Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 10 Combat Meeting

Chapter 10 Combat Meeting

The life of soldiers is busy, especially the front-line troops such as the Lockon team, which may have tasks at any time, so they must be ready to go to the battlefield at any time. The engineers have to carry out hard training every day. After a period of running-in, Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue gradually adapted to the new life in the barracks and officially bid farewell to the beautiful school days.

A week later.

This day is windy and sunny. Early in the morning, Lockon called all the engineers to the conference room.

When Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue came to the conference room, there were already several people sitting in it. He saw Lin Ya. Modern technology is very developed. As long as it is not cut off, it can generally be saved. Although Lin Ya suffered a serious injury, it was cured a few days ago.

Lin Ya's face is gloomy and his eyes are full of viciousness. If his eyes can kill people, Ren Tianchen doesn't know how many times he has been killed by him. He snorted coldly and doesn't turn his head. He doesn't intend to dare to revenge Ren Tianchen for the time being, and he doesn't have that strength.

"This guy is still so disgusting!" Ruoxue muttered that she was very dissatisfied with Lin Ya's attitude.

Ren Tianchen saw Ji Ming, greeted him, and greeted others. After spending a few days together, he and these engineers were familiar with each other. They are very friendly to Ren Tianchen and will not be as repulsive as they did at the beginning.

Ren Tianchen sat in the front row, and Ruo Xue sat on his right. On his left is Agrae.

"It's enviable to see you two in pairs every day!" Agrae was very enthusiastic and smiled boldly.

"Hee, don't envy, we are very low-key." Ruoxue smiled calmly.

Agre looked at Ruoxue in astonishment. He was speechless. Low-key? Every day, they walk hand in hand in the base, even hugging and kissing. Now no one in the whole base knows that they are lovers. Is this called low-key?!

"Why are you looking at me? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman?!" Ruoxue smiled cunningly and was very cute. Everyone was in the same team and would be born to death. Moreover, they are all elites in red with the same status, and everyone is very joking.

"..." Agra was completely speechless.

The teammates behind couldn't help laughing, and even Tianchen couldn't help laughing. He was helpless.

"Ruoxue, you are so cute."

"Thank you!" Ruoxue turned around, smiled and said seriously.

Ren Tianchen looked at Ruoxue. She spit out her little tongue, and then pretended that nothing had happened and sat calmly.

Ren Tianchen smiled helplessly and asked Agrae, "The captain called us all. What happened?"

"The specific matter is not clear, but it is certain that we have another task." Agra.

"Mission?!" Ren Tianchen's eyes lit up.

"Our Lockon team experienced a big battle a month ago. That battle was very tragic, and many brothers died. Amu and Neil died in that battle."

Amu and Neil are the two elite warriors before the Lockeon team. Agre and they have experienced many battles and their relationship is very good. Now when it comes to the sacrifice of their comrades-in-arms, Agra is very sad and no longer smile.

"After that war, we came to Blue Moon City to rest, and now the task should come." Agra.

At this time, Lockon and Maria came in.

"Captain!" Everyone stood up and saluted.

Lockeon walked to the podium, and there was a big screen behind him, "Okay, sit down!"

After sitting down, everyone turned their eyes to Lockon.

"Our mission is coming." Lockon came straight to the point and said it directly.

The conference room was quiet, and the soldiers' expressions were very calm. They were all experienced veterans. They were no strangers to the battlefield and were already psychologically prepared.

"Captain, where are you going this time?" Agre asked.


Ren Tianchen was surprised, and even Lin Ya was surprised, and the others were also surprised.

"I'm going to Mars again!!" Someone muttered.

Since the establishment of the Tianyue Empire, it has been a constant dispute with the Earth Federation and has fought two comprehensive wars. One was at the beginning of the establishment of the Tianyue Empire; the second was to compete for the leadership of Mars. The second full-scale war lasted for seven years, and both sides suffered huge losses. Finally, they had to negotiate a truce and sign a peace treaty to govern Mars, accounting for half of each. Although the all-out war has ended, Mars has still not achieved peace, and the war has never stopped. This is the most turbulent planet in the solar system.

"Yesterday, I received an order from the fleet headquarters to leave for the Hiso mine on Mars today." Rock Road.

"xi suo mining area?!" Ren Tianchen was surprised that he knew this place.

At this time, a video appeared on the screen. In the video, two armies were fighting. Laser beams were flying all over the sky, and the flames of war were continuous. The explosions were continuous. There were fragments of mecha everywhere, and the wreckage of warships were everywhere, like a doomsday scene.

