Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 66 Amazing Plan

Chapter 66 Amazing Plan

After Ren Tianchen left, Risa settled down, and Ruo Xue helped her to lie down.

"Why did you attack Tianchen?" Ruoxue asked.

As soon as Ren Tianchen was mentioned, Rachel's face suddenly sank a lot and said, "He is the enemy, and the enemy will be destroyed."

"Who told him that he was the enemy?!" Ruoxue asked again.

"Instor." Risa paused and said, "The instructor said that all the red dots on the screen are enemies, and all the enemies will be destroyed. Otherwise, Risa will be killed. Risa doesn't want to die, so Risa wants to kill the enemy."

Ruoxue was stunned, and Rachel's words surprised her. What is the identity of this girl?

Red dots on the screen? It should be the identification color of the enemy in the cockpit.

Instructor? Has such an innocent and lovely girl been trained as a soldier?!

"Lisa, can you tell my sister where you come from?" Ruoxue asked again that she was very curious about the girl's identity.

"Resa and her sister are from the same place. Have you forgotten?" Risa looked at Ruoxue puzzledly and didn't know why.

Ruoxue was even more confused. From the beginning, the girl insisted on calling her sister, and now she says that the two of them are from the same place, but how can she come from the same place as the girl?

When she wanted to continue to ask, she found that Risa had fallen asleep. Close your eyes peacefully and breathe gently.

Ruoxue smiled and thought, forget it, let's ask later!

She reached out to touch Lisa's delicate face, and the intimate feeling in her heart was stronger.

When Ren Tianchen was about to kill Rachel, she stopped it in time. In fact, she met with Risha Pingshui, and even she didn't know why she did it, but there was a feeling that she wanted her to do it. Moreover, after close contact, she has a special sense of intimacy with the girl, as if she were a former relative.

Ruoxue covered the bedding for Risa, and then left the room.

When she walked out of the room, she found that Ren Tianchen was waiting outside the door.

"What's wrong with her?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"I'm very stable and have fallen asleep." Ruo Xue replied.

"Did you ask anything?" Ren Tianchen asked again.

Ruo Xue shook her head and said, "No, she doesn't seem to know anything. By the way, did you gain anything from entering the underground factory?"

"I'll tell you later that it's not the right time." Ren Tianchen paused and said, "Everyone is in a meeting. Let's go quickly."

So, Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue went to the command room to attend an important meeting being held.

The meeting was attended by Yang Wenchen and Sauron, the leaders of the League of Justice, and Lengmu and Wang Ye, two captains of the Tianyue Imperial Army.

"Since everyone is here, let's start our meeting." Sauron saw Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue coming in and showed humanity to everyone.

"Mr. Sauron, let's talk about the current situation first?" Ren Tianchendao.

Sauron called out a three-dimensional electronic map showing the terrain near here, marked with many red dots.

"According to the news we just received, because we took down the Bonroco base, we have completely angered the federal army. Now they are looking for us like crazy, taking a carpet search, vowing to find us out." Sauron frowned and looked solemn.

"It seems that we have made a big basket." Yang Wenchen sighed.

"So it seems that the situation is very unfavorable to us. We must break out quickly. Once we are surrounded, we will be in danger." Ren Tianchen looked grim and stared at the electronic map on the desktop.

"Yes, once we are surrounded, we can't fly." Yang Wenchen also looks solemn.

"What's the matter? Let's just get out of the siege." Wang Ye said carelessly and didn't worry about being surrounded.

"What you think is so beautiful. If we are surrounded, several of us present are powerful soldiers. We may be able to break out with our personal strength, but what about those ordinary soldiers? They don't have the skills like us. Once they are surrounded, they will have no choice but to die. Lengmu's mind is calm and clearly shows the powerful relationship.

"Yes, even if I and Tianchen are ace warriors, if we are besieged by hundreds of mecha and mecha, we will have half of our lives even if we don't die." Yang Wenchen said that when the amount is accumulated to a certain extent, it will cause qualitative change, and two fists are difficult to beat the four hands. It is also extremely difficult for a person to break through in the face of hundreds of people.

Wang Ye smiled and said, "I'm just a rough man. I don't understand these tricks. You can do what you say you should do."

"Now that the situation is critical, we must quickly come up with a coping strategy. Once the enemy's encirclement network is formed, it will be really difficult for us to fly." Saurond.

All the people here are silent, which is a dilemma.

Now surrounded by enemies, if they rush out directly like this, they are looking for death. With dozens of mecha and more than a dozen large trucks, it is difficult for such a team not to be found.

However, if they stay here like this, once the encirclement network of the federal army is formed, it will be difficult for them to fly even if they insert their wings.

Everyone here is thinking, hoping to come up with a good way to save everyone's lives and escape from the encirclement.

Ren Tianchen looked at Yang Wenchen and found that he was also looking at him.

"What did you think of?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"It's the same as you think." Yang Wenchen smiled.

Ren Tianchen will smile.

