Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 30 Unspeakable Love

Chapter 30 Unspeakable Love

Ren Tianchen's pupils shrank, and such a terrible blow, if he doesn't dodge, he will definitely die.

The savior engine exploded, and the speed rose to ten times the speed of sound in an instant. In an instant, it flew back thousands of kilometers, and ten times the gravity directly pressed on his body. He couldn't help humming.

However, the savior still dodged the blow.

The blood-colored beam of light penetrated the void and shot into the dark universe.

The Salvation killed Tyrannosaurus Rex again, but this time he attacked from below.

"Boom!" The savior directly hit the energy mask of Tyrannosaurus Rex with a gun in one hand, and the golden red light rolled on the knight's gun.


The radiation fluctuation shook out, dissolved the energy mask, and the savior rushed in.

The engineer of Tyrannosaurus Rex was so shocked that he didn't expect that the light mask would be broken so easily.

The savior took * out and stabbed the right arm of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. What he wanted to attack was its chest, but it was blocked by its arm.

Ren Tianchen sneered, and the knight gun shook out the strongest radiation fluctuations and poured into the robotic arm of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A strong serial explosion occurred in the huge right arm of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the interior has been damaged by layers of radiation fluctuations. Its strong armor boils like the one in the oil pan, spreading from the arm to the shoulder, and the whole arm is like the deep-fried dough sticks in the oil pan.

The trainer of Tyrannosaurus Rex decisively cut off his right arm.

"Bang!" The detached right arm burst.

The savior was shaken away by the airflow of the explosion.

At this time, six ten-meter-long conical spikes inserted upside down on the back of Tyrannosaurus rex fell off their bodies and flew out. This is a weapon called a floating cannon.

Six floating cannons surround the Salvation, and each floating cannon can shoot five beams at a time.

At this moment, the savior is surrounded by countless beams of light, which are shot from different directions. This is the first time that in the face of this weapon, Ren Tianchen must sense in an all-round way and control the savior to constantly dodge.

But fortunately, these floating cannons are very large, and the speed is not very fast, and the speed of the savior surpasses them. Slowly, Ren Tianchen found that these floating cannons were attacked according to a certain program. Although it is a little complicated, Ren Tianchen still calculated some of their moving trajectories.

"It's now."

The savior soared in an instant, and 20 beams penetrated its previous position.


The savior set up two plasma light cannons and accurately blew up two floating cannons.

Suddenly, the Salvation moved horizontally, dodging more than a dozen beams of light, and then * came out, hitting a golden red beam of light.


A floating cannon was blown up, and Ren Tianchen has seen the trajectory of their attack.

The savior shuttled through the light rain and suddenly took action. The savior hung upside down in the void, set up two plasma cannons, and blew up the other two floating cannons.

The last floating gun stabbed at a high speed, giving the savior a fatal blow.

The savior turned around and came out, and the knight's gun hit the floating cannon accurately.

"Bum bang..."

The ten-meter-long float cannon burst inch by inch.

"Bang!" Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly attacked and spouted a 20-meter thick blood-colored beam of light, like a peerless sword across the air, fighting against the savior with thunderous momentum.

Ren Tianchen was shocked. All this was so fast that the savior could not dodge at all.

In this emergency, the Salvation holds a shield to protect himself.


The 20-meter thick red beam directly hit the savior.

In an instant, the light shines brighter than the stars. Suddenly, endless thunder appeared, and the savior was completely submerged.

Ren Tianchen's face was cold and extremely solemn, and the instruments in the cockpit kept ringing. He increased his speed to ten times the speed of sound to fight against the huge power of the cannon. However, the power of the Yang electronic cannon was so strong that the savior was still pushed back by thousands of meters, and the surface of the shield began to melt.


The shield of the Salvation suddenly burst.

The Yang electronic cannon failed to persist and went out at the same time.

The thick smoke drowned the savior, and everyone thought he was dead. After all, the Yang electronic cannon was so powerful that it was almost impossible to block it with mecha.

