Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 64 Human Evolution

Chapter 64 Human Evolution

The huge laboratory is silent, the ground is full of corpses, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood.


A few weak coughs can be heard very clearly in this deadly quiet laboratory.

Ren Tianchen's eyes flashed, his body flashed, and he drew a gun to a corner. He saw a man in a long coat and full of blood among the dead. The man pressed his abdomen and blood flowed out and dyed his clothes red.

Ren Tianchen walked over step by step. He heard the man's weak breathing. When he came to the man, he found that he had been hit by several shots and his blood was almost dry.

"Are you still alive?" Ren Tianchen asked.

The man was very weak, his face was as pale as white wax, and his body trembled, as if he might die at any time. He looked up at Ren Tianchen with difficulty.

"You are the commander of the Tianyue Army. Are you the one who attacked this base? You have come here, which means you have succeeded. The man's voice was extremely weak. Although he was seriously injured, he still maintained a clear consciousness.

Ren Tianchen squatted down and took out some urgent hemostatic drugs to help the man stop bleeding. He doesn't want this man to die like this, because he still has a lot of questions.

"Don't waste your time. My blood is about to run out. It's not far from death."

Ren Tianchen ignored him, simply bandaged him, and then moved him to a cleaner place.

"What experiments are you doing here? How long has it been? What the hell is going on here? Tell me everything you know." Ren Tianchen looked straight into the man's eyes.

The man took a look at Ren Tianchen, then smiled bitterly and said, "Well, anyway, I'm dying, and there's no need to keep it a secret. I'll tell you all."

He adjusted his breathing and paused for a minute before speaking slowly.

"My name is Xie Dong, a biological scientist who works with the federal army. As you can see, this laboratory conducts human experiments, and those dead children are all experimental subjects."

Xie Dong was too seriously injured. He coughed a few mouthfuls of bright red blood, his face became paler and his voice was weaker.

"You should know that human evolution is the result of natural selection, but this process is too long. It took us millions of years to get to this point. In this era of science and technology, such a speed can no longer keep up with the times in order to face more unknown challenges. If you are more adaptable to the life of the universe, then human beings must rely on the power of science and technology to make themselves stronger.

"So you," Ren Tianchen said solemnly.

"Yes, the potential of the human body is infinite, but it's just the application we don't understand. We use the most advanced modern technology to genetically modify the human body or strengthen drugs to maximize the potential of the human body. The final experimental results are perfect. An ordinary person who has no power to bind the chicken, After strengthening, you can become a powerful ace warrior. Xie Dong looked very proud, as if this was some kind of glorious great cause.

"There must be a lot of side effects, right?" Ren Tianchen said that he did not believe that there would be such a good thing in the world. He could become a strong man without hard work.

seemed to be said to be in pain, and Xie Dong's eyes were much darker. After a while, he continued: "I don't know when this experiment started. I was recruited after graduation. It has been eight years now. As you said, at the beginning of the experiment, we mainly focus on drug enhancement, but because the drug properties are too strong, about only one person in a hundred experimental bodies can Later, after long-term research and improvement, the success rate has been greatly improved. As long as you can withstand the medicine, you can become an ace warrior.

"Your experiment was captured from civilians, right?" Ren Tianchen's eyes became gloomy.

"Yes, soldiers were used for experiments at first, but the success rate was too low, and this experiment requires a large number of living people to do experiments. The army can't withstand the death of a large number of soldiers, so it can only catch civilians to do experiments." Thank you.

"Do you know how many people will die?" Ren Tianchen's eyes were gloomy and his words were cold.

"I'm just a scientist. I just need to do research. Moreover, in this troubled times, the lives of the weak cannot be guaranteed. Instead of dying under gunfire, it is better to die for science, for human beings to evolve better." Xie Dong said blankly and lightly.

Renchen grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him. His eyes were murderous and extremely cold. This act of ignoring life and not treating people as human beings has angered him.

"Have you ever thought about what to do with those who were captured by you and their families? Destroy the happiness of others and experiment with other people's lives. Who gives you the right?!" Ren Tianchen's tone is cold to the bone, which makes people feel that they are in the cold winter.

"I said, I'm just a scientist. It's all for science." Xie Dong's face was flat. He was already a dying man and was not afraid of Ren Tianchen.

Ren Tianchen gritted his teeth angrily. Then, he let go and pushed Xie Dong away. Because of the excessive force, Xie Dong coughed a few mouthfuls of blood.

