Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 454 Breakthrough of the Body

When Li Peicheng thought that his body was going to explode, but he felt that the overwhelming squeezing force around him oppressed the Zhenyuan he wanted to vent back into his body, the process was also extremely painful.

There are two forces in the body and out of Li Peicheng's body. Li Peicheng is like a sandbag being hit by two forces, and like a ball of mud, allowing these two forces to be pinched without resistance**.

More blood gushed out of his whole body skin, and even covered his body stickyly.

When the pain is extreme, it seems that it no longer hurts. Only numbness, not only the whole body is numb, but also the pain nerve seems to be numb.

Li Peicheng has completely given up his resistance and let these two forces compete inside and outside his body.

No desire, no desire, empty mind, wandering between heaven and earth in a daze.

Unconsciously, Li Peicheng finally fainted. In the dream, he felt like a lonely boat rowing down in the sea with the angry waves, like a small tree swaying in the storm.

Finally, after the rain, it was sunny and the wind was calm.

In the haze, Li Peicheng felt that Zhenyuan was like a sweet spring slowly and powerfully flowing in the meridians of the whole body. Every inch of skin of the whole body, every cell seemed to be full of dew and jumped vigorously.

Li Peicheng only felt comfortable all over, and his spirit was relaxed and happy.

Suddenly, he felt that he had fallen into a beautiful and quiet valley, and then lay comfortably on a soft grass with his limbs open.

The unknown smell of flowers next to his face penetrated into the tip of his nose. Li Peicheng couldn't help but turn his sideways and sniffed the fragrance of the flowers.

The cheeks are against the green grass, which is indescribably comfortable.

And at this time.

On a desert island, a sexy and hot woman was holding a man in her arms tightly wrapped in a dark red thing that seemed to be dirty and sticky.

The man's dirty face clung to the woman's snow-white and smooth chest, rubbing back and forth, with an intoxicated face.

It's strange that this woman just looked at the man in her arms with a sad face.

He didn't show any disgust because he was dirty.

She even inadvertently buried the man's face deep into her bottomless cleavage, as if she couldn't wait for him to bite on it.

Rumeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, not only because she successfully came to the familiar Moon Star, but also because she felt the smooth breath of the man in her arms and knew that he was safe and sound.

Rumeng glanced around warily, identified the direction, and then flew to the west of the sea.

She knows that the most dangerous moment has passed, but the long crisis will follow her in the days to come.

Now is by no means a time to relax. Maybe the next moment, some messenger will emerge from this ancient transmission array.

And although the Hundred Flowers Gate is mysterious.

But if you dream, you are not so confident that once the enemy inquires around, you will not know that the Hundred Flowers Gate comes from the Moon Breaking Star.

She strongly asked Li Peicheng to return to Yuepoxing first, considering that group of sisters, she must take them out of Yuepoxing as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if she and Li Peicheng succeed in escaping to other planets, I'm afraid her sisters will suffer.

Li Peicheng finally woke up completely, but he didn't have time to explore what had changed after experiencing such a life-and-death torture, because as soon as he woke up, he immediately realized a very embarrassing thing, and even made him a little ashamed to open his eyes.

But a man is a man, and he should always open his eyes.

What is printed into the eyes are some dark red stains, half exposed to the fullness**.

The dark red stain is particularly dazzling on the snow-white chest, accusing Li Peicheng of the inscenity committed by Li Peicheng, which is really hard evidence.

There is no denying.

Li Peicheng is very thick-skinned.

At this time, I can't help but get hot and red. Fortunately, I can't see it even if my face is dirty.

Li Peicheng opened his eyes.

Like a dream, I immediately noticed it.

With her bold and charming behavior, she couldn't help but beat faster at this time, and a blush flew across her face.

"Gah, you finally woke up.

I can't believe that you usually have a stiff face and look like a gentleman.

When he was in a coma, he was a life-colored ghost, and his face was lingering to others!" Ru Meng giggled and said, as if he didn't care about being eaten by Li Peicheng.

Being teased by a woman like this, Li Peicheng is really a little heroic and has the impulse to find a piece of tofu to kill him.

"Put me down!" Li Peicheng stretched out his hands halfway. After all, he didn't dare to touch the blood-blooded breast peak, and he had no choice but to say.

The laughter of "cluck" like a dream echoed over the sea. "Tell you, sister, I'm very generous. Unlike you, I don't even have a good face after a short distance.

