Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 632 Search for

If Nangong Wan's sister and brother are talented, Li Peicheng alone is two fools, and Ziyi Fairy will immediately accept it.

Ziyi Fairy smiled and said to Li Peicheng, "Thank you, the suzerain, for bringing such two excellent apprentices to the little woman."

The Nangong Wan sister and brother were relatively upright. For a moment, they didn't hear the meaning of Ziyi Fairy's words, and they knelt there in a daze.

Li Peicheng laughed angrily and scolded, "The lord of the palace has promised to accept you as apprentices. Why don't you thank the master?"

The two sisters and brothers thanked Ziyi Fairy with ecstasy, but they didn't know why, although Ziyi Fairy generously accepted them as direct disciples, they faintly felt the most grateful in their hearts, and the closest person was Li Peicheng.

"Congratulations to the fairy on getting two apprentices." Li Peicheng bowed to the Ziyi Fairy with a smile.

Ziyi Fairy was modest, and then asked Nangong Wan's sister and brother to see Li Peicheng again.

Li Peicheng prefers this pair of sisters and brothers. He took out two top-grade spiritual weapons from the storage ring, one is a Fang Tianhua halberd and the other is a flying sword. Fang Tianhua gave Nangong Bin with natural divine power, and the flying sword was given to Nangong Wan. He was also rewarded with some elixirs and fairy stones. Not to mention these things, the eyes of the disciples of the Ziqing Palace who served in the hall were green, and even the Ziyi Fairy was slightly moved. He hurriedly got up in person to express his gratitude to Li Peicheng on behalf of the two newly received disciples.

After finishing the matter of Nangong Wan's sister and brother, he returned the magic weapon to the Ziyi fairy. Li Peicheng explained it to him and told him that if there was anything critical, he could ask Yan Huangzong for help at any time before leaving.

Leaving Linglan Valley, Li Peicheng continued to send magic weapons to his door one by one. Those people respected him, and all of them held the gifts of the younger disciples, which made Li Peicheng very gratified, and he had a lot of good impressions for the overlords whose hands were stained with blood. I think that although these people are cruel, they at least know how to repay their kindness.

There was no accident like Linglan Valley when returning the magic weapon all the way. After everyone got the magic weapon. They all look ecstatic. I am so grateful to Li Peicheng. Especially after Qingyuan Laodao got the fairy-level Xuanguang ruler. I couldn't help bursting into tears. No matter how Li Peicheng stopped him. It's to give Li Peicheng three heads.

is away from the Yunduan Mountains. Li Peicheng traveled around Jidu Star for a while. That's why I left Jidu Star.

A hundred years later. The moon breaks the stars. Hundreds of flowers in the valley.

In the moonlight. The deep valley is quiet. The grass is sad. Unknown flowers bloomed all over the valley. There is a faint fragrance of flowers.

Countless tender yellow and inconspicuous dreamy flowers are mixed with grass and flowers swaying in the wind. It exudes a unique fragrance.

A man in blue with a long figure. He held a few tender yellow dream flowers in his hand. Standing in front of the mountain. Quietly watching the waterfall flying down from the peak like a silver drill. Splashing waves and jade beads. There was a deep feeling of missing in his deep eyes.

"It's been another hundred years." The man in blue raised the dream flower and put it under the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and whispered to himself, with indescribable helplessness and sadness.

The man in blue slowly took off his blue coat, revealing his vigorous body, splashed, jumped into the deep pool under the waterfall, then raised his head, and floated quietly on the water.

The moonlight sprinkled on the man's face like water. It was an angular face with a little of the vicissitudes of the world. It was not Li Peicheng, but who it would it be.

Li Peicheng closed his eyes and let his body float in the blue pool with the water waves, with several yellow dream flowers floating around him. My mind flashed through the lonely and wandering life for a hundred years.

In a hundred years, Li Peicheng's footprints have almost covered more than half of the rock galaxy. On the way, he has experienced some dangerous fights, experienced a lot of human joys and sorrows, made some friends, and found a lot of genius treasures in some places where even practitioners dare not go...

I have experienced a lot of things, but I haven't heard a little dreamy news. The secret of the secret of the dream flower of Baihuamen. Li Peicheng left the moon with Rumeng and others and listened to Rumeng's mention. Every time he went to a planet, Li Peicheng sprinkled dream flowers all over that planet, but only the flowers bloomed and faded, and he didn't see a beautiful woman looking for it.