After a while, after Ren Tianchen recovered his mood, he said coldly, "Go on."

Xie Dong adjusted his breathing, sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "With the development of the experiment, we have achieved great results. However, the mortality rate of this experiment is too high, and a large number of people are needed to do the experiment. However, the disappearance of a large number of civilians has attracted the attention of a considerable number of people. If this If the matter is exposed, the image of the federal government will be devastating, so we have to change the direction of research from drug-enhanced research to gene-enhanced research.

Xie Dong turned his eyes to the surrounding corpses and said, "The children you see are all products of genetic enhancement. Although most of these children look only teenagers, their actual age is less than two years old, because they are accelerated by artificial breeding, just like a species. Vegetables are the same.

Ren Tianchen looked at the pieces of corpses on the ground and felt sad for these children. Not only did he have other people's experiments, but he didn't even have a childhood. Now he has been ruthlessly killed, which is really miserable.

"When the fertilized egg is formed, the gene is strengthened and modified. Practice has proved that genetically modified children show far more ability than ordinary children after birth. In this way, as long as there is enough time, excellent geniuses can be cultivated, and there is no need to catch civilians to do experiments, so it will not lead With the attention of outsiders, the reputation of the federal government has been protected.

"Why did you kill them again after working hard to create them?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"It's all because you hit this base, so it needs to be transferred urgently, but there are too many experimental bodies to be transferred. We can only take away a few perfect experimental bodies. All of them here are defective products, but we can't leave them to the Tianyue Army, so they can only kill them all and destroy the certificate. According to Xie Dong's face was extremely pale and lifeless, and he was almost dying.

"Then why did they kill you?" Ren Tianchen asked.

Xie Dong smiled and said, "Do you know? I have witnessed every child here since their birth. Although they are experimental subjects, they are all lovely children, and some will be called my father. He coughed a mouthful of blood and continued, "I can't abandon them and watch them being killed, so I argued with them and insisted on taking the children away, and then...

Xie Dong's eyes were dim and silent.

"Then they shot you." Ren Tianchendao.

Xie Dong nodded and continued after being silent for a while, "I didn't expect that I had worked for the federal army for so many years, and they would kill me without hesitation."

He laughed self-deprecatingly and felt sad about himself.

"That's why you told me everything so frankly!"

"Yes, they are not kind to me. Naturally, I will be unjust to them. I'm about to die, and there is no need to keep it a secret for them." Xie Dong took off his glasses and said, "They took away all the information, but I copied one in advance and handed it to you now. The contents of it are at your disposal. You can hand it over or make it public to the world. It's up to you."

Ren Tianchen took the blood-stained glasses and put them in his pocket.

"I want to ask you a question. The girl who drives the red mecha is also a strengthening person, right?" Ren Tianchen asked that the girl is now with Ruoxue, and he wants to find out the girl's origin.

Xie Dong thought for a long time, and then said slowly, "That girl, she is the test engineer of the Requiem. She just came here a few days ago. Although I haven't tested her, I'm sure she is a strengthening person, and she is also a very perfect strengthening person. The general strengthening person is very unstable. Sometimes she can't even control herself, so she needs drugs to control it, but that girl is no different from normal people, and her ability is far better than ordinary people.

His eyes showed a look of yearning, and it was his lifelong pursuit to create the most perfect strengthening person.

"But the perfect reinforcement you mentioned has been defeated by me, a natural human." Ren Tianchen said coldly.

Xie Dong looked dull and bloodless, and Ren Tianchen's words hit him.

"Human beings can only become stronger through their own efforts. The power obtained by strengthening with drugs is only temporary, not their own real power, so your strengthening people can't beat natural human beings like me who gain strength by their own efforts in the end." Ren Tianchendao.

Xie Dong looked stunned. He was silent, slowly closed his eyes, slowly lowered his head, and said nothing more.

Ren Tianchen put his finger on the tip of Xie Dong's nose and could no longer feel his breathing. He died.

"Play with life and eventually lose life, this is retribution."

Ren Tianchen sighed and looked at the pile of corpses around him. The air was full of a pungent smell of blood, which not only did not fade, but became stronger.

"Why are they all human beings, but can they treat their compatriots like this? Is human nature still there?"

Ren Tianchen sighed again, and then turned away. Before leaving, he set a fire to turn everything into ashes. He had got enough evidence to let the bodies of the teenagers burn in the fire.