Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 52 Guerilla Squad

Chapter 52 Guerilla Squad

The land of Mars is very desolate. Because the soil contains a large amount of hematite, that is, iron trioxide, the land of Mars is red. In addition, the atmosphere of Mars is very harsh, and sandstorms often occur, and the intensity and maintenance time of these sandstorms far exceed that of sandstorms on Earth.

It has been three days since the guerrillas led by Ren Tianchen left the base. Along the way, they should not only carefully avoid the enemy's reconnaissance, but also advance in a strong sandstorm. This is a large sandstorm. The mecha cannot fly in the sky, otherwise they may be torn to pieces by the strong wind. They can only drive the mecha step by step. Marched, so three days passed, and they only marched 300 kilometers.

Now the guerrilla team led by Ren Tianchen is resting in a canyon. The sand and dust in the canyon are raging, and the wind is roaring and overwhelming. There is sand and stones everywhere, and smoke and dust are rolling. The engineers left their respective mechas and gathered in the logistics chariots.

"Now our position is here." Ren Tianchen pointed to a local road on the electronic map, and they were holding a combat meeting to formulate the next strategy.

"The original plan was to reach the target location within five days, but due to this sandstorm, we have delayed a lot of time, so I decided to start again when the storm is smaller." Ren Tianchen looked at the nine soldiers around the conference table, who were all the engineers of the Lockon team.

"It will be dangerous to march under such a big storm. If you are not careful, you may be blown away by the wind." An elite in red objected. His name is Shaka, an elite warrior who has newly joined the Lockon team.

"Yes, such a sandstorm is terrible. If it is involved, even the warship will be torn to pieces." Agra's solemn face.

"I'm very clear about this, but the sandstorm on Mars will last for a long time. We don't have time to wait. We will slowly move forward on the ground. The power of the sandstorm will be relatively small, and we can just use this sandstorm as a cover to avoid the reconnaissance of the Earth Army and reach the eye. Mark the location." Ren Tianchen explained.

Everyone nodded and obviously agreed with Ren Tianchen's view.

"That's true." Agre nodded

"That's the only way." Shaka also nodded.

"If you have no objection, go back and prepare for it and be ready to go at any time." Ren Tianchen looked around the crowd.

The meeting was disbanded, and Lin Ya left first. Ren Tianchen looked at his back and felt a little strange. From beginning to end of the whole meeting, Lin Ya did not say a word and stood aside in silence. Although his eyes were still very cold, they were not as gloomy as usual.

However, Ren Tianchen just thought so and did not continue to think. As long as Lin Ya didn't make any trouble for him, he didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

"How do you feel as the acting captain these days?" Ruoxue brought a cup of hot water to Ren Tianchen, and the two came to the side of the porthole, which was quiet and peaceful. Outside, the yellow sand was full of the sky and the wind roared, as if they were two different worlds, separated by a porthole.

"How to put it? Overall, it feels good, but there are too many things to consider." Ren Tianchen sighed and continued, "Everyone's life is in my hands. Every decision I make must be correct, because I must be responsible for their lives. Now I finally realize the hard work of the captain. Sure enough, I am more suitable to be a pure warrior!"

Ren Tianchen drank hot water and looked out of the window with a flat face.

"Believe yourself and work hard. Don't think too much." If the snow silver hair flutters, the eyes are bright and there is a kind of aesthetic temperament.

Ren Tianchen smiled, reached out to hold Ruoxue and said, "You're right."

Two hours later, the sandstorm weakened a lot, and Ren Tianchen all boarded their respective mechas and were ready to set off again.

"Go, keep up and don't fall behind." The savior took the lead, and the rest of the mecha and the logistics chariot followed one after another.

A day later, they traveled 80 kilometers.

In the vast earth and the wild sand in the sky, you can faintly see several vague shadows moving forward slowly.

Ren Tianchen looked at the roaring wind and sand outside in the cockpit of the Salvation. These days, he saw almost all the scenes every day, and he was tired of it. In such an environment, the visibility is very small, so it can only rely on the mecha radar reconnaissance system to detect the surrounding situation at all times.

Suddenly, the radar sounded an alarm, and an enemy approached. Ren Tianchen instantly called the nine mecha behind him to squat down. At the same time, the savior also knelt on one foot.

Ren Tianchen's eyes were solemn, looking at the approaching light spots on the radar.

"Come this way? Have you been found?!"

Ren Tianchen stared into the distance and crossed the yellow sand. He saw a vague light, which was constantly approaching, obviously rushing this way.

"What should I do? Do you want to fight?!" Ruoxue asked softly.

"Don't move first, let's see what's going on."

It was five Earth Army black wind mecha, stepping on a disk-shaped suspended glider, which rushed this way at a fast speed.

The guerrilla team raised their hearts and stared at the enemy team closely. Their mechas clenched their guns and were ready to fight at any time. They are not afraid of these people, but they are worried that once a battle breaks out, the enemy may find out their existence, which will have a great impact on the mission.