The thoughts in his mind were flying in a mess, and the sound of the waterfall falling into the blue pool echoed in his ears. The soft and cool pool hit his body one after another, as if he had brought Li Peicheng back to the day when he escaped and returned to the valley of flowers.

I can't help but think of the dangerous experience of Qinglian Peak's escape. That's the several powerful battles he has experienced in his life. If he hadn't appeared like a dream, he would have almost had no life. It was also the first time in his life that he had seen a woman fighting for him.

He has always lacked any good impression of ** Rumeng, let alone say anything about his feelings, but that time he knew that Rumeng was already his life-and-death friendship, although he still didn't like the way Rumeng** behaved.

Thinking about it, a pair of semi-exposed ** suddenly appeared in Li Peicheng's mind. The pair of ** was tender and full, and the cleavage was deep and invisible, but the snow-white top was also stained with some dark red stains.

Li Peicheng's mouth showed a warm smile, but without any ** meaning. The dark red stain was left by him who experienced the torture of life and death in the ancient transmission array, like a dream holding him tightly, and when he woke up, his dirty face was tightly buried between the two snow-white and plump **.

I don't know when the moon has fallen, and the clouds in the east lit up with a fiery glow.

Li Peicheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at the morning glow falling into the valley, as if he had a dream, a very distant dream.

Li Peicheng flew up from the water, put on his blue clothes, looked at the valley of hundreds of flowers with nostalgia, and finally flew to the moon.

Moon Tour Star is the last planet he is going to find like a dream. If there is no more harvest, he is ready to go back home and wait for a while to make plans.

Because in the past hundred years, the nine-turn magic kungfu has increasingly shown its unparalleled power. Even if Li Peicheng does not deliberately practice, the nine yuan gods will still perform the changes of heaven and earth within the Purple Mansion. The small heaven and earth will continue to nurture the purple aura. The acquired evolution is innate, and the Moreover, the speed of nurturing purple aura seems to increase in an all-round way with each evolution. It's like a snowball. The bigger the snowball, the more ice and snow it takes away.

Li Peicheng also thought about transforming Zhenyuan into physical power, but the process of improvement was carried out slowly and steadily, but it was not like absorbing the Zhenyuan of others. Zhenyuan's mana roared in, and the meridian Zifu and even the acupuncture points were full. There were countless catharsis. As soon as Li Peicheng opened Generally, it is not particularly difficult to run into the body, and then close the acupuncture point. With the power of the gossip to lock the sky array, it is not particularly difficult to refine and absorb, but to suffer a little

But now it is advancing at a normal speed, to be precise, it is moving at a slowing speed. The true power in the meridians is not full, the purple house is not full, and so is the acupuncture point. Although Li Peicheng understood the principle of transforming Zhenyuan mana into physical strength, there are many more powerful and freely controlled acupuncture points than ordinary people. But that can only allow Li Peicheng to convert the true mana into physical power more than ordinary practitioners under the deliberate guidance, but he can't endlessly transform the real mana into the physical power.

Later, Li Peicheng also thought bitterly about why. If he could find this method, not only would he not have to worry, but also many disciples of Emperor Huangzong would benefit a lot, and there would be no need to worry too much about crossing the disaster. Think about it, if Li Peicheng can endlessly transform the true magic power into the physical power of the flesh, although the disciples of Yanhuang Sect control the acupuncture points, they are far inferior to Li Peicheng in terms of quantity. They can't be as endless as Li Peicheng, but the real magic power that can be transformed must also be considerable. If you get a glimpse of the mystery of the heavenly disaster, you can strengthen the transformation of the true power day by day, which can not only delay the date of the disaster, but also compete for the strength of the body. As long as the life expectancy is allowed, the success rate of the disaster will naturally be greatly increased. In fact, some of the guardian elders and some outstanding disciples of Yan Huangzong who must have the opportunity to practice to the period of crossing the disaster, and they practice every day. The effect is naturally better than that of ordinary practitioners, so their bodies should be said to be stronger than those practitioners of the same realm, but they are far from greatly increasing the success rate of crossing the disaster.

There is no other reason. This method is limited. Under normal practice, you can't convert as much as you want.

