast nor slow.

Tengwu slightly lagged behind Li Peicheng half a step, with a straight waist and a solemn face. Although he broke his arm, he also had an awe-inspiring momentum, which made people dare not underestimate it.

"Do you know the Yuanpi Mountains?" Li Peicheng asked.

It can be said that everyone in Fengbo Continent knows the Yuanpi Mountains. Every year, many people go there to seek immortality.

Unfortunately, even Tengwu's every step in that place is extremely difficult, not to mention the steep mountains and beasts.

The people who went there did not return in no success.

is to die.

There are only a few people who can really get immortality.

Tengwu has also been to the Yuanpi Mountains, but he only wanders around the edge.

You can never enter the deep forest, let alone seek immortal fate.

Li Peicheng originally came in the direction of the Yuanping Mountains, and gently patted Tengwu's head to make his skills advance by leaps and bounds, opening up the second veins of Ren Du, which the martial arts practitioners dreamed of. In Tengwu's view, Li Peicheng must be a practitioner in the Yuanping Mountains. This Wu can guess it. Anyway, these people are high-level and act unfathomable, and Teng Wu can't guess it.

It's just that now Li Peicheng asked about the Yuanpi Mountains, which still made Tengwu's heart thump, and he was quite surprised.

Tengwu's surprise flashed by in his eyes, and he immediately replied respectfully: "I know that there are many fairy caves there, and there are immortals there to practice the way of immortality.

It is said that the two noble worshipers in China are in the Yuanpi Mountains.

To tell you the truth, my subordinates have also tried to enter the Yuanpi Mountains several times to seek immortality. Unfortunately, their cultivation is limited and they return without success.

When Li Peicheng heard this, he knew that the Yuanpi Mountains were famous for immortals. At the same time, he also understood that there were many practitioners walking in the world, and the people of insightful people in the secular world also heard about the cultivation.

It's so best that I can also inquire about the real world in the potential secular world, Li Peicheng thought to himself.

"Do you know Tianhong Continent?" Li Peicheng continued to ask.

Tengwu showed a little shame and replied, "I don't know. When I get to Yuanlong City, I will go to my former colleagues to inquire about it. Maybe they know."

Li Peicheng has understood that the society is still in the feudal era since he saw that village. Zhixun must be underdeveloped. Even if Tengwu has a lot of experience, it may be a little difficult to know another continent. Therefore, when Li Peicheng saw Tengwu shaking his head, he was not surprised at all. He smiled and waved his I know that Tianhong mainland is in the east, and we have been walking east.

Let's talk about the land of Vietnam.

So Tengwu introduced the State of Yue to Li Peicheng, because he was once a soldier. Out of professional habits, he also briefly introduced the general national strength of the State of Yue and the situation of some countries around him.

"Luo Heiguo?" When Li Peicheng heard Tengwu mention Luo Hei Kingdom, he couldn't help frowning slightly and thought to Luo Hei Kingdom, Luo Heimen. Could it be that the Xiuzhen sect here is still in the secular establishment of the country?