Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 134 Paranoia

Chapter 134 Paranoia

The moon is in the sky, the night is charming, and the judge crosses the sky like a meteor.

In the cockpit, Nina sat on Ren Tianchen's lap and looked at him tenderly.

Do you remember? The first time we kissed was in the savior's cockpit. Nina said.

Ren Tianchen's expression was stunned, showing a little unnatural look.

"That was my first kiss, and you took it away." Nina said with faint eyes.

Ren Tianchen didn't say anything, but he felt very embarrassed. He forgot such a profound thing as kissing, and it was inevitable that it would be unnatural.

The judge went all the way east and finally landed in the estate of the Elant family.

Opening the cockpit, the judge knelt on one foot and sent Ren Tianchen and Nina to the ground with his right hand.

The two stood face to face and looked at each other quietly. Their eyes were as tender as water, immersed in a wonderful feeling, and they haven't said anything for a long time.

"It's very late. Go back to bed quickly." Finally, Ren Tianchen spoke first.

Nina nodded: "I'll watch you leave first, and then go to rest."

After that, Ren Tianchen boarded the judge's right hand and rose slowly. From beginning to end, the two of them were looking at each other.

Nina always smiled and saw him leave. In fact, she hoped that he could stay.

Finally, Ren Tianchen entered the cockpit, and the judge slowly rose into the air, and finally rose to the sky and disappeared into the sky.


There is a narrow asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It should have been the orbit of a planet, but there are countless asteroids. The reason for this has not been known.

There is a larger asteroid in the asteroid belt with a diameter of 10 kilometers.

This asteroid seems normal outside and is no different from the surrounding asteroids, but its interior has long been hollowed out by the Saints and built into a huge base.

In the huge dock, the golden dragon boat is moored here.

The Saint Cavalry Regiment is mysterious and powerful. No one knows their origin. They have always been haunted. No one would have thought that the Saint Cavalry Regiment would have such a large-scale base here.

In the base, there are many logistics personnel of the Holy Cavalry Regiment who are responsible for the operation of the base and the development of new technologies.

In a dark room, Li Ke sat in **. His eyes were cold and murderous, and his mind was still replaying the scene of fighting with the judge a few months ago.

In that battle, he and Zhang Fang teamed up, but were defeated. Since the birth of the Holy Cavalry Regiment, every attack has been killed in all directions without losing, but in that battle, they tried to lose.

Li Ke is a very self-respecting person, and he is also a very strong person. He has never tasted the taste of failure before, and he has always been worried about losing to the judge.

It seems that there is always something deposited in his heart, but there is nowhere to release it. It has been depressing, which makes his spirit suffer a lot.

"We are undefeated, and the Holy Cavalry Regiment is invincible." He muttered softly, and his eyes were full of blood and full of strong murderous intent.

There is a kind of person who is paranoid and crazy about something. They are born with this and have a weirder personality than ordinary people. Obviously, Li Ke is such a person.

Finally, he made up his mind and was extremely determined.

He walked out of the room in silence and walked somewhere. In the tortuous corridor, he met the ice moon.

The ice moon is naturally beautiful, but like an ice flower, arrogant and cold, standing on the edge of the corridor, with a pair of cold eyes staring at Li Ke.

"If you want to take revenge, it will be helpful to bring those two things in the factory. I have removed the alarm system." The ice moon is cold.

Li Ke looked stunned. Unexpectedly, Bingyue knew his intention and did not stop him, but helped him.

Li Ke passed in front of Bingyue with a blank face. Bingyue looked at his departing back and raised a cold arc on the corners of his mouth: "The existence of leaking organizational secrets must be eliminated. I hope you don't let me down."

The factory is the place where the technicians of the Saint Cavalry Corps carry out technical research. At this time of night, the staff went to bed, and there were only one or two people on duty.

Li Ke first knocked the person on duty unconscious, and then came to the front of two tall figures.

"Wait for me, and I'll take your life." His voice is extremely cold and murderous.

After that, he moved the two mechas to the transport ship and flew directly out of the base in the transport ship.

A few minutes after the transport ship flew away, someone came to the factory and found that the personnel on duty had been knocked unconscious, and the two mechas were missing, which immediately sounded the alarm.

Everyone was awakened, and a group of high-level officials quickly ran to the command room of the base.

"What's going on?" Yu Yanhong hurried to the command room.

After that, Zhangfa and Bingyue also arrived. Since everyone else went out to carry out the mission, there were only a few of them left in the senior management.

"Li Ke sneaked into the factory late at night, stunned the duty personnel, and took away two new mecha." Gaia looked very bad, and the immediate behavior obviously made him angry.

"The two mechas are the latest unmanned artificial intelligence mecha, which are specially responsible for supporting your actions and have just completed the experimental test." A middle-aged humane, he is the technician of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, named Imen.

"How is that possible?" Zhang fell on his face in disbelief and then asked, "Have you contacted him?"

