Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 49 Waiting for Rescue

Chapter 49 Waiting for Rescue

Ren Tianchen stared at the empty universe in front of him. Not long ago, there was a kilometer-long spaceship, but now it is empty.

"Really disappeared?!" Ren Tianchen was surprised. After waiting for a while, he flew over in a blue phantom. After careful inspection, Ren Tianchen confirmed that the white spaceship had really disappeared, not invisibility, but really disappeared.

Why did a real spaceship disappear in front of your eyes?!

What on earth did you do?!

Is it the legendary ghost ship?!

He was puzzled.

Ren Tianchen is an atheist, but what has just happened has completely subverted his cognition.

"Maybe that's not human at all?"

This universe is infinitely vast, and there are too many mysteries that human beings can't touch.

Looking at the necklace in his hand, Ren Tianchen thought, this is a good harvest!

"I hope it will be useful to Ruoxue!"

Ren Tianchen turned around and flew away in the blue phantom. He looked at the time and there was only one hour left, but he hasn't found the oxygen device yet. If it is not found again, the snow will be dangerous.

Ren Tianchen drove the blue phantom in the tomb of this spaceship and went out of the wreckage into the wreckage. If you encounter obstacles, you can split it directly with a lightsaber.

Finally, the emperor lived up to his heart. Ren Tianchen found the spaceships of the two earth army killers.

This black spaceship is very secretive. If you don't look for it carefully, you really can't find it, and it is far from the place of the war. It can be seen that the two killers are fully prepared to kill him. Unfortunately, in the end, it was defeated by him.

The world is like this. Sometimes things that are painstakingly prepared are worthless garbage in front of others.

In the spacecraft, he found several oxygen cylinders, as well as some water and food.

"Isn't that enough?"

Ren Tianchen sneaked into the federal army's network with the main computer of the spacecraft and checked a lot of information. Of course, he will not let go of such a good opportunity.

To his surprise, the spacecraft was a special spacecraft belonging to the special organization of the federal army to which the two killers belonged. The main computer of the spacecraft had high login rights, so he found a lot of relatively high-level secrets.

"So, the federal government is really shameless!" Ren Tianchen found that the federal government has eradicated dissidents and killed many elites of the Tianyue Empire through this mysterious assassination organization over the years.

Ren Tianchen downloaded these materials directly to his personal computer.

There are too many materials, so it takes a lot of time to download them all.

Ren Tianchen was waiting to download when the spacecraft's communicator sounded.

"No. 7, how is the task completed?" A gloomy man's voice sounded.

Ren Tianchen frowned, No. 7? It should be the name of one of the two killers!

"It's really sad. I work for the federal government, but I don't even have my own name." Ren Tianchen sighed for the two killers.

"What's wrong? No. 7, why don't you answer?!" The voice asked.

"Is it so difficult that you haven't come back yet? No, obviously someone has entered the spaceship. That voice seemed to be talking to himself.

Ren Tianchen turned his mind and smiled insidiously.

"Are you their officer?" Ren Tianchen sat in the chair and smiled coldly.

"Who are you? How could it be on their spacecraft on the 7th?! The man was shocked from the voice.

"The two killers you sent have been killed by me. Who do you think I am?"

"Are you Ren Tianchen?" The sound was shocking.

"Ha ha, that's right, but I don't have any prizes for you!" Ren Tianchen smiled gently.

"Did you kill both of them?!" The voice became gloomy.

"Otherwise, how can I talk to you here?"

"It seems that we still underestimate you! I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" That voice smiled coldly.

"Ha ha, it's not that I'm powerful, but that you are too useless. After all, it's difficult for people who only know how to assassinate all day!" Ren Tianchen shook his head and sighed with a very regretful expression.

"You..." Obviously, the man on the other side of the communicator was very angry.

"Okay, if you dare to despise us like this, you are the first and must be the last. You will be included in the must-kill list and never die!" The voice said viciously.

"Oh, I'm really looking forward to it. Let's see how you can never stop treating me." Ren Tianchen smiled and said that his clothes were very relaxed.

"Just wait to die!"

"Okay, I'll wait. I hope you don't let me down." Ren Tianchen pressed the communicator.

Ren Tianchen still had a cold smile on his face. He was not worried about the assassination of this special organization. After returning this time, he would rarely have time to come out. He didn't think the enemy could sneak into the Tianyue Army to assassinate him. Moreover, he is not so easy to mess with. As long as those killers dare to come, he dares to kill, which will also be a training for him.

Then, Ren Tianchen returned to the cockpit of the Blue Phantom. Before leaving, he shot the spacecraft with one shot.

This is called leaving no evidence.

Ren Tianchen flew all the way in the blue phantom and returned to the hidden place of Ruoxue.

He opened the savior's cockpit and saw Ruoxue, who was still sleeping.

After he packed the oxygen he got, he picked up Ruo Xue, sat in the driver's seat and put Ruo Xue in his arms.

"You're back." Ruoxue suddenly said, although her voice was still quite weak, it was much better than before.

"Sorry, I woke you up." Ren Tianchen said that he took off Ruoxue's helmet. There was already oxygen in the cockpit and there was no need to wear a helmet.

"Nothing, I didn't fall asleep at all." Ruoxue shook her head.

"Do you still have a headache?" Ren Tianchen touched Ruoxue's forehead.

"Hum, it's still a little, my mind is buzzing, and I can't sleep."

"Then take a break!" Ren Tianchen's gentle way.

Ruoxue nodded and said, "Have you found the oxygen?"