The others are confused and don't know what they mean.

"What did you think of?" Ruoxue asked.

"Yes, just say whatever you think." Saurond.

Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen looked at each other and exchanged short-term eyes. Then, Ren Tianchen said, "My plan is to let the enemy know where we are, and then we will break through strongly."

As soon as this word came out, the four were shocked. Sauron, Lengmu and others were dumbfounded and looked at Ren Tianchen in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" Ruoxue can't figure out how Ren Tianchen, who has always been shrewd, say such an idiotic thing? Did she hear it wrong? Or is he wrong?!

"However, it is not all of us who want to break through, but me and Tianchen." Yang Wenchen took Ren Tianchen's words and explained further.

"Yes, Wenchen and I will use it as bait to attract all the enemies to another place and break their encirclement, and then you will take the opportunity to escape from here and go back to the base." Ren Tianchendao.

"What will you do? This is too dangerous." Ruoxue was the first to stand up and question. She was too nervous to question Ren Tianchen and didn't want him to be fine.

"If so, you may be besieged by hundreds of mecha, even if you are ace warriors, it's too risky." The cold wood has a solemn face.

"Yes, it's too risky. I can't even think of this idea. You are bold enough." Wang Ye gave a thumbs up.

"It's okay. We don't really have to fight with them. We just attract them and buy you some time. If the time is about the same, we will retreat." Yang Wenchen said very easily, but everyone present knows that this is by no means a simple thing. In the face of hundreds of mechas, it is not easy to break through, and there must be a great price.

"Is there no other way?" Sauron asked, and he also felt that this method was too risky.

"If we throw away all the materials of the dozen trucks we robbed, we may be able to break out, but in that case, what about the energy crisis of the base? Moreover, these things were exchanged for their lives by their dead comrades-in-arms. They can't let their blood flow in vain. They must take things back. Yang Wenchen said seriously.

Sauron and others were silent. They attacked the Bonroco base for these supplies. If they lost all these hard-working supplies, what's the point of sacrificing so many comrades to attack the Bonroco base?!

"Wenchen is right. Everything is determined by everyone's life, and it must not be left behind like this." Ren Tianchen also agreed with Yang Wenchen's words.

"That said, it's too risky. In case you two are not careful, you two may not be able to come back." Lengmu's face was solemn. He agreed with Ren Tianchen's plan, because he knew that only in this way could everyone get through this difficulty.

"Then shall we go with you? Multiple people and multiple forces. Ruoxue said, she didn't want to see Ren Tianchen take risks alone.

"No, you are not strong enough, as long as Wen Chen and I go." Ren Tianchen refused directly and joked that how could Ruoxue participate in such a dangerous thing?

"The two of us can go. The fewer people there are, the better. If there are fewer people, it will be easier to break through." Yang Wenchen said.

"It's true. If we go, it will only hinder you." Leng Mu nodded.

Ruo Xue was silent. She knew that once Ren Tianchen made a decision, it could not be changed.

Ren Tianchen looked around and said, "It seems that everyone has no objection, so act according to this plan. Wenchen and I will lead the enemy away. Do you understand that you can take this time to act according to the original planned route?"

Everyone nodded, and they all knew that this was the only way to save them.

"Then it should not be too late. Please prepare quickly and start to act in ten minutes."

The meeting was disbanded, and Sauron, Lengmu, Wang Ye and Ren Tianchen said a few words and left.

"I didn't expect that we two would think of one piece." Yang Wenchen patted Ren Tianchen on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm starting to look forward to the war in the near future. I believe it will be a very good memory."

"Then you have to survive." Ren Tianchen responded with a smile.

"Of course, don't worry, we will be fine. My mother said that I am the dragon among people, and auspicious people have their own appearance." Yang Wenchen laughed, very comfortable, and there was no feeling that the war was coming.

Then, he left, leaving only Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue.

Ruoxue lowered her head in silence. She knew that the situation was very critical this time. One thousand of her ten thousand were unwilling to let Ren Tianchen take this risk, but this was not what she could change.

"Do you really want to go?" Ruoxue looked at Ren Tianchen, her eyes trembled with tears in her eyes.

"I have to go. This is what I have to do." Ren Tianchen said resolutely, reaching out and touching Ruoxue's smooth and delicate cheeks and gently wiping away the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes.

Ruoxue suddenly hugged him and snuggled up in his arms.

"Promise me that you must come back." Ruoxue cried softly. They loved each other so deeply that they had already been one, and no one could do it without them.

"Yes, I promise you that I will come back." Ren Tianchen comforted Ruoxue softly and didn't want to make her too sad.

The two hugged quietly, as if they were integrated and couldn't tell who was who.


"Let's go."

Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen left such a short sentence, and then drove their respective mechas to fly into the sky, moving forward, directly into the sandstorm that danced all over the sky, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Ruo Xue looked reluctantly at the direction of their departure and was extremely worried, but she could not stop him and could only pray for him silently.