After thinking hard, Li Peicheng also understood the truth. The transformation process is somewhat similar to the principle of the connector. After the true magic power in the meridians reaches a certain saturation, you can reluctantly guide it into the physical body and transform it into physical power, but once you reach a certain point, it is like a connector. The liquid level of all the same connectors will remain at the same height and will not flow again. To put it bluntly, the water is overflowing, which is nothing more than that this overflow needs guidance. Li Peicheng has mastered this method of guidance, and the degree of mastery is very high. Some disciples of Yanhuangzong have also learned this method, but the degree of mastery is average. However, ordinary practitioners do not understand this method of guidance, and let them spontaneously "overflow", but the process of "overflow" is very slow.

But if the water is not full, even if Li Peicheng knows the guidance method, he has no choice.

Now the nine yuan gods in the Purple Mansion have changed from the eight trigrams of the nine palaces, nurturing the aura of heaven and earth. Every time he gives birth to a share, the real yuan mana in Li Peicheng's body is one more point. Originally, this point should have been an overflowing point, which seems to be However, the true mana of the practitioner is increasing, and the Zifu meridian and acupuncture points are also gradually developing. That is to say, the water in your bucket has increased, but the volume of the bucket has increased, and the level may not increase much. The "overflow" that you can guide out is limited after all.

So no matter how Li Peicheng suppresses the progress and guides Zhenyuan mana into the body, the improvement of this level of cultivation can't be suppressed after all, and Zhenyuan mana has also become strong year by year.

After a hundred years, Li Peicheng found that things were more pessimistic than he thought. The realm almost climbed to the peak of the middle of the combination. It is estimated that it will not be long before the later stage of the combination. If it hadn't been for the Qinglongso now become like Li Peicheng's In the real magic power, I'm afraid that Li Peicheng's cultivation is slightly higher now.

If it comes to the later stage of the combination, the next step is naturally the disaster period. Once he can see the disaster period, it will be difficult for the disciples in the door to come to the scene to help. It was 100% successful, but now I don't know how much discount it will be. Others were eager to get a glimpse of the disaster period, but Li Peicheng was sad when he thought of this matter, and the sense of urgency was suppressed in his heart.

So after Li Peicheng was ready to go to the Moon Star, he went back home. On the one hand, he is ready to understand the mystery of the disaster at ease, and prepare for the younger generation. On the other hand, he is ready to teach and help the disciples in the door. It is best for them to cross the disaster when he has not reached the disaster period.

As for Rumeng, he only came out to look for it when he reached the period of crossing the disaster and could no longer personally help the disciples who crossed the disaster.

The Moon Star is like a huge rugby ball suspended in the void, getting bigger and bigger. Even Li Peicheng can already tell the Yuanpi Mountains and the Qinglian Mountains where Biyunzong is located when he first went to the Moon Star.

Li Peicheng flew to the moon star, and his powerful mind swept around with all his strength. This is the habit he has developed over the past hundred years to enlarge the search range, hoping to inadvertently feel the breath of a dream. Although this method did not make him find a dream, and it was also a great test of people's energy, it inadvertently honed his already terrible mind. Now if his mind is swept with all his strength, it can at least cover thousands of miles, which is also a huge gain in the past hundred years.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Li Peicheng's eyes, and then his hand brushed, and a light fog hid his whole body.

However, between a few breaths, three people appeared in the void in the distance, all of whom were above the period of disaster. Two of them were actually the Fu Zixi and his wife that Li Peicheng met in the Yunduan Mountains that day. However, Liu Hongmei was stimulated by that time and broke her desire for revenge. After returning, she When it comes to the period of disaster, it is also a blessing in disguise.

The other person is an old man with a childlike face and crane hair. His cultivation is really strong, and he has survived the late stage of the disaster.

The three did not find Li Peicheng, who was hidden by the light fog, and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.

It's strange that the old man's cultivation has reached the later stage of the disaster. It seems that it is likely to be Fu Zixi's master and the elder of the Long Sect, Yan Zhiyuan. What's the moon wandering star worth his dispatch?

After the three people left, Li Peicheng showed a long figure, overlooking the moon star below, and his eyes flashed brightly.

But then Li Peicheng shook his head and got up and flew to the moon. He didn't care why Fu Zixi and the other two came to the moon, and he didn't want to have any more disputes with them. Although he is not afraid of the old man with his current cultivation, the master in the later stage of the disaster and the two in the early stage of the disaster, even if Li Peicheng is conceited, he does not think that he can easily win.

More is not as good as less. Li Peicheng's purpose is just like a dream.

Li Peicheng finally flew over the moon star and felt the familiar gravity of the planet.