xuan shou

Chapter 208 Divine Soldier Recognizes the Lord


The magic knife Tianyan cut his head at the larger Wencheng in front of him. Time was in danger, and he said it would be sooner or later! The growing Wencheng punched fiercely and hit Wen Xuefeng's chest directly!

Wencheng, which is one inch long and one inch strong, occupies an advantage, so the Wen Xuefeng with Tianyan's magic knife can't attack his key points at all. He can only cut at Wencheng's hands and feet, but Wencheng is like a rock, which can directly resist the sword of Tianyan's knife with his body.

And the side of Fu Yi's side of the sword is much more fierce and wonderful than that of Wencheng! The strange and tricky swordsmanship and gorgeous swordsmanship are amazing.

"The heaven is infinite, and the imperial sword is over! Shadow!"

With Jian Fuyi's gesture, the golden heart sword differentiated more than 20 swords in the air, suspended in front of Jian Fuyi with divine light, waiting for the next gesture!

"The heaven is infinite, and the imperial sword is over! Ten thousand swords!"

This ten thousand swords is definitely a famous group attack move in Shushan. Once used, the fierce sword spirit will fall from the sky like a rainstorm! Therefore, this ten thousand swords are also called sword rain!


Unconsciously seeing the bad situation, he immediately waved the sword on his hand to his head, and the dense sword spirit was blocked and splashed everywhere! However, it disappeared from the surrounding walls and the ground without causing even a trace of damage to these places, as if it had been absorbed!

"The sun! Who the fuck can tell me where this is! Why is there such a perverted statue..."

Seeing that his ten thousand swords never caused any damage to him, Jian Fuyi finally couldn't help cursing. He was going crazy!

"Grandma, it seems that we have to use this trick!"

A dead-eyed divine light flashed in Jian Fuyi's eyes! The mark on the hand is as simple as the search object! However, only Jian Fuyi knows it! How unbearable the pain of tears on the body is!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

With the increase and complexity and obscure of the fingerprints, Jian Fuyi's patience seems to have reached its limit, and he can't help shouting! The skin on his body was cracked, and blood kept secreting from his pores! At first glance, Jianfuyi's whole body was like a bloody man, and his whole body was red and even penetrated his clothes.


The pain of the cracked body is not bearable by everyone. Jian Fuyi has completely lost his mind at this moment and is supported by one belief!

"Brother Sword, Brother Sword! Damn..."

Seeing the strangeness on Jianfuyi's side, Wencheng tentatively shouted a few times, but the latter did not respond at all. He was entangled by the statue master in front of him, and he couldn't get out of his body to get involved there!

"Kendo is infinite! Heaven Sword..."

I saw the heart sword sacrificed by Jian Fu Yi rotating at a high speed in the air, sucking a trace of blood oozing from the skin of the period! It's strange to say that the blood thread revolved around the sword spirit driven by the heart sword, but under this level of wind, the blood thread did not move, and it was broken!

The blood is connected to Fu Yi while surrounding the heart sword! After several breaths, there was finally a change... During this period, the divine soldier Ziqing seemed to be controlled by something strange and tried her best to stop the unconscious attack!

Of course, this is also a matter of course! The divine soldier has a spirit. This heavenly sword used by Jian Fu Yi is the highest-level move of the Shushan School. All the swords of the Heaven and Earth Sword must submit to its pressure!


The purple sword kept trembling in his hands unconsciously, as if he was fighting fiercely! And at this moment, Jian Fuyi's side... magical things happened!

With a trace of blood wrapped around the heart sword, then Jian Fuyi's whole body suddenly turned into blood all over the sky and flew in the air! The spring is generally wrapped around the heart sword! Is Jian Fuyi dead?

Of course not. The reason why this heavenly sword can be described as the most powerful blow in Shushan is that this person's sword is integrated and complement each other! Gather all the caster's own cultivation energy on the heart sword to cast the strongest blow.

"What a great move! No wonder the master said that this sword is the only move that can break the defense of the demon soul in the world!"

Although Wencheng did not look back, the energy fluctuation that changed the position of heaven and earth couldn't help but make him palpitations. At the same time, he also has a deeper evaluation of Jian Fuyi in his heart! Awesome, genius!

Although it is only a few four words, it contains all his knowledge of Jianfu Yi! Unexpectedly, this usually unrestrained sword Fuyi could use this lowest threshold to break the peak of the sky.


Under the desperate influence of Jian Fuyi, Wencheng has doubled again! Obviously, he also used the attack move of sacrificing his life - Heavenly Demon Change!

This demon transformation is the ultimate meaning of the Heavenly Demon Gate, and it must be in a state of demon soul when used! In this way, the ability of the caster will be increased again under the increase of the original state of the demon soul! If you don't use this trick in the state of the devil's soul! Then attacking the caster, he unconditionally used a demon disintegration! Self-detonation...


The dull shouting sounded in the space on the second floor, but it was felt by everyone isolated on the first floor.


Jianlan felt the sword in her hand trembling constantly, felt it in her heart, and shouted anxiously at Jianren.

"Suction! I didn't expect this boy to be unruly! But he secretly learned the heavenly sword! I just don't know whether his cultivation and body can withstand the counterattack of the heavenly sword!"

Jianren is very entangled, that is, happy and worried! Happyly, this beloved disciple has now met the requirements of inheriting the leader. When the treasure hunt is over, he can completely give him the full power of the sect, and then devote himself to cultivation and ascend as soon as possible! What is worried is that the counterattack of this heavenly sword is very clear. If it is below, there is the rescue of the talented disciples of Yao Wangzong, who are geniuses such as Qi Jingjing, so don't have to worry at all! Unfortunately, there is no disciple of Yao Wangzong on the second floor now!

And at this time, the demon clan is also ** continuous! Of course, these people are all disciples of Tianmomen...

"Brother used the magic change! It seems that this treasure is on the second floor! We must prevent others from going up. If our brother gets the treasure, we will be saved!" The speaker is one of the elites of Tianmomen. He is well aware of the current situation and knows the purpose of the demon clan! Therefore, when fighting, you also ask the people on your side to keep your real consumption. However, he also knew that the leader was not there, and he was completely in a weak position! Now the only thing that can turn over is the treasure hidden on the second floor, so what they have to do now is to try their best to resist the leaders from going up to the second floor!

"I'm here. The three of you go up to the second floor quickly! Don't let the children of the clan and demons get treasures!"

Kun and shouted to Bai Yue and others, and now the old guys at the head of the human race have taken out the bottom of the box! Like the sword of the Inextreme Sect, the heart sword of Shushan, and the soul of Xuantian Sect! These powerful attacks can only be blocked by yourself with a Xuanwu shield, and anyone else will come here for nothing!

"But... Humph, you won't stand up to the eight factions of the human race for long!"

Hua was saved by Kunhe just now and was grateful. Now Kunhe has to bet his life on himself that these three can go up to the second floor to get the so-called treasure! She hates that! All this is caused by the little girl of the Wuji sect! If it hadn't been for her, the human race would have been completely destroyed!

In their desperate blocking and attack, the situation on the second floor has changed a lot!

Unconsciously, the statue of the monk and Wenfeng was completely defeated by two hairy kids and could no longer condense! Tianyan and Ziqing also fell to the ground without support. After about ten breaths, the two divine soldiers flew to Jianfuyi and Dantian in Wencheng respectively!

And when the three demon kings rushed into the boundary on the second floor, they didn't see the two of them at all! Yes, it's still the Buddha and demon!