xuan shou

Chapter 151 Bundle of Fairy Rope

"Are you scared? I can tell you that this magic weapon is absolutely powerful! Let's go and have a look. Tang Feng, sitting on the invincible back, said to him with a mysterious face, which felt a little rustic.

"Well, who said I was scared? That thing is not big! After the invincible surprise, he actually said something amazing. It seems that it has seen a bigger one.

"What? Have you ever seen a bigger one!?

"En, when I was swept into the storm, I vaguely saw a super-large ship flying in the storm! Whoo!" The invincible eagle's face could not see any change, but its eyes were full of yearning and longing.

"Can you see clearly how big it is?" Tang Feng asked.

The invincible eagle's eye must have suddenly shot out a divine light, with a trace of saliva hanging on the corners of his mouth, saying, "Master, the part I saw at that time was ten times bigger than now! Whoo!"

"What, it's impossible. Who can make such a big thing? If you are invincible, don't lie to me! The master won't laugh at you!" Tang Feng didn't believe that there would be such a big ship, how much manpower and material resources and how high technology it should be.

"Cut, if you haven't seen it, just say it's a local turtle, woo!"

With the invincible contemptful words, Tang Feng knocked on its head fiercely, making the latter almost fall down.


When Tang Feng fell on the deck, he found that this guy was all caused by the fusion of black iron, which is a hard metal. However, you should know that it is easy to break. The disadvantage of Xuantian is that once it encounters a violent impact, it will be broken, so everyone will add a very special Xuanyin iron when refining the weapon.

The characteristics of this metal are exactly the opposite of basal, and it is very flexible. Like a cotton thread, you can't stand it up anyway, but when it melts with this black iron, it is a superior refinery material.

Xuan Tie is easy to find, but Xuanyin Tie is not so easy to get. It can only be stored in extremely cold places. Basically, a catty of black iron must have half a catty of black iron to melt to achieve the effect. How can such a big guy be cast without hundreds of thousands of tons of Xuanyin iron?

It is very good for ordinary sects to have a few thousand gold, and a larger sect is no more than 10,000 tons. How can I find these hundreds of thousands of tons? Even if you rob the fairyland, it won't be possible, right?

How's it going? You've been stunned, right?" He He twisted the snake's waist and asked proudly.

Before Tang Feng answered, the invincible next to him said, "Well, I'm so proud of such a thing, earth turtle! Wow."

"Hahaha!" Tang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Is this your pet? What are you laughing at?" He He didn't understand the animal language and was too lazy to use psychic techniques, so he asked.

"Well, it's saying that you are so beautiful!" It's wrong to go against his conscience. Tang Feng knows this very well, but he can't see the invincible being thrown down.

"Master, master, who is this ugly vulture? Whoo!" Invincible, their aesthetic belonging to birds must be different from that of human beings. So it is allergic to human beauty.

"Bundle the fairy rope!"

The bundle of fairy rope came out and tied the invincible with a big zongzi.

"Wow, wow! You ugly vulture, take this damn thing away quickly! Whoo!"

"Hmm! Tang Feng, what do you think I should do with you, you damn bird!" He He was very angry. Since his debut, in the world of cultivation, everyone has been salivated when they saw her and wanted to kiss her, but this damn bird dared to say that he was an ugly vulture! Still in the case that I didn't provoke her.

"Master, master, help me, woo!" Invincible only came from the mouth, and the trouble came from the mouth. He didn't expect that He would be bored and use psychic techniques to eavesdrop on the dialogue between him and Tang Feng. Now it's good.

"Uh... In fact, Master He and I are not familiar with this bird. As soon as I saw you, I formed a team to come and have a look! Er... If it's okay, I'll go somewhere else first and see how to deal with it... This is up to you!" After saying that, Tang Feng strode into the Sikun Flow Gallery and didn't care about the invincible life or death. Who called it stinky? Why do you speak ill of others?

"Tang Feng, stop!" From his tone, it can be heard that He He is really angry. For the first time in so many years, he has been commented like this.

"This, Master He, it's really none of my business." Naturally, Tang Feng also knew that the latter was very angry, otherwise he would not have been so unrighteous and invincible.

"I don't care! You are his master, and the son is not the father's father's failure. Pet talking nonsense has nothing to do with you as a master!" At this moment, He He showed the little woman's unreasonable posture because of anger.

"All the way, He Zhangmen! What to do, it's up to you..." Since He insisted on putting this big hat that didn't teach a good pet on his head, there was nothing he could do.

"Well, it's almost the same. For the sake of your sincere admission of your mistake, I'll let it go. I'll give you a day. If you can untie this bundle of fairy rope, I will treat it as if nothing happened today! If you can't untie it, I won't punish this ignorant bird, and I will punish you! Humph!"

Tang Feng now understands that He He is not angry. He just wants to find an excuse to fix him!

"It's all this damn bird! Shut up!" Tang Feng scolded in his heart.

"Master, come and help me solve it! Whoo..." Invincible didn't know that Tang Feng was going to educate it now, and he was still asking Tang Feng to help him untie the damn bundle of fairy ropes.

Tang Feng is not angry. This is obviously the unwarranted charge He added to him, but... there is nothing he can do.


"Ouch, whoo"



"I told you to talk too much, I told you to talk too much!" Tang Feng knocked on the invincible head... The latter was speechless.

"Master, master, can't I be wrong? I won't talk much in the future... Whoo! It hurts..." Knowing that the disaster started by himself, he was invincible and not easy to resist, so he had to admit his mistake.

"All right! Since you know it's wrong, I will compassionately help you find out how to untie this so-called fairy rope, but... Looking at her so proud and confident, do you think the master can untie it?

is the same. If he doesn't have the ability, will He He laugh and expose his white teeth?


Tang Feng pulled it with his hand and found that the more powerful it was, the tighter the fairy rope was tied. He couldn't help thinking of the Journey to the West he saw in China. This bundle of fairy rope is the product of the ancient chaotic period, which is extremely mysterious. Once tied up, it is impossible to untie the spell without the caster. Moreover, the more you struggle, the tighter it will be.

"Invincible, it seems that we are going to accept our fate! I'm afraid we can't untie this bundle of fairy rope. Tang Feng is very weak. He has been here to cultivate the real world for so long, and it seems that nothing has gone smoothly... He seems to be pushed forward by a pair of invisible giant hands. Moreover, the more you go, the more dangerous it becomes.

"No way, master, this is just a fairy weapon...wow!" Invincible eyes, Tang Feng is an omnipotent superman. After all, he is Tang Feng's pet, and he naturally imagines how powerful his master is. However, Superman also encounters difficulties that can't be solved, doesn't he?

"Fairy!" Invincible reminds Tang Feng, right. The bundle of fairy rope recorded in China does not say whether it really exists. Even if it really exists, it is at least an artifact, or it is a chaotic weapon. How can it be a fairy weapon? This shows that this bundle of fairy rope is only forged by human beings. As long as it is man-made, there will be flaws.

"That's right, isn't my dragon rope also a fairy weapon? I don't know if its spell can untie this bundle of fairy rope!" Tang Feng suddenly remembered that the fairy weapon he got in the Hongmeng Fengshen Pavilion was the same as the fairy rope.

"I understand!" Quickly made a few fingerprints, and the bundle of fairy ropes was ready to move, as if it were a closed door that could not be opened.