"He contacted many times, but he didn't answer." A yellow-haired girl said that her name is Lin Xiaoru, one of the fighters of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, responsible for the liaison work on the golden dragon boat.

"Can this be regarded as a betrayal?" Yu Yanhong said with solemn eyes.

"It's impossible. Li Ke is absolutely impossible to betray. It's absolutely impossible!" Zhang Qi shouted that he was a little excited, because he knew that once he was considered a traitor in the Saint Cavalry, there was only one way to die.

"Then why did he do this?" Gaia stared at him.

This made Zhang Ye speech dumb, because he didn't know the reason why Li Ke did this.

"Do you know where he is?" Zhang Qi asked again.

"I can only be sure that he is going to Mars, but I don't know exactly where he is going." Gaia Road.

Zhang's heart sank, Mars? Li Ke, do you want to,,

"I have to investigate this matter and report it to him." After saying that, Gaia disappeared.

"Continue to contact him." Yu Yanhong said to Lin Xiaoru.

From beginning to end, the ice moon watched silently, and the corners of her mouth outlined an invisible cold curvature.


The next day, Shen Xiaorou was about to leave at the outer space port of Chongguang City, and Princess Athena came to see her off.

"This concert is very wonderful. I hope you can come to the imperial capital next time." Athena said.

"Ye, I will definitely go if I have a chance." Shen Xiaorou smiled beautifully. She looked at Luo behind Athena and said, "Mr. Luo, thank you very much for your protection these days."

"Ha ha, this is my job. I don't need to thank you. It's also my honor to protect a beautiful woman like Miss Xiaorou." Luo said with a smile.

After saying goodbye to each other briefly, Shen Xiaorou boarded her special plane.

The white spacecraft slowly sailed out of the outer space port, and then 30 star-rated warships surrounded the spacecraft. Protected by the strength of three squadrons, this is not a right that everyone can enjoy.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge in front of him. The army flew into the sky and finally disappeared into the sky.


The atmosphere of Mars is not very stable, and sandstorms often occur, but fortunately, this is not the season of sandstorms.

The land of Mars is desolate, and everything is silent without a trace of vitality. In thousands of meters of high air, 30 green warships run over the sky, protecting a smaller white spacecraft in the middle.

Shen Xiaorou sat by the window and saw several warships outside and the landscape of Mars in the distance.

"That's it. It's so fast." Shen Xiaorou sighed softly and seemed to be reluctant to give up.

"What's the matter? I'm going home. Aren't you happy?" Shalin noticed Shen Xiaorou's soft sigh.

Shen Xiaorou shook her head and said, "It's just a feeling of reluctance."

At this time, a virtual screen suddenly appeared with the figure of Ren Tianchen.

"We will arrive at the ruling area of the Earth Federation in an hour. Please be prepared." Ren Tianchen is very formal.

The judge flew to the front of this unit, with ten light wings stretched out on his back, like an angel in the dust.

Suddenly, a sense of danger flashed in his heart.

A 30-meter-thick beam of light came from far ahead, carrying the power of destruction, aiming straight at the judge.

Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold, and he opened the light energy shield to block this powerful beam of light. Because behind him was the fleet, he could not dodge.

The power of this blow was so powerful that it repelled the judge by nearly 100 meters.

Ren Tianchen was trying to find out who came to attack. Suddenly, hundreds of pieces* were shot from below, like the fangs of death rushing out of hell, frantically bombarding the fleet.

Thirty warships urgently met the enemy and poured fire down, but one warship was sunk and fell down in thick smoke. Other warships were also damaged to varying degrees.

Almost at the same time, a blue light fell from the sky, and the speed was amazing.


The time of this blow was just right, and Ren Tianchen was caught off guard, and the judge was bombarded.

Ren Tianchen braked urgently and stabilized his body. He looked up and stood proudly in the sky, holding a trident and carrying two golden dragon heads. It was the Dragon, one of the seven super mecha of the Holy Cavalry Regiment.

Ren Tianchen's eyes suddenly became extremely cold and murderous. He hated the Holy Cavalry to the bone and even dreamed of killing them. Now when the enemies meet, he is naturally jealous.

In the cockpit of the Shenlong, Li Ke was also the judge who looked down at the bottom with cold eyes, with infinite murderous intent in his eyes.

"I'm going to kill you here today."

He acted without authorization and seized the two mechas in the factory in order to ambush Ren Tianchen here. As for why he knew this route, it was naturally told by Bingyue.

Ren Tianchen was about to rush to kill the Shenlong. Suddenly, hundreds of * were shot below, all of which were aimed at the judge.

The judge flew around in the sky, and hundreds of * were entangled. Wherever the judge flew, * followed.

Finally, the judge turned around with lightning, stretched out ten light wings on his back, launched the crack rain of light, and shot out hundreds of arrow-like beams of light, bursting hundreds of * and connecting the bright fires together.

At this time, a ten-meter-thick blue beam came from the sky behind, and the judge moved horizontally to avoid the blow.