Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 59 Converge

Chapter 59 Converge

The red land, the wind is roaring, the yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and it is a doomsday scene. In the distance, you can faintly see a long black belt moving at high speed on the ground, which is actually a team of mecha dragons.

This is a mecha force from the League of Justice. Each mecha advances in a sliding way, which is very fast. Advanced mecha such as The Salvation, the King of War, and the Blue Phantom are at the forefront.

"Where are we going? This direction is not to go to Bonroco Base. Sauron asked Ren Tianchen.

"We are not enough to attack the Bonroco base. We still need stronger troops." Ren Tianchendao.

The savior took the lead and roared past and shoveled the rolling red sand. Warlord and other mechas followed closely, and the traces they left were quickly covered by the wind and sand, as if they had never appeared.

This is a hidden crack located in the hinterland of the Earth Federal Army occupied area in the Heatho mining area, under which is an extremely deep canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon, there is a bright light. In the faint light, you can see more than a dozen mecha and two chariots.

There is a fiery mecha and a dark mecha, which are the Beast and the Dark Night.

"Really, the appointment time has passed for several days. Why hasn't Tianchen come yet?! Isn't it going to hang up?!" Wang Ye sat in the cockpit of the Beast and drank a sip of wine, which was quite anxious.

"Shut up your crow's mouth!" A cold sound came from the communicator.

"Of course, I know that Tianchen will be fine, but there is no way for us to wait like this. Should we go to find them?" Wang Ye said seriously.

After thinking for a moment, Lengmu said, "Wait a minute. Maybe he just encountered a little trouble and should come to join us soon."

Lengmu is also uncertain about whether Ren Tianchen can come. After all, this is the enemy's territory. Although Ren Tianchen is an ace warrior, it is the first time he has carried out such a mission. He is inexperienced and is very likely to have an accident.

"Captain, the sentry reported that a large group of people approached us quickly." At this time, a voice came from the communicator.

"Is it the Lockon team?" Wang Ye asked.

"It doesn't seem to be, because this army is very large, with more than 40 mecha."

"What? More than 40?" Wang Ye was surprised.

"It seems to be the Earth Federal Army. Has our hiding place been found?" The cold wood looked solemn, and then he said, "Can the sentry determine the model of the enemy's mecha?"

"The weather is too bad to see clearly."

"Brothers copy the guys and get ready to fight." Wang Ye's loud voice exploded in all the communication channels, and the sound was like thunder.

So all the mecha eyes bloomed and started one after another. The barbarian and the night flew out of the crack. Wang Ye and Lengmu have carried out such tasks several times. They are experienced. The barbarian and the night lie on the ground, and the other mecha also flew out of the cracks and were afraid of forming a row next to the two. All The mecha put weapons in front of them and are ready to fight.

In front, the sand is flying, and the visual distance is very short. You can only faintly see a black spot approaching in front of you, and the black spot is gradually amplified, proving that this mecha force is gradually approaching.

"Here it comes."

"Listen, everyone. Beat me hard later. Don't let go of these bastards." Wang Ye's low way.

Everyone held their breath and quietly stared at the gradually enlarged black spot in front of them. They were waiting. As long as the other party was close to the attack range, they would immediately kill the unit with the strongest firepower.

Time seems to stop, and the wind and sand are raging, almost burying all the mecha. And the troops ahead are also gradually approaching.

After about five minutes, the wind and sand are still raging.

Lengmu was aiming attentively. At this time, a text message came in and the computer automatically displayed it on the screen.

"Today's moon is so beautiful. Let's enjoy the moon together!" This is the content of this text message.

When I saw this text message, I was shocked and then happy.

"It's Tianchen. He's here." Lengmu said.

When they separated, the three of them set a secret code and a special communication channel. Now this secret message comes from the predetermined communication channel. There is no doubt that the person who came must be Ren Tianchen.

"Haha, I knew he would definitely come." Wang Ye laughed, and he also received the message, and then said to his teammates behind him, "Everyone, don't be nervous. It's your own people."

The Beast and the Night stood up.

"But how come there are so many mecha around him?" The cold wood is puzzled.

"Let's go and meet him." Wang Ye's driver, the Beast, took a big step and ran to Ren Tianchen's troops happily.

It didn't take long for Wang Ye and others to meet Ren Tianchen's troops.

"Haha, Tianchen, you make us wait!" Wang Ye laughed.

"Sorry, there is something delayed." Ren Tianchen smiled.

"What difficulties have you encountered?" Leng Mu asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

Later, Ren Tianchen introduced the people of the Justice League to Wang Ye and Lengmu. When they knew that Yang Wenchen was such a young ace warrior, they were surprised. When they knew that Ren Tianchen had reached an agreement with the Justice League, they were even more surprised.

And Sauron and others were also surprised when they learned the identities of Wang Ye and Lengmu. After all, the famous warriors on the elite list are very powerful.

"In this way, our combat effectiveness has improved a lot." Sauron sighed that he seemed to see hope. He knew that the strength of the Bonroco base and the addition of more troops would greatly improve the success rate of this battle.