"I found it. I also found some water and food. Would you like some water?" Ren Tianchen asked. He brought a bottle of water and fed Ruoxue with his own hands.

After Ruoxue finished drinking water, Ren Tianchen said, "I just encountered a very strange thing."

"Woe thing? How weird is it? Let's talk about it." Ruoxue smiled slightly.

So Ren Tianchen told about the white spaceship. Ruo Xue became more and more surprised, and finally he was stunned.

"Did it really disappear in the end?" Ruoxue asked.

"Em, I went back to check it and really disappeared." Ren Tianchen said for sure.

"It's incredible." Ruoxue shook her head and said that she still couldn't believe what Ren Tianchen said.

"What do you think it will be?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's the legendary ghost ship." If it is snowy.

"Ye, maybe!" Ren Tianchen laughed.

"But this universe is amazing! I really want to see the spaceship you mentioned. Ruoxue sighed.

"Unfortunate, it has disappeared, otherwise I can take you there now."

Ren Tianchen took out the necklace.

"This is a necklace I got on that ship." Ren Tianchendao.

The red gemstone on the necklace is red and gorgeous, as if it contains the universe, which is very attractive. Ruoxue was suddenly fascinated.

"It's so beautiful!" Ruoxue took the necklace from Ren Tianchen's hand, observed carefully, and sighed sincerely.

How's it going? Do you like it?!"

Ruoxue nodded and said, "I like it very much. It's more beautiful than the gems I've seen before. But... It's not good to take away the shipowner's things without authorization!" Ruoxue frowned. She can't accept this kind behavior without asking questions.

"There's nothing I can do. When I ran out, I found that the necklace was still in my hand, and there was an inexplicable existence behind me at that time, and I couldn't go back at all. In addition, this necklace seemed to have a calming effect. I thought it might be useful for you, so I took it back." Ren Tianchen explained. Then he said, "If you don't like it, I can only give it to the captain and let him deal with it."

"Well, I'll take it as a gift from you." Ruoxue smiled and continued to play with the necklace.

"Try wearing the necklace and see what the effect is." Ren Tianchendao.

Ruoxue nodded, and Ren Tianchen put it on for her.

When the ruby touched Ruo Xue's skin, a red light flashed by, and the gem looked more enchanting.

"How do you feel?" Ren Tianchen asked.

Ruoxue felt it for a moment and said, "There is a cool feeling. My heart seems to be quiet all of a sudden, and my brain suddenly wakes up a lot. I don't have the buzzing feeling before."

Is that right? That's good! You can wear it on your body in the future!" Ren Tianchen smiled and said that he was also much more at ease. This necklace is really helpful to Ruoxue.

"Ye, I will cherish it." Ruoxue pinched the ruby, and her heart was full of happiness, all because it was given by him.

"A Xue, can you tell me how you made the beam turn?!" Ren Tianchen asked.

Ruoxue thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "I'm not sure. It's just that an idea suddenly appeared in my mind at that time, and I felt that I could do it, so I did it with a try attitude. I didn't expect that I could really do it in the end. Even I couldn't believe it. As for why the beam turned Ben, I don't know either."

"Really?!" Ren Tianchen remembered that when Ruoxue had a headache before, the doctor said that her brain waves were several times more active than ordinary people. He has heard that human brain waves are strong enough to have an effect on objects and affect the state of motion of an object, commonly known as superpowers.

Will Ruoxue be a superpower?!

Ren Tianchen thought of this possibility, but he can't believe it. After all, superpowers are too illusory, and he has never seen it. It's not easy for him to jump to conclusions.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Ruo Xue can turn the beam.


Waiting is very boring, especially in the cold and boring universe.

Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue spent ten hours in the narrow cockpit of the Salvation.

"Tianchen, do you hear me? Please answer when you hear it." The silent communicator suddenly sounded, and a familiar voice came.

Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue looked at each other and saw joy.

"Great, we are finally saved." Ruoxue said happily.

Ren Tianchen immediately replied to the rescue team and flew out of his hiding place with the blue phantom on one side of the savior.

He saw the Beast and the Dark Night flying this way.

Seeing their familiar comrades-in-arms, they were extremely happy. People who have not experienced it first-hand will not understand the feeling of wandering in the universe. They are lonely, cold, and have no life. Being alone in such an environment will only have a sense of despair.

After boarding the spaceship that came to rescue, Ren Tianchen sent Ruoxue to the infirmary for treatment.

Wang Ye and Lengmu also came to accompany.

"Tay to us what happened?" Wang Ye asked. He was looking forward to it. He had just seen that the left leg of the savior was broken, and he must have gone through a fierce battle.

Ren Tianchen briefly talked about the matter, but he ignored the fact that Ruoxue's gun would turn and the spaceship.

After all, these two things are very important. If people know that if Snow can turn the beam, they will definitely be regarded as monsters and may be arrested for research, because this is not something that human beings can do at all.

And if the ghost ship is known to the world, it will definitely cause a greater sensation, and as the originator, he will definitely have nothing to do with it, and there will be endless trouble at that time. It is wise to protect yourself. Moreover, the unknown shipowner certainly did not want anyone to know his existence, otherwise he would not have wandered in the universe for 30 years and died on the spaceship.

If he hadn't met the spaceship, Ren Tianchen might have died of lack of oxygen, and he took other people's things. The kindness of saving his life and the kindness of the necklace, he really has nothing to repay, and he can't repay. Therefore, all he can do is keep it a secret for the unknown owner and keep the world from knowing the existence of the ghost ship.