xuan shou

Chapter 64 Enemy's road is narrow, jumping off the cliff


Tang Feng's fingers trembled slightly, and his mouth cracked with a stiff smile. He blinked quickly and whispered, "Brother Long, long time no see!"


The answer was a roar, more than a hundred feet tall, covering an area of several mu. From the natural hegemony, we know that this existence is an emperor who has been imitated but has never been surpassed. It is the tyrannosaurus Rex that has been taken care of by gold coins and the thief dragon! At this time, it was squinting its eyes and jokingly looking at Tang Feng, who was like an ant in front of him.

Tang Feng could see from the way he looked at him that he was already a little smart. Suddenly, he pointed to the rear and shouted, "Here..."

Sure enough, Tyrannosaurus Rex turned its huge head and looked at it, but saw nothing. Looking back, he saw Tang Feng, who had already run away, and was stunned for a moment.


Under the absolute pressure of the breaking period, Tang Feng also chose to escape. After all, there are still some possibilities of shuan sheng if you run. If he fights hard with the monster in front of him, ten of them will die. The breakthrough has reached the peak, and all aspects of physical quality have sublimated. In addition, Tyrannosaurus Rex itself is a fierce beast with large size, strong defense, but lack of speed. During this chase, Tang Feng slowly opened the distance. However, it didn't take long for him to find that he had made a big mistake. This road actually goes to the highest mountain on the island... What if it catch up to the top of the mountain?

"God of the sun, why did you throw me on this island!" Feeling the clearer jet behind him, he gritted his teeth and accelerated his speed.

Although the speed of Tyrannosaurus Rex is not very good, its strength is there. Both physical strength and endurance are far beyond Tang Feng. I forced Tang Feng to the top of the mountain...

At this time, the sun sets. The red glow in the sky shines on the clouds, reflecting a piece of glow, which is beautiful. If it were in normal times, Tang Feng would definitely watch it. Just now, in this scene and in this situation. He still doesn't care about the natural beauty. Later, the footsteps of Tyrannosaurus Rex were getting closer and closer. In front of us, the abyss stands in front of us. This is true. There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. No matter where it is, there is a dead end. He even has a dead heart... He is not the kind of desperate Sanlang. He will use his life to win when he is forced to the extreme. On the contrary, the more this crisis situation is, the calmer he is. The brain is thinking quickly about various countermeasures.

"Jump or desperately!"

He has been analyzing the consequences of these two situations. The former may be smashed to pieces; the latter may be trampled into mud! For the first time, he felt doubtful and tragic about his strength.

"Humph!! If you don't die this time, sooner or later, you will be skinned, cramped into a thread, and eat your flesh and blood!" Tang Feng roared angrily at Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had chased to the top of the mountain, heard this and had a cold war all over his body. Looking at Tang Feng, who had gone down the cliff, he was very unwilling and angry. Wow..."



Tang Feng hung on an ancient pine on a rock wall at this time and looked down and took a breath. With a strong waist, he sat on the trunk like a monkey, and he didn't dare to breathe. I'm afraid that I will fall down because of my little move. He doesn't want to try again the feeling of myocardial infarction when falling from a high altitude.

"Wow...wah!" A heavenly bird flew over the cliff, which Tang Feng had never seen before. Eagle-headed sphinx with claws and scales like reptiles on its body.

"My God, who can tell me where this is? How can there be so many fierce beasts!" Now he really wants to cry without tears. Originally, he broke through to the end of the world. He thought he could go back to Tangmen to get justice for his father. Who knew that he was trapped in the old forest of Senshan, which was as many as many as dogs and birds flying all over the earth.

It's late at night, and the whole mountain forest is quiet. Occasionally, a group of night animals run through the bushes, causing a roar. At night, the strong wind on the cliff continued one after another. Tang Feng could only stare and wait, and did not dare to practice. Afraid of being attracted by some beasts by his aura, he was calm and listened to all directions. After feeling that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had left, he began to climb up slowly. Halfway up, it stopped. Because he had already felt the tyrannical atmosphere, so he obediently went down to the pine.

"Yes, let's go downstairs and have a look."

Tang Feng's ten fingers are like iron hoop, holding the rock tightly and slowly falling. When Dakai fell a bunch of incense, he listened to it. He clearly felt that not far from his lower left, there was an innate momentum. At ordinary times, Tang Feng would never be afraid. However, now on this cliff, my strength has been greatly reduced. Moreover, I don't know what creature the other party is. If he walked alone, it would be okay. In case he met people living in groups, he would not die... So, he walked around and continued to fall. Sure enough, I felt several of the same momentum on the way.



A group of bats flew past Tang Feng. The level is not high, but the number is staggering. Tang Feng dare not come out... However, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop. So immortal, a bat 'banged' on Tang Feng's body and immediately 'squeaked'.


Then, a group of winging sounds came from far and near. Tang Feng said secretly, "Oh no!" He was not afraid of his hands and feet. He raised his true spirit and fled to the cliff. A big movement woke up those congenital beasts on the cliff. One by one, they poked their heads out...

The triangular little head, with a cyan and scaled torso, has no legs, but can walk like the wind on the cliff. "Sss..." A bright red, split tongue spit out of his mouth.

"The Cangyan Snake!"

As far as Tang Feng knows, the Cangyan snake is a kind of snake that is not poisonous but horrible. Their bodies have very strong toughness and tension. Even hard rocks will be easily squeezed into pieces by them, and they are awakened when they sleep and are bound to turn them into powder. If, but this is not enough to scare people. However, they have always lived in groups! If you don't move, you will definitely come out. Therefore, even fierce beast spirits that are several levels higher than them will not easily provoke these difficult green sticks.

However, they now focus all their hatred on Tang Feng. Suddenly, a green light appeared on the whole cliff, under Tang Feng...