Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 56 Yang Wenchen

Chapter 56 Yang Wenchen

After the Salvation and the Warlord broke through the siege, it directly broke out at ten times the speed of sound and flew to the predetermined place, flying 57 kilometers in one breath. The wind and sand can't stop them from moving forward at all. The strong at their level don't need to be afraid of this level of sandstorm at all.

Finally, they found Ruoxue and Shaka, as well as other members of the team at the scheduled location.

"Tianchen, are you all right?" As soon as the savior landed, Ruoxue couldn't help calling.

Ren Tianchen did not answer. The savior suddenly pulled out his lightsaber and pointed to the cockpit of the Warlord beside him.

"Hey, what are you doing? How can I say that I am also your lifesaver? Do you want to turn against you so soon?!" The fighter of the King of War was very stunned, but he was not panicked, and his expression was very natural.

"Who are you? Where is it from? Why did you save us? What's the purpose?!" Ren Tianchen's face was serious and his tone was also very ruthless.

"That doesn't have to be like this." The fighter of the King of War said helplessly.

"Answer me first." Ren Tianchen repeated again, and his tone was still so ruthless.

"Really, is it necessary to be so serious?" The teenager said helplessly.

"Although I am very grateful for your rescue, I am a soldier. It is a time of war. Every decision I make will determine the life and death of my teammates. I must be responsible for their lives." Ren Tianchendao.

The teenager looked stagnant, and then shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm really defeated. Well, I'll answer the three questions you asked."

The teenager paused for a moment and continued, "First of all, my name is Yang Wenchen. I'm 16 years old and I'm from the Justice League. As for why it's just you, it's very simple to see if the federal army is unhappy."

"Justice Alliance?" Ren Tianchen asked doubtfully.

"The Justice League is an armed organization against federal forces. We have been engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Federation behind enemy lines. The goal of our Justice League is to drive the Earth Federation out of Mars and achieve permanent peace on Mars." Young Yang Wenchen said.

"I happened to pass by this area on a mission. I didn't expect to meet you. I didn't want to care about it, but I really didn't like the shameless federal army bullying more and less, so I helped you." Yang Wenchen paused and said, "Hey, you can put away the lightsaber!"

Ren Tianchen's eyes were as deep as the sea. He meditated for a while, and then the savior put away the lightsaber.

Yang Wenchen saw that the savior put away the light sword. His golden eyes were like the shining starlight in the starry sky, which was very bright and beautiful. He smiled and said, "Hey, it's rare for everyone to meet. Get to know each other. My name is Yang Wenchen. Please give me more advice."

"Ren Tianchen."

"My name is Ruoxue. Thank you for your help."


"How's everyone doing?" Ren Tianchen asked Ruoxue.

Ruoxue's mood suddenly fell, and sadness filled her heart again.

"Everyone is fine, but Agrae died." Ruoxue replied.

Ren Tianchen was stunned. He didn't expect that someone would die so soon when he led the team out, and he was still in a good relationship. I remember that when he and Ruoxue first came to the Lockon team, Agra did not embarras him like other veterans, but treated them very enthusiastically and always been very Take care of them. The people who were together yesterday are now separated from each other.

"I will avenge you and worship you with the blood of Lin Ya!" Ren Tianchen's eyes are as cold as a knife, and his murderous intention is infinite. It is Lin Ya's betrayal that makes Agrae die. This is a deep blood hatred, and he has to repay.

"What should we do next? Your savior is so seriously injured, and my sandstone and Ruoxue blue Phantom are also seriously injured. We must repair it quickly, otherwise we can't continue the task, but now we don't have enough resources to repair the three mecha of us. At this time, Shaka asked and asked a sharp question.

The savior has just experienced a fierce battle. The body of the three ace warriors of Lien Zhan has already been scars, with sword marks, criscrossing, full of the body of the savior, especially the scar on the right chest, which was cut by the round flying shield of the green mecha, and the wound on the right waist is still blue. The colored electric spark, which was injured during Lin Ya's sneak attack, because the battle was too fierce, the wound has expanded much more than before. Such injuries are indeed very serious. If they are not repaired quickly, the savior may be scrapped.

However, they are in the enemy camp and have no place to repair and not enough materials, so this has become a major problem they need to solve at present.

"If possible, come to the base of our Justice League, and we can help repair your mecha." At this time, Yang Wenchen said.

Ren Tianchen frowned, looked solemn, and thought about Yang Wenchen's words.

"Is it okay?" Ruoxue asked.

"What's wrong? We have a common enemy, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend." Yang Wenchen said with a smile.

"What do you think?" Ruoxue asked Ren Tianchen.

"I don't think you will help us for no reason. What are your conditions? Say it!" Ren Tianchen did not agree in time, but asked this question.

Yang Wenchen was stunned. He never thought that Ren Tianchen would ask this. He smiled helplessly and said, "I really admire you. I just want to save you. There is no purpose to be taught by those federal troops. However, if you go back to the base with me, there may be conditions, but then you will have to make up. The minister went to talk about it. It has nothing to do with me.

