Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 132 Concert Storm

Chapter 132 Concert Storm (Part 1)

A golden star warship moved forward slowly, welcomed by dozens of warships on both sides, and at the airport, Ren Tianchen, Luo and others had already been waiting here.

Only super heavyweights can enjoy such a grand show.

The golden warship slowly entered the parking space of the airport. After the restraint arm was fixed, the boarding pipeline was connected to the warship door.

Before long, the distinguished guest on the golden warship came out. This person was the only princess in the Tianyue Empire: Athena Tianyue.

"See Your Highness!" Ren Tianchen and Luo took the lead in salute.

"Get up." Athena is still so noble and elegant, bright and touching, wearing a gorgeous dance dress, long pink hair, as beautiful as a fairy in the world.

Behind him, there were several men in knighthood, all of whom were handsome, sharp-looking and strong. Every direct royal child will have a direct knight escort to protect their own safety.

The people behind Athena are her guardian knights who exist to protect her. At the critical moment, these knights do not hesitate to give their lives.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?" Athena looked at Ren Tianchen, and her eyes were very plain. Obviously, she was different from the princess she saw at the beginning. She became more mature, noble and elegant, exuding the unique temperament of the royal family.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine." Ren Tianchen also replied very plainly.

"This time, our Tianyue Empire invited Miss Shen Xiaorou to hold a concert, which is an important step towards the easing of our relationship with the Earth Federation. My father originally planned to be present in person, but he was involved in state affairs and made him unable to split up, so he had to send me to watch this concert to show that the Tianyue Empire's concert. The importance of." Athena said.

Athena's arrival was naturally warmly welcomed. The car queue moved forward slowly, and the road was full of pedestrians on both sides, shouting loudly and shouting her name.

The people were very enthusiastic, and Athena opened the window and waved.

In the front car of

che dui, Luo and Ren Tianchen are in the back seat of the car.

"At this critical moment, Her Royal Highness has also come, and now she is busy." Loo was a little helpless.

"The princess is an obvious target." Ren Tianchen nodded and said that Athena's status was noble, and it was inevitable that some villains would have strange thoughts.

The convoy has been driving into the governor's mansion. That night, the governor's mansion held a welcoming ceremony. The governor originally wanted to make a major focus, but was directly rejected by Athena.

"Father said that a ritual without practical significance is just a waste." Princess Athena said to the governor, and everyone who heard it was awed.


Shen Xiaorou's concert was held as scheduled that night.

The concert is held in the gymnasium in the city center. It is huge, but it is overcrowded at this moment. It is not yet time to enter, so hundreds of thousands of people crowded it out of the city. Looking down from the air, it is a dark crowd. This is an extremely horrible crowd.

Those who come here not only have tickets, but also those who don't have tickets also come here to join in the fun. They discuss with those who have tickets and want to buy a ticket, but everyone comes to watch Shen Xiaorou's concert. Who will sell their tickets at this moment, even if there are People can't buy a ticket at a high price. It's really hard to get a ticket.

In the concert*, in Shen Xiaorou's professional lounge.

"We will be responsible for all the security work. You just need to concentrate on singing." Luo's judo to Shen Xiao.

At this moment, Shen Xiaorou is dressed up in a gorgeous golden dress, outlining a perfect figure.

"Ye, I will. Thank you for your hard work." Her smile is very beautiful.

After that, Ren Tianchen and Luo left.

"Xiaorou, you are the protagonist tonight. Have a good performance." Sallene encouraged.

"Ye, I will. I will definitely bring you a wonderful concert." Shen Xiaorou nodded seriously.


In the empty corridor, Ren Tianchen and Luo walked side by side.

"It won't be calm tonight, and the killer in the dark will definitely take action." Luo said with a solemn face.

"If you go to the princess's side, I'm worried that the people in the dark don't just want to kill Shen Xiaorou." Ren Tianchendao.

Lore nodded, and then the two acted separately, and Ren Tianchen came directly to the concert.

The empty gymnasium is extremely large. At this moment, the audience has not yet come in. It seems quiet here, and many soldiers are patrolling.

Ren Tianchen met Li Na, Zhang Han and Carlos in one place in the audience.

"Every exit of the hall is equipped with a detector, and no one can bring weapons in. In addition, more than 1,000 police officers are secretly monitoring. Once a suspicious person is found, he will be arrested immediately. Such defense is thoughtful." Li Na said.

"These can only release those ordinary killers and can't prevent real masters, so what we should pay attention to is those masters hiding in the dark." Ren Tianchen looked at the empty gymnasium. If it were him, he had hundreds of ways to sneak in and kill Shen Xiaorou.

Zhang Han and Carlos also nodded and agreed with Ren Tianchen's point of view.