However, at this moment, a golden-red light broke through the thick fog, dragged hundreds of meters of golden taillight, and went straight to Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was a knight's gun.

The knight gun almost flashed by, directly piercing the giant mouth of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the head of the gun pierced from the back of its head.


The huge steel head of Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly burst.

"One more blow." Ren Tianchen shouted.

The Salvation set up four plasma cannons.

"Plasma cannon, bombardment mode."

The muzzle of each of the four plasma guns gathers a red light ball with lightning.


The savior hit a nine-meter-thick blood-colored beam, which instantly penetrated the chest of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was bright back and forth.


Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly burst, and the light of the explosion shone more than the star. The earth instantly shattered, and the rocks pierced through the air. Countless rocks were covered high in the sky. A mushroom cloud rose to the sky and was razed to the ground within 500 meters around it.

After that, Ren Tianchen immediately drove the savior and rushed to the Dadaro base at a speed of ten times the speed of sound. The short-sighted dragon mecha wanted to intercept him, and Ren Tianchen directly chopped them into pieces.


Dedaro Base is now in a bitter battle, facing the attack of seven elite warriors, one of whom is the fifth superpower on the elite list.

At this moment, many buildings in the base have collapsed and turned into a sea of fire.

Over the base, the three armored mecha are fighting fiercely. Two of them were the Dark Night and the Beast. Wang Ye and Lengmu immediately rushed back as soon as they received Lockon's order. When they arrived, the battle had already begun. Although it's a little late, it's still in time. It was by the two of them who fought bravely that the base persisted until now without being destroyed.

Their opponent is a gray-white mecha with a ten-meter-long sword in its right hand, which is driven by Dicas, the fifth in the elite list: Storm.

Wang Ye and Lengmu have worked together for many years, and the two fought against Dicas. Wang Ye's main attack is close, while Lengmu is far away.

The two cooperated tacitly. When the Barbarian attacked the Storm with a knife, the Dark Night shot to cover it from a distance.

When the Beast is attacked by the Storm, the Night will also shoot the Storm, so that the Beast can take the opportunity to escape.

However, Dikas is too powerful, and the cooperation between the two elite warriors can only be blocked by Zhan Zhan. It is often the barbarian beast that is blown away by him, and it is difficult to hit it with cold wood shooting.

The battle was in a stalemate, and the two were under great pressure.

At the base below, Ruoxue is driving a fierce battle with three dragon mechas.

In the battle circle, the swords and shadows, the fists and feet are flying, the dust is rolling, and the fighting is very fierce.

Ruoxue is facing great pressure, and the three enemies in front of her are all strong men with seven times the speed of sound. With her strength, it is more than enough to deal with one, but now she has to deal with three strong men of the same level. She fought hard and sweated profusely, and the sweat had soaked her clothes.

"Dang!" The blue phantom was shaken back three steps by a sword.

A beam of light hit, and the blue phantom jumped up.


Another dragon mecha flew over, and the blue phantom was kicked 70 meters in mid-air and finally landed on the ground.

The blue phantom was scarred and stood up tenaciously. The originally beautiful fuselage has several ferocious cuts at this moment.

"Die!" The third dragon mecha came from the rear, and the lightsaber in its hand shone with the light of death, piercing the cockpit of the blue phantom.

Ruoxue's pupils tightened, which was a sword of death. Closer, she couldn't avoid it at all.

"Are you going to die like this?" She is not afraid of death. She is a dead person, but she is reluctant to let Tianchen and the love in her heart.

"Ruoxue, be careful."

Suddenly, a green mecha inserted horizontally in front of the blue phantom.

The yellow lightsaber ruthlessly pierced the mecha.

At this time, Ruoxue saw that it was an ordinary Zagu.

"Ji Ming!" Ruoxue shouted, and it was Ji Ming who blocked this sword for her.

At this moment, Ji Ming's lower body has been pierced by a light sword, but his face is smiling, "Are you all right! Ruoxue!"

"Why? Why did you save me?" Ruoxue's eyes were full of tears and her voice was trembling. She couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

"Ha ha, because I like you. Seeing that you are in danger, I rushed over without thinking about anything." Ji Ming even had difficulty speaking, but he still smiled.