"Well, we will go back to the base with you, but if you dare to be against us, I will kill you as soon as possible." Ren Tianchen's words were cold and his eyes were like knives. In this special period, a little carelessness may lead to the annihilation of the whole team, so he had to be cautious.

"Well, as you like, hey, it's so difficult to do a good thing these days!" Yang Wenchen said helplessly.

"Keep up!"

Then he drove the King of War and flew in one direction.

Subsequently, the Salvation, the Blue Phantom, the Sandstone and five other Zhagu, and a logistics chariot also flew into the sky, followed by the Warlord.

"Tianchen, are you all right?" Ruoxue asked, she had been worried about Ren Tianchen, and now she can imagine the difficulties of the previous war when she sees the scars covered with the savior.

"It's okay. Don't worry. We're still alive. We're really alive." Ren Tianchen said with a flat face.

"Yes, it's still alive." Ruoxue smiled slightly, and this moment was very beautiful.

"Hey, where are you from?" At this time, Yang Wenchen's voice came from the communicator.

"Dadar Base."

"So, what mission do you want to do here?" Yang Wenchen asked again.

"There is no comment." Ren Tianchen refused very directly. The task of this guerrilla war was top secret. Even Ruoxue and others didn't know how to tell an outsider.

"You guy is so boring." Yang Wenchen curled his lips helplessly, and then focused on manipulating the mecha and stopped chatting.

The wind roared, the yellow sand flew all over the sky, covering the sun, and the vision was extremely bad. However, Yang Wenchen, a person familiar with the terrain here, led the way. They went all the way unimpeded, at a high speed, directly flew over a distance of 100 kilometers, and dodged many federal secret whistles.

Finally, they came to the foot of a big mountain, which was surrounded by mountains and blocked by mountains. The wind and sand were relatively weak. They would not fly wild sand like outside, and it was all red at a glance.

"Where is your base?" Ren Tianchen asked, and at the same time, he became alert and clenched the joystick in his hand. He could not fully believe that this sudden person appeared. Once there was a change, he would take action at any time.

"We're here." Yang Wenchen smiled and then changed the communication channel: "Hey, I'm back. Open the door."

After a while, the stone wall in front of them suddenly cracked and slowly moved away to both sides. A bright light shone out from inside. Soon, a huge hole 50 meters high and 30 meters wide appeared in front of them.

The Warlord first stepped in. Ren Tianchen looked calm and drove the savior in, and the others followed one after another. After they entered, the door of the cave slowly closed.

"I didn't expect that there was such a facility here." Ruoxue exclaimed.

"Ha ha, this base was built with a lot of effort. It is our base camp against the federal army." Yang Wenchen said.

At this time, Ren Tianchen found that the channel was going down, that is to say, the base of the League of Justice was underground.

"Is your base underground?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"Yes, in order to prevent being discovered by the federal army, the base was built 1,000 meters underground." Yang Wenchen said.

"One kilometer? So deep?!" Ruoxue was amazed.

They walked all the way and spared several turns. After walking several kilometers, they came to an empty cave that was so big that it could almost accommodate a warship. There is a crack 100 meters long and 30 meters wide on the ground of the cave, and the bottom is dark and the bottom is not visible at all.

"There are many fork in the road we just walked, some of which are dead roads. If there is no familiar person to lead the way, we will get lost in this ground." Yang Wenchen said.

Ruo Xue and others couldn't help looking back at the hole.

"The base of the Hessop Mine Division of our Justice League is below." Yang Wenchen looked at the bottomless crack below and said, "Come with me!"

After saying that, he jumped down in the Battle King, and then the Salvation led his teammates to jump down.

The engine behind the mecha is sprayed to slow down. It's dark all around and you can't see anything.

"It was built in such a hidden place. No wonder it was not found by the federal army." Ruoxue sighed.

"Yes, it is because of this base that we can fight until now." Yang Wenchen said.

After falling nearly 500 meters, all the mecha stepped on the ground again.

"What the hell?" Ren Tianchen observed the surroundings and did not find anything wrong.

At this time, the stone wall in front of them suddenly cracked, and a bright light shot out from it. Then, the bright light slowly expanded, and a 30-meter-high gate appeared in front of them.

When they walked into the door, they were all stunned.

They saw a golden field, a large area of farmland, the breeze blowing, a layer of golden waves; there were small bridges and flowing water, as well as children and hard-working women in the field; when they looked up, they saw the blue sky and white clouds, and geese flying by. Everything in front of us is so beautiful, as if it were a paradise.

"This is our base, how about it? Isn't it beautiful?" Yang Wenchen said that he was very proud in his eyes.

"It's so beautiful. I can't believe that there is such a beautiful place in such a deep ground, which is simply a paradise." Ruoxue was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her and gave sincere admiration.

"Let's go and take you to meet our partners of the League of Justice." Yang Wenchen smiled and said that his smile was as warm as the sunshine.