Half an hour before the concert, the audience entered the venue, such as the opening of the floodgates from the reservoir, and the black crowds poured into the huge gymnasium. Under the encouragement of the police, the order of admission was still neat and there were no serious accidents.

With the influx of people, the quiet stadium became very noisy, but the overall order was quite good.

Above the audience, there are many VIP rooms specially designed for dignitaries.

While the crowd poured in, some dignitaries and nobles from all over the world also came to the scene, including politicians from the Earth Federation or from the Tianyue Empire.

Princess Athena appeared in the most luxurious VIP room, and Loo and others actually accompanied her.

"It's really lively." Athena stood in front of the window and looked down at the noisy crowd below, her eyes full of expectation.

Nina is in another VIP room. As the eldest lady of the Elant family, she is qualified here.

Nina stood in front of the window, looked down and looked around, as if she was looking for something.

Finally, her eyes stopped on the edge of the audience below, staring at the black figure, and the silk thread never left.

seemed to feel Nina's eyes. Ren Tianchen looked up and saw her 100 meters above at a glance.

The two laughed at the same time, as if they had a good understanding.


Thousands of police officers were assigned throughout the concert, responsible for the order and security of the scene.

At the top of the gym, a man wearing * hid in front of a window. His eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake. While observing the situation below, he was assembling *. His movements were very sensitive and very fast. In a short time, a complex * was assembled and formed in his hand.

There are ten killers in the underworld, each of whom is a murderous, cold-blooded and ruthless murderer. There are countless blood stains in his hands, and I don't know how many people are killed. They are the top ten wanted criminals in human society. Whether it is the Tianyue Empire or the Earth Federation, they want to catch or kill these ten people.

This man is one of the top ten killers, called Seven Kills. His shooting skills are like gods. So far, all the people who died in his hands have been killed with one shot, and they have not been spared at all.

He was entrusted to take Shen Xiaorou's life here today. With his strength, it was too easy to sneak into it. He killed a policeman and sneaked in again.

He is quietly lurking like a poisonous snake hunting. Even if it is very narrow and only one person is allowed to live, he doesn't care at all. As long as he knows the reward, object and location, nothing else is important.


After a long wait, as all the lights suddenly dimmed, people knew that the concert was finally about to begin. Suddenly, there was a loud cry like a tsunami in the audience, and more than 300,000 people shouted at the same time. The scene was extremely shocking.

The long wait did not kill the enthusiasm of the audience, but became even higher.

With a beautiful melody, a strong light suddenly burst out in the dark air. Shen Xiaorou's golden light flashed, like a legendary angel, came out of the light, almost dreamy.

Everyone looked at the sky and stared at her. At this moment, she is the only existence in heaven and earth.

"Guys, I'm glad you can come to my concert. I hope you can have a happy night."

Shen Xiaorou slowly landed on the stage, the music sounded, a group of dancers appeared, and she began to sing.

Her singing is the most beautiful voice in the world, which is the consensus of all people. When she began to sing, the whole world seemed to be quiet. Only she was singing, and only her singing was fluttering.

Everyone was immersed in her singing, as if they had entered the paradise of music, their hearts were washed, and there was an unprecedented sense of comfort.

Even the top killers such as Seven Killing were shaken at this moment. When he noticed it, he was scared into a cold sweat and said to himself: It was worthy of being the purest voice, almost her way.

quickly removed the distracting thoughts caused by the song, picked up* and put Shen Xiaorou on the stage below into the front sight.

"Goodbye." His voice was cold and ruthless, like the call of death.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a bullet hit Shen Xiaorou silently.

Ren Tianchen's heart moved, and the golden light flashed in his eyes, shooting an invisible needle condensed from spiritual power, which directly bombed the bullet into powder. This blow was very dangerous, less than five meters away from Shen Xiaorou. If it had been a little slower, I'm afraid she would have died at this moment.

"Have you finally done it?" Ren Tianchen sneered.

Luo Fei instantly measured the direction of the bullet and the location of the shooter, but it was already empty and there was nothing.

If you don't hit it, you will escape thousands of miles away. This is the real killer.

Seven Kills knew that he had lost the opportunity and the task had failed, so he did not hesitate to leave * and escape alone.

He is running in the corridor, and now he just wants to get out of here as quickly as he can.

Suddenly, a sense of danger flashed in his heart. After years of killer experience, he practiced his keen intuition of danger and flashed aside for the first time, but he still took a step slower. A bullet broke through the air and came head-on. Finally, blood spewed back and forth, and seven murderous spirits died and fell to the ground. , become a cold dead body.

As a top killer, he was shot to death without even seeing the murderer clearly.