The strong wind is still roaring, and the five black wind armors are still rushing at high speed, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

Ren Tianchen is ready. As long as the enemy approaches within 1,000 meters around them, the savior will rush directly to solve the enemy as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, the five black wind armors turned in the direction and rushed in the other direction, sinking into the other side of the sandstorm.

The guerrilla team suddenly lowered their hearts, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's keep going!" Ren Tianchen drove the savior and stood up,

The guerrilla team continued to go on the road, but when they only walked a few hundred meters, suddenly, the five black wind armors returned and rushed out.

Ren Tianchen reacted instantly, and the savior rushed over at the first time. The light sword took action and a sword passed. The cockpit of two black wind armor was cut open and the driver was killed. Then the savior flashed three swords and pierced the cockpit of three black wind armor almost at the same moment, like a dragonfly. After stabbing the pilot to death, he drew his sword and left.

Less than five seconds from the beginning to the end of the battle, in order not to expose the target, the enemy cannot be blown up, so Ren Tianchen only killed the pilot without destroying the key part of the mecha.

Ren Tianchen led the team to continue on the road, leaving five mecha wreckage, with strong wind roaring and yellow sand all over the sky. Soon the mecha wreckage was submerged by yellow sand and buried underground.

Worried that there would be another earth army, Ren Tianchen and others walked very fast. In the next day, they walked nearly 100 kilometers.

The wind is still roaring, and the yellow sand has never stopped, but the wind is much smaller than a few days ago.

At this moment, the guerrilla team led by Ren Tianchen is resting under a cliff.

Ren Tianchen checked the electronic map in the cockpit of the Salvation.

The mountains are rugged, and in this sandstorm weather, there is no way to use unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Moreover, this is already the enemy's hinterland, and there may be a dark whistle around it. If it is found, it will be troublesome.

"Lin Ya, it's your turn to go out to scout this time." Ren Tianchen gave a direct order.

"I know." Lin Ya was very unhappy to drive away the Tianji. He had hated Ren Tianchen, but now he was ordered by Ren Tianchen, and he naturally felt very unhappy.

The Skyline quickly disappeared into the sandstorm.

"Tianchen, do you think our mission will succeed?" Shaka drove his tiger mecha to the side of the savior.

"I don't know that everything ahead is unknown, and we can only do our best." Ren Tianchen looked at the killing outside and answered Shaka's question.

"Real, but it's true. Let's just try our best." Shaka is 25 years old, of medium height and handsome. He often smiles, which makes people feel very intimate.

"Lin Ya seems to be very unhappy with you. Is there any conflict between you?" Shaka asked again.

"Hm, that's right." Ren Tianchen nodded and remembered all kinds of things in the past few months. After careful thinking about it, in fact, he had no deep hatred with Lin Ya, but Lin Ya had a bad attitude and said rudely many times, which made him very unhappy. Only then did he humiliate Lin Ya. However, there is no need for him to care about Lin Ya now. The two are no longer on the same level, so their views can naturally be different.

Lin Ya drove the Tianji all the way and has gone out * kilometers.

"Well, who do you think you dare to instruct me?" Lin Ya scolded very unpleasantly.

He looked at the surrounding environment again. This is a canyon with towering peaks on both sides. At a glance, in addition to the wind and sand, the visibility is very low with the naked eye.

"This is..."

Suddenly, several * appeared abruptly, crossing the wild sand and shooting at the Tianji.

"What?" Lin Ya was shocked.

The valley where the celestial machine stood was blown up in an instant, and the strong airflow blew away the sand all over the sky, and many stones were lifted to the sky.

The bombing was very strong, and Ren Tianchen, who was a few kilometers away, sensed the vibration of the ground.

"Is there an ambush nearby?" Shakadao.

"Then the cliff will be dangerous." Agra was surprised.

"What should I do?!" Ruoxue asked Ren Tianchen.

"Captain, Lin Ya sent a distress message." At this time, the navigator in the cab of the chariot came with such caution.

Ren Tianchen's eyes are deep, and he is thinking quickly.

Lin Ya is an elite warrior with seven times the speed of sound control and can let him send a distress signal, so the enemy in front of him must not be very strong, but must be a large army.

"I'll save him. You bypass the battlefield in front of you and move on. After saving him, I will catch up with you." After Ren Tianchen left this sentence, he drove the savior directly to the battlefield ahead and soon disappeared into the yellow sand.

Although he hates Lin Ya very much, at least he is also a member of the team, not to mention that he had said before departure that he would take everyone back safely, so he could not die.

"We can't just leave them and leave by ourselves." Ruoxue said, her face was solemn, and suddenly his heart beat fast, and she was worried that Ren Tianchen would be in danger.

Shaka and Agra nodded to agree.

"You go around the front first, rescue the cliff, and we will catch up with you." Shaka said to his other comrades-in-arms that they were all ordinary soldiers. If they went together, it would not only be dangerous, but also might drag them down.

"Let's go!" Ruoxue rushed over in the blue phantom, followed by Shaka and Agrae driving their own mecha.

The wind roared, and the yellow sand flew all over the sky, as if playing a sad song.