Ruoxue remembered the boy who knew that he was not an opponent but still challenged Ren Tianchen when he first arrived at the Lockon team in Lanyue City. Although he was a little shy, he was a very strong boy.

"I know I don't deserve you. You are the proud daughter of heaven. Only a proud son of heaven like Tianchen can be worthy of you. Therefore, I can only watch you silently and bury this love in my heart." Ji Ming still smiled, and the green Zagu reached out and grabbed the dragon mecha.

Ren Tianchen is known as the strongest of the imperial teenager generation, and his future achievements are unlimited. Ji Ming knew that the gap between the two was like white clouds in the sky and soil underground. He could only look up and never reach it. So he knew that he was not qualified to compete with Ren Tianchen for Ruoxue, and seeing their happy and sweet appearance, Ji Ming knew that he would never have a chance. He could only watch silently and couldn't sleep because of missing in the middle of the night. For him, this is an unspeakable love.

"I can die for you, cough, cough, but he can't do it, cough, cough, this is also a victory over him, cough, cough,,,,, Ji Ming coughing blood, his life fire is about to go out, but he still smiles.

If Xue couldn't stop crying, why didn't she expect that Ji Ming liked him so much that she didn't even sacrifice her life.

"You can cry for me, I'm really happy, cough,"

"Ruo Xue! You must live, cough, together with my share. Ji Ming was almost out of breath, and the blood had stained the inside of his helmet.

"I promise you, woo,,,." Ruo Xue ceremony sobbed and nodded desperately.

Ji Ming smiled. He smiled very relievedly and had a feeling of complete liberation. "Farewell, Ruo Xue, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely pursue you bravely."


Green Zagu has already reached the limit. God seems to give Ji Ming a chance to tell his heart, specially giving him this short time.

The light of the explosion was bright and gorgeous, and a young life left.

"Ji Ming!!!" If Xue shouted hoarsely, she burst into tears and felt endless sadness in her heart.

A person who loved her deeply silently died for her at this moment, although she had not noticed his intention before.

The shock dragon mecha was not blown up, but it was injured, the armor was blown up a lot, and the internal machinery was exposed.

Ruo Xue's tears stopped, and his eyes were full of great anger.


She roared, and the blue phantom strode past and split the shock dragon mecha in half with a sword.

"Ji Ming! I'll avenge you."

Ruoxue's eyes are cold and murderous. She is a very affectionate person. Now, her good friend Ji Ming was killed and died for her, which made her extremely angry. She and Ren Tianchen have come here from childhood and have witnessed too many deaths. There is also a strong murderous idea hidden in her petite body, but the stable life in recent years has made her gentler.

Ruoxue drove the blue phantom and killed two dragon mechas.

At this moment, Ruoxue burst out her extreme strength and fought against the two elite warriors. The three mechas fought together and fought very fiercely.

Ruoxue is extremely brave at this moment, which is completely different from the gentle and jade-like she. She only wanted to avenge Ji Ming. Her angry heart made her lose her mind, but anger did not increase her strength. She just attacked wildly and attacked rationally, revealing many flaws.

"Dang!" The blue phantom was shaken back by a sword.

"Bang!" The blue phantom was kicked away again and collapsed a building.

Two dragon mecha fell from the sky and came to an end like snow.

Suddenly, a red figure flashed by, and a pink light suddenly appeared.



Two shock dragon mechas were cut off and then exploded.

The savior fell from the sky, and the moment of crisis arrived, killing two elites in an instant and rescuing Ruoxue

"A Xue! Are you all right?" Ren Tianchen called anxiously.

"Tianchen, Ji Ming, he,, woo,,,." If the snow cries bitterly, tears will not stop.

"What's wrong with Ji Ming?" Ren Tianchen asked.

But Ruoxue couldn't answer him.

Ren Tianchen saw the wreckage of Zagu mecha beside him, and he immediately understood that Ji Ming had died in battle.