Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 723 Mushroom Head

Seeing this, Peicheng laughed and laughed. A simple and childless flag rose up in the purple and Jinqing clouds, which was the innate magic weapon, the mysterious fog flag.

The flag floated on the Qingyun and swayed in the wind. It was foggy out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, the Warcraft, including the island, was shrouded.

The black fog flag has now been completely used by Li Peicheng. It has long become introverted, without a trace of blasp. It is like a hidden peerless master. Although Wen Ji is also knowledgeable, he does not recognize it as a natural treasure.

More than 500 eyes of Warcraft plunged into the fog. Even if they had hundreds of pairs of eyeballs, they completely lost their sense of direction. These ferocious monsters immediately came out with a frightened roar, and their huge bodies waved countless sharp claws to cut the fog into countless pieces, and shot out countless green lights, shooting the fog into countless holes. However, the fog recovered in a blink of an eye, and the eyes of Warcraft seemed to be more irritable and panicked, rushing desperately, sweeping up thousands of feet of fog.

Li Peicheng frowned slightly. More than 500 leaders of Warcraft rushed to their lives, which was really a little powerful, especially the green light with a trace of chaos, which can weaken the power of the fog, but it should not be underestimated.

Of course, this black-colored flag is one of the three innate treasures of Shiji Daxian. The other two are used to open up the world, and one is damaged during the battle of the three Taiyi Golden Immortals. It is not something that can escape from the fifth-order Warcraft. If it hadn't been for Li Peicheng's use to keep them, if he really wanted to use them like the yin wind of magic weapons, even if the warcraft was covered in iron armor, it could only end up in a miserable way to be dismembered.

It's just that Li Peicheng also needed some effort to let these monsters break in chaos. As soon as his mind moved, the green dragon rope flew out of the purple gold Qingyun and sank into the fog in a blink of an eye.

Then I saw that the pupil Warcraft was tied up by the green dragon rope, and then it was thrown into the gold silk bag by Li Peicheng.

Wen Ji and Mo Xie watched Qing Longsuo constantly capture the beasts from the fog one after another, and couldn't help but be stunned. Is this still a group of beasts that are so large that even Da Luo Jinxian dare not easily provoke? It's just a sheep that is circled up and slaughtered by others!

At this time, Ji and Mo Xie calculated that they really understood that Li Peicheng's strength had reached the level of shocking ghosts and gods. Although the blood underworld ancestor was extremely powerful, I'm afraid it was still not enough in front of him.

In a short time. More than 500 earth-eye monsters were all put into Li Peicheng's gold silk bag. Wenji and Mo Xie were full of golden light in front of them. Fifth-order Warcraft. The subway leather claws are all good materials for refining magic weapons. There are five-order Warcraft elixir, which is even more precious alchemy materials. Even in the large-scale fairyland city such as ** Fairy Island and Tianshen Fairy Island. The things on the fifth-order Warcraft are also very rare, not to mention more than 500. I really want to sell it. That's definitely a horrible number.

Li Peicheng patted the gold silk bag with satisfaction. I was about to release the green orchid dragon to replace the eye warcraft to occupy the island, and there was a circle of ripples on the lake. In a blink of an eye, there was a huge wave. The surrounding mountains began to shake. Countless boulders rolled down from the peak.

A fierce and terrible polar atmosphere suddenly filled the whole valley, including the lakes in the valley. In the valley. The toxic substances in the lake seemed to smell the dangerous smell. His eyes showed panic and his strength was slightly weaker. In a blink of an eye, Warcraft rushed out of the valley in groups. Unexpectedly, he didn't dare to stay at all.

Even if there is a group of strength comparable to the Warcraft group. It looks like a giant sheep's eye growing under the armpit. The five-order monsters on the tiger-toothed dragon claws also fell to the ground like a cicada. I dare not move. I'm afraid to disturb the owner of that breath.

Li Peicheng has always been very freehand and easy to show a dignified look. Although Wenji and Mo Xie are shrouded in Zijin Qingyun. I still feel the abnormal atmosphere. My heart is pounding.

A fierce beast that can surprise a group of five-level warcrafts in no more than 600 places will never be ordinary. And this fierce beast can not be afraid of mysterious poison and poisonous eyes. Hidden directly in the depths of the lake transformed by the yin eye and absorbed to the yin to the yin. What's more, it shows that this fierce beast is not simple.

With a loud noise, a terrible head like a hill rushed out of the lake, and the head like the root of an old tree was scattered messy. A pair of huge eyes flashed, and the blue fierce light of the soul was connected under the human head, but it was at least 100 meters thick, covered with a shiny blue scale snake body, the snake body was not Only a small part is exposed, and the rest is still in the lake. I don't know how long it has lasted.

Human-faced snake body! Li Peicheng was slightly shocked all over his body. He remembered this thing. In that 100,000 years of long dream, he had dreamed that the Shiji Daxian was surrounded by black-pressed warcraft. Among them, he was most impressed by three, three-headed and six-eyed giant birds, a dragon head, and one was this human-faced snake body.

At this time, Wenji and Mo Xie had already exclaimed uncontrollably.