"The Sisso mining area is rich in high-quality refined iron ore, which is the best material for manufacturing mass-produced mecha. Both our Tianyue Empire and the Earth Federation want to occupy it for themselves. Recently, the earth has greatly increased its troops to Mars, and many of the troops have gone to the Hisot mine. According to the intelligence, the Earth Federation is ready to have a decisive battle with us to completely occupy the Hisot mine.

"The Chiso mining area is of great value and must not fall into the hands of the Earth Federation, so the fleet headquarters has also increased troops to the Chiso mining area. The strategic goal is to completely occupy the Chiso mining area. It is our mission to participate in this battle." Rock Road.

"The Heathsol mining area is the most turbulent and battle-prone area on Mars and the area with the highest mortality rate on the front line. This is an extremely dangerous task. Some of you may never come back. I hope you all have to be mentally prepared." Maria said.

Lockon looked around for a week. He saw that everyone was calm and his eyes were firm. He raised an arc at the corners of his mouth and said, "Very good. You are all real warriors."

"This meeting is over. There is not much time. Everyone will go back to pack up immediately. We will leave in four hours."

The meeting was over, and everyone's mood became heavy.

"I'm going to the battlefield again. I have to call my family, otherwise I may not have a chance."

"What nonsense?! We will definitely come back alive!"

The soldiers left in twos and threes, and all went back to call their relatives, friends and lovers...

"I didn't expect to go to the battlefield so soon." Ruoxue muttered, she was very nervous. After all, she had not been to the battlefield.

At this time, a warm hand held her right hand. She looked at Ren Tianchen and saw his gentle smile. She heard him say, "Don't be nervous. I'm here. It's okay!"

Suddenly, the incomparable warmth in her heart seemed to melt, and her original nervousness suddenly disappeared. I thought: As long as I can be with him, what if I go to the battlefield?!

"I'm afraid before I go to the battlefield. Sure enough, I'm just a child." Lin Ya stood up from his seat and looked coldly at each other, but he did not look at Ren Tianchen.

Ren Tianchen looked at Lin Ya, his eyes were cold and murderous.

"It seems that you didn't beat enough last time! I have no long memory at all. His voice is like ten thousand years of ice, full of cold.

Lin Ya was angry for a moment, his face was gloomy, gritted his teeth, and said viciously, "Don't think that I'm afraid of you. Although I can't beat you, don't forget that this is the army. There is military discipline in everything. It's not the place you want." He can't beat Ren Tianchen, so he can only use military discipline as a shield.

Lin Ya saw that Ren Tianchen had no expression. He thought he was afraid. He was strong and said coldly, "The battlefield is not a game played by your children. This is a place to play your life. Only fools will do that to protect others on the battlefield."

"My patience is limited. If you provoke me again, I will kill you." Ren Tianchen's eyes were like knives, fierce and domineering.

Lin Ya was so angry that his face turned blue. How could he have received such an insult since he joined the army?

"If you don't want to die, close your mouth and get out of here."

"You..." Lin Ya couldn't help turning his face, but suddenly shivered.

Ren Tianchen stared at him coldly, and his eyes were murderous, although it was not released. But Lin Ya felt a very heavy and terrible murderous atmosphere, and he was like a small ant facing a killing dragon. He couldn't help shivering, and his whole body fell into an ice cave. It's terrible. Even if they have experienced hundreds of battles and their hands are stained with blood, they are not so murderous. At this moment, he feels that the person in front of him is too mysterious, too unfathomable and terrible.

In the end, Lin Ya walked away in dismay and dared not stay here.

"I'll go first." Agra looked at Ren Tianchen with lingering palpitation and thought to himself: How on earth did such a heavy murderous spirit come from? What a monster!

Agre left, leaving only Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue in the conference room.

Ren Tianchen regained his composure and looked softly at Ruo Xue. At this moment, Ruo Xue was in a low mood. Lin Ya's words just now pierced her heart.

Looking at Ruoxue's low appearance, Ren Tianchen was very distressed. He gently hugged her in his arms and said in the gentlest voice, "Don't be afraid, you are mine, and you will never hurt you, even if you fight for my life."

Ruoxue covered his lips with her delicate jade hands. Her eyes were full of tears and her heart was very moved. She said to him affectionately, "Don't say such stupid words. You have to live. I want you to live and protect me forever."

Ren Tianchen nodded.

Ruo Xue snuggled in his arms and closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth that only belonged to them. "Tianchen, promise me never to leave. I can't lose you." Her voice was very small and inaudible, but Ren Tianchen heard it clearly, and his heart trembled violently.

He held her tighter and whispered in her ear, "You are the only one in my life."