As long as you like this feeling, it doesn't matter if your sister keeps holding you.

Li Peicheng suddenly found that he was probably better at facing that messenger than facing this enchanting woman.

"If you don't let me down, I can use it!" Li Peicheng said that there was a faint fluctuation of real mana on his body.

"You think they are willing to hold such a dirty big man like you. It stinks!" Ru Meng glanced at Li Peicheng and finally let go of his arms.

Li Peicheng is light all over his body and has a feeling of being rebirth.

After relaxing all over, Li Peicheng took a look at the dream stained by the blood all over his body. He couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt in his heart and said softly, "Thank you very much."

Ru Mengfang's heart trembled slightly, and an imperceptible gloomy color flashed in her eyes.

"Gah, you idiot finally know how to say thank you."

Ru Meng threw a wink at Li Peicheng and said in a delicate voice.

Li Peicheng didn't expect his serious thanks, but he got such a charming and amorous reply. He was speechless and knew that he could only be teasted when talking to this woman.

But I don't know why, a strange feeling surged up in Li Peicheng's heart. He felt that it seemed like a dream to deliberately behave like this **, which was not her nature.

However, this feeling is just a flash. In Li Peicheng's opinion, it seems that there is no need for a master in the combined period to deliberately show such a look.

"Are we going to your place now?" Li Peicheng turned around and asked.

"Ask if you know!" Ru Meng gave Li Peicheng a glance, but in his heart he secretly praised Li Peicheng's strength. He actually guessed that the moon-breaking star was her base.

Seeing that it was really as he expected, Li Peicheng's eyes flashed a calm look and asked in a low voice, "Are there many people in your sect?" Rumeng was not surprised that Li Peicheng would ask this question. From his previous words, Rumeng already knew that Li Peicheng must have guessed his purpose of returning to the moon and breaking the stars.

"Not much, there are only twelve people even me!" Reply like a dream.

Li Peicheng looked at Ru Meng in surprise. Obviously, the number of people was beyond his expectation.

However, this answer made Li Peicheng feel much more at ease, because the number of people was small and the target was small, and it was convenient to escape. Moreover, he also knew that the eleven people should be the eleven women who besieged him. All of them were more than the middle of distraction, and none of them were weak women.

The only thing that bothers Li Peicheng is that it's all women.

Rumeng originally wanted to say that they were all beautiful women, but they remembered that Rushuang's eleven besieged him. After all, this provocative sentence could not be said. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you still hate Rushuang?" Li Peicheng smiled bitterly and knew that what Ru Meng said should be the seemingly pure snake and scorpion woman.

Twelve people in Baihuamen, so far, the only thing Li Peicheng disliked was Rushuang. Even when he was forced to flee with injury, he had a deep hatred for Rushuang in his heart and wanted to kill him quickly.

But now Rumeng has saved his life. Although he has also saved her life, no matter what, he and Rumeng are already friends of life and death, and Rushuang has become an innocent drag.

Li Peicheng can be disgusted like frost, but it is difficult to kill her again.

As for hatred, what do you say? She has a good sister!" Li Peicheng replied.

The meaning is that if it weren't for you like a dream, I would have killed like frost.

Ru Meng was finally relieved and gave Li Peicheng a charming charming eye and said, "Oh, my stupid brother's mouth is covered with honey, and he actually praises his sister!" Li Peicheng stared like a dream and finally decided that he would never talk to her unless he had to.

Ru Meng was stared at by Li Peicheng. Just as he was about to fight back, he saw that Li Peicheng had a solemn appearance, his eyes flashed brightly, as if he was meditating on something.

Ru Meng hesitated for a moment and finally did not disturb Li Peicheng, and Li Peicheng was naturally happy. While flying quickly with Ru Meng, he sank his mind into his body and began to carefully explore his changes.

Almost when the mind moved, Li Peicheng was surprised to find that his body was so powerful that it was once unimaginable. It seemed that every cell contained infinite vitality and power.

Li Peicheng can't try how powerful his body is now, but he is sure that he can kill the monks in the later stage of distraction with his body alone.

Soon, Li Peicheng found that the meridians of the whole body were not only intact, but also stronger and stronger than before, and the purple house was much more spacious than before. Jiuda Yuanying was in high spirits, sitting in the position of the eight trigrams of the nine palaces, swallowing the spirit of purple.

It's just that Li Peicheng found a strange thing. Although the meridian Zifu has become strong and generous, the true element in it has not increased much.