xuan shou

Chapter 217 rarence

--Deep in the Forest of Beasts--

At this time, the sky is a little dark, just as the sun goes down. In this forest full of towering ancient trees, it is already dark. If ordinary people are in the environment again, they will feel cold and their hair will stand upside down. Only those night owls hidden in the dark will like such a secluded environment. For example, wolves are the most typical examples.


A howling sounded in the night sky, and Tang Feng shrank his eyes. It shines golden light, like the first ray of sunshine in the morning. He clearly saw that in the bushes not far in front of him, a pair of green eyes were staring at him. What kind of greed and bloodthirsty give him a feeling of hair gently shaved with a knife on his body.

"This is Ye You! A special creature, not very powerful.

The god of wine echoed in Tang Feng's ear with his lazy voice. From his frivolous tone, Tang Feng could conclude that the so-called night in front of him was not powerful, but it was only relative to the old man himself.

Think about it with your head, even any kind of creature that swallows cloud beasts can only wander around the periphery of the beast forest, but this 'not very powerful' wolf creature can move in the depths of this beast forest in this dangerous night. Who believes that there is no ability?

"You're right, but..."

The shameless old man Dioc once again pryed into Tang Feng's heart with the mysterious shackles.

"...but what?"

Tang Feng is immune to the shameless behavior of Dionysus. Fortunately, the demon in his heart has been completely removed. He can control his thoughts, and he doesn't know where to hide what he doesn't want the Divin to know.

"Hey...goo!" The wine god laughed and took a sip of wine. What kind of expression is like a flower thief meeting a girl who is alone?

"I tell you, his own attack power is not strong, but the venom in his teeth directly erodes the soul. If you accidentally get a little bit of a star, it's over. And, most importantly..."

said that the god of wine raised his head to drink again, deliberately hanging Tang Feng's appetite. Tang Feng was also familiar with the character of the old man Dionysus. He sat directly next to Dionysus without saying a word. Don't care about the escape Yeyou.

Just now, Ye You was ready to launch an attack, but suddenly Tang Feng saw the third meaning in his eyes besides greed and bloodthirsty - fear!

"This night, he has no entity and is in a soul state, so they are immune to all physical attacks from birth!"

At this time, the god of wine completely said the words that had just been broken! After hearing this, Tang Feng was afraid for a while and kept praising the greatness of the creator. Such a magical creature did exist.

"What? Are you afraid? But let me tell you, the really terrible thing is over there!"

The god of wine pointed the wine gourd in his hand to the human race and stopped talking!

"Yes, the most terrible thing is indeed over there! People's hearts are the most terrible!" Tang Feng was very enlightened and found the answer from the tone and expression of Dionysus.

Looking back, it's true. As the most intelligent creature, if their hearts become evil, they will really rank first on the terrible list. At the same time, Tang Feng also guessed the true identity of Dioc God in his heart. He must not be a human.

"Do you know why I teach you martial arts?"

At this time, the god of wine sighed and helplessly. What kind of wisdom can only be seen through the nature of heaven and earth?

Tang Feng shook his head.

"Because of here!"

The Dior hit his heart with a wine pot and said, "Because you have an unpolluted heart!"

The words of the god of wine exploded like a thunderstorm in Tang Feng's brain. He didn't think that the god of wine even knew the secret about him! Yes, yes, his heart is transformed by the emperor, and the emperor has just opened his mind and is full of curiosity about everything in heaven and earth. At the beginning of everything, the heart is good, so what Tang Feng has is a pure heart. This is also the reason why he can stay rational when he goes crazy.

Seeing Tang Feng entering a state of epiphany at this time, the god of wine did not disturb him and disappeared after setting a boundary around him.


There is a mysterious place deep in the forest of beasts. It is extremely hot, and you can see the sparks even at night. The firelight came from the ground, and there were traces of flames burning on the red firestones.

A group of strange creatures lie on the burning crystals and swallow clouds and breathe fog, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth! It's a unicorn, and this is the unicorn of the beast forest.

"Welcome to the ancestors!"

A fiery red streamer flew over the sky and landed on the burning ground. Those unicorns who had not yet fully entered the state of cultivation immediately crawled on the ground and lowered their heads. This is an old unicorn. Judging from his size and the burning flames around him, I'm afraid he is ten thousand years old.


A low roar came from the old Kirin's mouth, and the sound wave control was just right. It seemed that he did not want to disturb the practice of the younger generation.

"Call fire to come to see me!"

After saying that, the old Kirin flew directly back to his cave.


"See the ancestor, I don't know what the ancestor has to tell you!"

After a while, I thought that the man in red was kneeling in front of the old Kirin. This is the current patriarch of the Fire Kirin clan, Huo Yan! 6300 years old, ascending to the peak of the sky!

"Well, fire, take this weapon and this rare! Exercise well with the best materials!"

A burning dagger and a rare horn were spit out from the old Kirin's mouth.


As soon as he saw these two things, Huo Yan took a breath of cold air, which shocked him. He secretly glanced at the old Kirin, and his eyes were full of unbelievable. You know, as the patriarch of the fire unicorn family, he naturally knows fire like the palm of his hand. Judging from the flame color of this weapon, it has completely exceeded the category of artifacts. And this Kirin horn is at least ten thousand years old! And in the Kirin clan, only the ancestors in front of us can take it out! Because only he will have a rare fall in ten thousand years.

"Does the ancestor also like the feeling of fighting with weapons?"

Huo Yan secretly guessed the intention of the old Kirin in his heart, and at the same time, he was also envious, thinking about how to save some for himself!


Old Kirin looked straight at him, which made him feel fury.


"I tell you, this weapon is so important that it determines whether the world of cultivation will be destroyed! There is no need to have a difference, do you understand?"


Wirred by the old Kirin's eyes, Huo Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, couldn't speak, and nodded hurriedly. When he came to his senses, the old Kirin had disappeared.