"Mushroom! Mushroom!" Read full-text novels, all in ар.16κ.(1(6)κ.. Text. Learning Network

It turned out that this warcraft was called mushroom. Li Peicheng's eyes flashed at the warcraft called mushroom. He had roughly judged that the strength of this warcraft was not inferior to the ** fairy king. If you count the fierceness of the warcraft, the immortal and violent character, even if it is **the immortal king

I'm afraid I can only turn around and run away, so as not to fall into the sadness of both sides

No wonder ** Immortal King ** Millions of years on the Immortal Island. I dare not expand the territory because of the ten thousand poison religion is staring at the tiger. If you accidentally provoke such a fierce beast, even the ** immortal king will not be able to eat it. At that time, the ten thousand poison religion will fall into stone, and

"Sir, this is a seventh-order warcraft mushroom. It is said that the strength of adulthood is more powerful than Daluo Jinxian. Your dragon body is precious, and you can't fight with such an unintelligent beast. It's better to leave here before it attacks." Wen Ji finally remembered that Li Pei's honesty would never be inferior to that of Daluo Jinxian. Only then did he reluctantly suppress the panic in his heart and carefully persuaded him, but the corner of his eyes glanced at the mushroom warily from time to time for fear that it would suddenly hurt people.

Li Peicheng may not be afraid of this thing. Wen Ji is not sure whether Li Peicheng can still protect him and Mo Xie in the face of such a fierce Warcraft.

Li Peicheng's eyes flashed with a little excitement, and he even stared at the mushroom provocatively. Obviously, he didn't listen to Wenji's words.

Wenji and Mo Xie saw the situation, and the cold sweat rolled down their foreheads, but they did not dare to advise again.

He raised his head and danced the head of the old tree roots all over the sky. There was a sad and harsh roar in the sky. His eyes shot out a fierce light that was as thick as substance. The huge body rolled up the huge waves and finally freed out of the lake, which lasted for hundreds of miles.

The thick body gently patted on the surface of the lake, which made the lake turn the river upside down. Some of the four-order and fifth-order warcrafts that could not be avoided were covered with blue scales. They either became a pool of meat mud or flew thousands of miles away.

The cold sweat of Wenji and Mo Xie's forehead rolled down diligently. They had only heard of the name of the mushroom, but they had never seen it with their own eyes. Today, they knew that the mushroom warcraft was so powerful that it was frightening.

While the two were still frightened by the terrible destructive power caused by the big snake body of the mushroom, the blue light of the mushroom glanced disdainfully at Li Peicheng, who disturbed its purity, and opened his mouth and spit out an almost colorless fire dragon at them.

The sky and the earth were suddenly cold, the grasslands on the islands were frozen one after another, and the soil crackled, but the lake turned into the mysterious poisonous and gloomy eyes was still huge and not frozen.

The fire dragon spewing out of the mushroom's mouth swallowed Zijin Qingyun. Wen Ji and Mo Xie thought that they were going to finish it. Unexpectedly, the purple gold airflow hanging down by Zijin Qingyun was extremely magical. In addition to causing some airflow disorders, this highly poisonous fire dragon like a landslide tsunami had no choice but to The two of them calmed down a little, but they still couldn't wait for Li Peicheng to leave now.

Li Peicheng's face showed a faint smile and stood still. The poisonous fire dragon spewed out by the mushroom seemed to be fierce, and could even cause a little disorder of the purple gold airflow, but it was just like the wind blowing on the water surface, which did not cause substantial damage to the purple gold airflow. On the contrary, there were dozens Thousands of green lights are powerful.

The ten thousand green lights shine on the purple gold airflow, which seems to be like a mud cow entering the sea silently, but in fact, it is constantly weakening the purple gold airflow, causing the loss of chaotic vitality.

Although it was still stubborn, it was obviously much smarter than the eyes of Warcraft. As soon as he saw the poisonous fire dragon, he couldn't help the purple and gold airflow at all. He immediately burst out with his eyes, threw his head loudly, brought a gust of hurricane, and then suddenly coiled the huge snake body a hundred miles long After that, he slapped Zijin Qingyun violently on the head.

Because of the scales of the snake's body, the mountain shines with dazzling blue light. Looking at the blue light of the whole mountain, the power is extremely magnificent and magnificent, which makes people feel numb and frightened.

Wen Ji and Mo Xie's eyes shot a look of panic again, and a trace of strange light flashed in Li Peicheng's eyes, which was secretly shocked by the beast's excitement. Under the case of the ineffective attack of the highly poisonous fire dragon, he could immediately think of a way to reduce ten times with one force, and wanted to break through Come on. At the same time, the strength of Warcraft was re-estimated, and it was concluded that its strength was definitely better than that of ** Xianjun.

Although Li Peicheng is sure that he can resist such a huge and fierce blow with the power of Zijin Qingyun, it will definitely be a little difficult, and of course it will be very depressing.

With Li Peicheng's character, he naturally refuses to be beaten by a ferocious warcraft. Moreover, he also wants to see how powerful his current strength is. The mushroom is better than the ordinary Daluo Jinxian, and he can just use it to practice.

Li Peicheng's heart suddenly rose, and his eyes suddenly burst out. He shouted, "Good beast, I can't spare you!"