"That's why you came here!" Yang Wenchen asked.

"That's right!" Ren Tianchen nodded.

"Let's go to the camp first. Let's talk about it slowly." Cold wood road

So the brigade returned to the camp where Wang Ye and they had hidden before.

"Tianchen, what are the conditions for cooperating with them?" On the way, Lengmu asked that they used a secret communication channel.

"Help them take down the Bonroco base."

Lengmu's expression stagnated and he was a little stunned and said, "Bang Roco Base, their appetite is too big." Then, he smiled and said, "But I have to say that the world is really full of coincidences!"

"Yes, this is called pushing boats along the water." Ren Tianchen laughed.

"It should be the needs of each."

The two looked at each other and smiled, which contained many meanings.

In fact, their mission this time is different from before, and it is not simply sabotage. Their real task is to take down the Bonroco base, which is a top-secret mission. The only people involved are Ren Tianchen, Lengmu, Wang Ye and Lockeon. However, I didn't expect that the goal of the Justice League would be so coincidentally consistent with them, so when Sauron proposed this cooperation, Ren Tianchen readily agreed.

The brigade returned to the crack where Lengmu and they were hiding.

"Are you all here these days?" Ren Tianchen asked, sitting in the cockpit of the savior and looking around and observing the surrounding environment.

"Yes, we came to this predetermined place and found this place. Not only can we avoid the wind and sand, but we don't have to worry about being discovered by the federal army. It's a good hiding place," Wang Ye said.

Ren Tianchen and several senior officials of the Justice League left their respective mechas and gathered in the command room of the logistics vehicles of the Lockon team. Time was urgent, and they immediately held a combat meeting.

In front of an electronic map, there are several people.

"Time is urgent. We don't have much time. We must quickly determine the battle plan for this attack on the Union Army Bonroko Base on Earth." Ren Tianchen said seriously.

Ren Tianchen looked at Sauron and said, "Mr. Sauron, you have been active here all year round. You must know this base very well. Please come and explain it to us!"

Sauron casually opened a map, and a three-dimensional military base appeared in front of everyone.

"The Bonroco base is a very important logistics base of the federal army. In fact, it is a huge mecha production factory, where a large number of mecha are often transported out and sent to the front line. In addition, it is also a military academy to train strong soldiers and senior technical personnel for the federal army. There is no doubt about its importance to the federal army. Therefore, this fortress in the hinterland has twice as many long garrison as other places, with about 280 mecha. Moreover, the base is also equipped with many super destructive weapons, and there are three Guangyang electronic guns.

Ren Tianchen nodded. Generally, there are not too many troops stationed in military bases in the hinterland, because the focus of defense is on the front line. As long as the front line is well defended, the rear will be safe. There is no need to spend a lot of military strength to garrison the rear military bases, especially in this time. However, this Bonroco base is also a little exaggerated. It is quite unusual to use three solar electron cannons to guard a base in its own hinterland.

"But this base is not as simple as it seems. There have been rumors that this base is secretly conducting inhuman human experiments." Sauron said with a gloomy face.

Everyone was stunned immediately.

"Use people to do experiments?" Ruoxue's face was pale and she felt unbelievable.

"Is there any conclusive evidence?" Ren Tianchen asked.

Sauron shook his head and said, "No, this is just a rumor, but it is true that there was a period of a large number of bizarre disappearances in many colonial cities, and the police finally failed. We have investigated, but the results of the investigation show that many cases are aimed at this state. Roko base, we sent people to sneak into this base several times, but unfortunately they failed and never came out again.

Sauron looked at the virtual image of the three-dimensional display in front of him, with a solemn face and gloomy eyes.

"It's too much to use the human body to do experiments." Ruoxue's face is still pale.

"As long as there is a need, human beings can do anything." Ren Tianchendao.

"Is this the root of our human inferiority?" Yang Wenchen muttered softly, perhaps talking to himself.

"Why do you think so much? Just extinguish it and turn it over again. You won't know what's going on." Wang Ye's voice is loud. He is a bold man and doesn't like to think about brain-wracking problems. In his opinion, fists are the best way to solve all problems.

"That's true. Let's beat it down first!" Yang Wenchen agreed.

"In that case, let me talk about my combat plan first." Ren Tianchen pointed out a nearby topographic map including the Bangloco base.

"The first step of the plan is to arrange a large number of radio jammers around the base to cut off the connection between the Bonroco base and the outside world. This is the hinterland of the enemy, and they are not allowed to spread the news, so that the command will attract more enemies, which is a crucial step." Ren Tianchen said with a straight face.

"If that's the case, then leave this to me. The Dark Night has a discoloration function, which can better arrange the radio jammer." Lengmu took the initiative to ask for his life.

"That's up to you." Correctly speaking, there should be nothing more suitable than Lengmu. This work is related to the success of the subsequent battle. It must be completed unconsciously, and the Dark Night is enough to be competent.

"The second step of the plan is that we need to divide our troops into four routes and lurk in four directions, southeast and northwest, so that the enemy cannot have a way to escape." Ren Tianchen said with a straight face.