xuan shou

Chapter 142 Conspiracy

[Xiaoxi moved today, and now he hasn't done a good job with the Internet. Now he has come to the Internet cafe to upload it. Please understand...]

After the battle two days ago, Tang Feng and Wen Xin are famous, but in a word, they are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. That's right, at least their current incident has caused widespread dissemination.

The other side of the Five Poison Palace.


In the hall of the Five Poisons Palace, the saint patted the table angrily, clenched her teeth, and squeezed a few words out of her mouth like a leaking wind: "Humph, is it safe? Let me see where else you can go this time!"

The five poisonous woman beside her looked at her with doting eyes and said, "Apprentice, but there is Wenxin next to him, which is not easy to do! Tianmomen has always been the same as us. If you accidentally hurt Wen Xin, it will also hurt our harmony. It's not good!"

"Hmm! It's better for him to come, so that we don't run. He has a good plan and I have a wall ladder, right? Humph!"

Even through the veil, the disciples can guess how ferocious the saint's expression is at this moment. The hatred revealed from the bones made the people present sweat coldly.

"See the patriarch!"

Two men and one woman came into the door. It was Du Long, Du Qin and Du Kang, who were sent by the Five Poisons Lady to hunt down Tang Feng. The three elders searched the territory of Tianmo Gate for a long time and had no news of Tang Feng. When they were worried, they received a message from the palace, and Tang Feng, who they were struggling to pursue, was in the port town of Hehuanzong.

The three of them couldn't help looking at each other: This boy is so cunning! Even before they received the message, they didn't expect that Tang Feng would run near his sect. It's too cunning!

"The three elders, the man chased by the saint, now appears in the territory of Hehuan Sect! Please take a trip to the three elders.

"Tighten the order of the leader!" Three elders are the same.

"Okay, but... Wen Xin, the daughter of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Gate, is now with her. Judging from the rumors over there, she is still very close. I guess she will definitely help you fight against Tang Feng when you chase Tang Feng. And we can't hurt her. It's really troublesome!"

The five poisonous lady twisted her small waist, and her ** (harmonious) charming temperament was obvious.

"Suction, if this is really the case, we will be passive! After all, they are also first-class geniuses. If they resist desperately, they will inevitably bump into each other!"

The three elders looked embarrassed. The fa of the Five Poison Palace did not have control spells, and at the same time, they did not have control magic weapons, which was really embarrassing.

"Master, the disciple has an idea!"

"Oh? How to say? This is your thing, but it doesn't matter!"

"Master, isn't there a poison called life and death in our palace?"

The head and the three elders couldn't help but be surprised when they heard the idea of the saint. How on earth did this boy offend the saint? The saint actually wants to use life and death to deal with him!

Life and death is a poisonous insect, which is shaped like a worm, but it is not. To be precise, it is a hybrid of worm and a poisonous insect, which is non-toxic and harmless. However, when the poisoner lives in other people's bodies, he can control their thoughts and consciousness.

Everyone knows what the saint's idea is. Since Tang Feng and Wen Xin are very close, they will definitely not attack her. If Wen Xin is used as a puppet to kill Tang Feng, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Holy daughter, isn't this good? What if Tang Feng really does it to Wenxin?

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case. The elders still want to be in harmony with Tianmo Gate because of this kind of thing. After all, the friendship of thousands of years is here. Moreover, the head of Tianmomen also spoiled his beloved daughter. They can be sure that the head of Tianmomen will be furious and kill the Five Poisons Palace regardless of friendship.

"That's even better. There is no need for the people of our Five Poisons Palace to hunt him down, right?"

St** smiled dangerously, although no one saw it. But a bright-eyed person can hear her viciousness and insidiousness from her words.

"Suction, please give me an order!"

The saint said that they don't want to continue to pester this problem. They all listen to the leader. As long as the leader agrees, they can do anything about this matter!

Although Menger's idea is risky, it is not a good way! But how can we make it unconsciously parasitize life and death in Wen Xin's body?

Obviously, the leader has agreed to the idea of his precious disciple, but there is still a lack of an implementable plan.

"Green bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail back needle. Neither is poisonous, the most poisonous woman's heart! The leader spoils this disciple too much, and sooner or later something big will happen." The two male elders glanced at Elder Du Qin with an excited face and couldn't help but have such an idea. Despite the risk of offending each other for many years, he just wants to avenge his own thoughts. The two elders Du Kang and Du Long were quite uncomfortable.

Seeing that her master agreed to her idea, the saint inevitably showed joy and immediately said her lonely strategy: "Master, in fact, this is very simple. The stealth function of life and death is impossible to explore without failure. As for us now knowing where they are, isn't it easy? ?"

"However, the life and death blog needs a person above the defeat period to be driven by the furnace tripod. Who should I look for?"

It is not a fun thing to make this life-and-death blog. Once the connection is established, the life-and-death blog will feed on his blood. People die, insects die, and people die!

" Master! I would like to be the furnace of life and death!"

Elder Du Qin, who had never spoken, opened her mouth at this time, and she looked excited! I guess the dream saint also knows her personality to have this idea!

Since Elder Du Qin is willing, it should not be too late, Master! Let's go!"

The Five Poisons Lady nodded and took her into a secret cave behind. The cave is not very big, but there are thousands of poisonous insects ling here. In a small pit inside, an insect with a thick little thumb squirms lazily. The poisonous insects around foraging will give it a little bit of their food.

Xiaochong saw three people with great energy fluctuations coming in, took a look, and then raised his waist vigilantly and stared at them unkindly.


Du Qin took a deep breath, and a stream of energy enveloped the worm. The bug struggled desperately inside, entering a stealth state from time to time, and changing into a defensive state from time to time, so repeatedly changing and making a sad scream. The energy mask of the harsh sound wave Duqin is crumbling!


Duqin put the energy into a silky shape and tied it into a cocoon, and it also stopped struggling to lie quietly in the palm of Duqin's hand.