xuan shou

Chapter 156 Joy

"Wow! What a beautiful red snow! Look, take a look!"

The red snow in Red Snow City is always the favorite of young couples. When they first came to Red Snow City, He He also asked Tang Feng and her to go to the mountain to watch the red snow fall every day. However, she is not in the mood to see the red snow today, because Tang Feng is still lying in a coma and the breath of life is also very weak.

"Dad, D, D!"

He He walked back and forth restlessly, as if waiting for something!

"The head, the head! Miss Wenxin has arrived!"

Xiaoling opened the door and Wenxin came in. The golden-red martial arts tights she wore today, and her vivid figure looked so perfect.

"He Zhangmen, I don't know what's the matter with me?"

When she was still practicing knife practice today, she suddenly received a letter from He He, saying that there was something urgent. She hurriedly ran over without even changing her clothes.

"Xinxin, do you mind if I call you like this?"

"Ah! What?" He He's words were so abrupt that Wenxin didn't hear what was going on.

"Well, let me tell you something. Be prepared!" He He reluctantly showed a smiling face.

Wen Xin looked up and down suspiciously at the head of a generation older than him, which was a little strange: "What's wrong with the head of He?"

"Well, come in with me! Tang Feng is very dangerous now!" He He led her to Tang Feng's bedside.


Tang Feng, who is lying in **, has no blood on his face and yellow face, which is pale due to excessive blood loss.

"He Zhangmen, this? What's going on? The Five Poison Palace!? Aren't they unsuccessful? Did Feng run away? Wen Xin thought about it, but only the Five Poisons Palace was the most suspected.

"Xinxin, listen to me! It was Tang Feng who committed suicide!" He He looked painful and aggrieved.

"What!? Why did he commit suicide? ......”

He He told her everything that had happened so far since he met Tang Feng, including that he was already Tang Feng. This is the custom of the demon clan, which is not hypocritical and unpretentious.

"This damn Tang Feng! So...what should I call you now?" Wen Xin doesn't care about the relationship between Tang Feng and He He, but she cares about this name.

He He thought about it and said, "Well, I have resigned from the position of head. If you agree, just call me sister!"

Wen Xin said with a worried face, "This damn Tang Feng, I don't know how many more women there will be in the future!" However, isn't that why my sister asked me to come?

Now it's He He's turn to show a worried expression: "Well, in fact... Tang Feng's current situation is very bad, really bad! His two magic soldiers are chaotic, and his heart has been destroyed! If there is no treatment, you will definitely die! I'm just using Zhenyuan to suppress his main veins and let his heart not collapse so fast.

"!! What should I do?" Wen Xin was shocked. At first, she also explored Tang Feng's body and found that there was nothing serious, just weakness! After He said this, she hurriedly and seriously explored herself and found that there was indeed a cold and hot chaos in his heart.

"Tang Feng's self-healing ability is very strong, and he can also control the chaotic spirit! However, he is unconscious now, and the two chaotic wild horses, who want to get out of their reeds, are running around! Sooner or later, his whole heart will be destroyed!" The more He He said later, the tighter Wen Xin's heart became.

"Well, what should we do?" She asked this question for the second time, which showed how nervous she was.

"There is a trick called Hehuan Gong in my sect! When you have sex with a man (harmonious) with him, you can absorb the vitality in his body and give it to yourself! I think this method should be able to breathe out the chaotic air coiled in his heart!"

Wen Xin heard He He's explicit words, blushed and said, "Then... sister, will you help him?"

"No! There are two chaotic qi in his body, and they are completely opposite aura attributes! I can only suck one of them. If both strands are sucked, I'm afraid I can't help sucking Tang Feng dry! I don't want to find other women, so I think of you. Anyway, they are all his people, aren't they?" He He originally had this idea, which meant that Wen Xin and himself would practice with Tang Feng, so that he could inhale two different chaotic qi in his body into different bodies.

"Well... Sister Wenxin, come first!"


Tang Feng had a very strange dream. In his dream, he saw a man flying in the universe, and countless planets violently hit him, and the sound of explosions continued. The man's figure is so lonely, lonely and desolate.

For a long time, the man sighed and said, "It's too empty. Why can you live so freely? But I have to sort out this chaotic space!?"

An old voice sounded in the universe: "God, do you think I'm doing well now? Are you coming to see my world?

The person known as Tiandao flashed away, and the space changed. The two stood in the center of the universe, looked at the ruins below, and looked at each other and said, "Hey! Failed again!"

The older man said, "We..."

At this moment, Tang Feng suddenly found himself entering a warm space, which felt warm, just like being in his mother's arms. The warm space keeps swinging up and down somewhere in my body, and I feel a little comfortable and want to sleep.


Wen Xin and He He both lie ** in Tang Feng's **, and that point of redness confirms all this. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and their faces blushed. This was the first time they served their beloved man with other women.

"Sister, Tang Feng is so strong that I'm exhausted! Can you teach me double practice?" After the battle just now, Wen Xin knew what tiredness is. However, He He was easy to grasp every reaction of Tang Feng and quickly surrendered. Therefore, she also wants to practice one or two...

"Haha!" He Hejiao smiled and said, "Didn't I teach you just now? The most important thing is to understand...haha!"

In the middle of the night, there is no one, and the remnants and willows sigh!

Tang Feng's self-healing ability is very strong. If the two chaotic gases hadn't stuck in his heart, I'm afraid he would have recovered long ago. Now He and Wenxin sucked out the chaotic air stuck in his heart and naturally woke up.

"Hmm!" Tang Feng woke up and instinctively moved his hand, but found that his hands on both sides were imprisoned, and his two heads were on his left and right chests.

"!! Two heads!? Tang Feng suddenly wanted to sit up, but it was useless.

"Well...it's annoying, don't move!" A woman lying in her quilt said coquettishly half-wake.

"!! Is it Wenxin?" Tang Feng glanced down and saw the white body, swallowed a mouthful of water, and was happy to die in his heart. However, he thought of another question... Why is Wen Xin here?

"Ah!" Wenxin woke up, suddenly shouted, hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her body, and her face flushed.

"Xin'er, why are you here? Isn't it? Did I do something wrong to you?" Tang Feng asked stupidly.

He He, who was beside him, rolled his eyes and said, "Get rid of it, little Feng, the current situation is very clear, okay? Congratulations, congratulations, you have an extra woman!"

"Uh!" Tang Feng touched his nose awkwardly and asked, "What's going on?"

He He said all about his physical condition and how to treat it, but Wenxin beside him was ashamed to die and wrapped herself tightly with a quilt.

"Uh! Well, Xiner... Can you put down the quilt? I want to sleep a little longer! Ha, if you don't let go, take the move..." Tang Feng went straight to pull her quilt, and the three of them got together again.

The idea in his heart is actually very simple. After understanding Zhao Yaya's matter, it's time for him to accept the love of these two women who are obsessed with her. However, is Zhao Yaya's matter really as he imagined?

Everyone knows that this is impossible!