Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 139 Serpent

Chapter 139 Ground Snake

Nina and her party left the airport in several cars.

On the car, Nina saw that Ren Tianchen's face was heavy and frowned. She seemed to have something on her mind, so she asked, "Where's the skylight? What's wrong with you?"

"I just met a terrible person and was almost recognized." Ren Tianchen told the story just now, which really shocked Nina and Li Yuan. The two super ace warriors almost fought, which was definitely a thrilling thing.

"Fortunately, I was not recognized." Nina smiled slightly and felt very lucky in her heart.

Ren Tianchen couldn't help but be cautious. A super ace warrior was nearby, so he should be careful not to reveal his identity here. He is sure that he can get out of the siege, but Nina and others are in danger. Once something happens, the Earth Federation will not let her go. That's what he is worried about.

They came to a relatively small villa, which is the property of the Elant family. Because this is the ruling area of the Earth Federation, the Elant family is relatively weak here. Moreover, the Earth Federation often uses some measures to suppress merchants from the Tianyue Empire.

As soon as they arrived at the villa, Ren Tianchen, Nina, Li Yuan and Wang An began to have a meeting to discuss some details of the business.

In fact, Ren Tianchen just came to listen. He didn't know anything about business. He couldn't listen to what Nina and others said. Looking at Nina who listened carefully, analyzed the report and handled everything in an orderly manner, Ren Tianchen really felt that she was very powerful.

From their meeting, Ren Tianchen learned that the partner of this business was a man named Kane Corey.

This Kane Corey is a businessman, but in fact he is a leading figure in the underworld in the area of Mount Olympus. He holds nearly 80% of the underworld power in his hand, and also controls the economy nearby, monopolizing many industries. Several cities near Mount Olympus can be said to be covered with one hand. God, he can even control the governments of several nearby cities. He is a very powerful person.

About a month ago, the Elant family received the news that Kane Corey has a large amount of refined iron ore in his hands. This news is very important for the Elant family, which is mainly engaged in the mecha production industry. If they can cooperate with Kane Corey to obtain more refined iron ore, then they can It is enough to expand production and strengthen the power of family enterprises.

After the meeting, Ren Tianchen handed Nina a glass of water and asked, "Why did the Elant family send you to talk about this business? If it is exposed, you may be detained by the Earth Federation?"

Private * refined iron ore is a serious violation of the law, and it is quite dangerous to be caught.

"It doesn't matter. Many big families are secretly making such transactions. This is necessary for the prosperity of the family." Nina said lightly.

Although she is calm on the surface, Ren Tianchen can feel the fatigue in her heart. It will certainly not be easy for a 20-year-old girl to worry about business all day and fight with those old and cunning businessmen.

"And, aren't you by my side? What am I afraid of with your protection? Nina smiled beautifully.

Ren Tianchen said nothing, but just reached out to hold her in his arms and gently comforted her.

"I won't let you get hurt. Even if I fight for my life, I will protect you."

Ren Tianchen's gentle voice came into her ears, and her heart was suddenly full of sweet happiness, which seemed to melt the whole heart. Although she is usually very strong in the mall, she is just a girl after all, and she also hopes that her beloved can accompany her when she is tired and give her a warm hug.

Now her hope has come true, and a warmest hug surrounds her.


The next day, Nina and Ren Tianchen set out early. Today is the day they agreed with Kane Corey.

"I've wronged you. Please be my assistant for the time being." Nina smiled slightly.

"I came here to protect you." Ren Tianchendao.

Finally, the black car drove into a very magnificent manor.

This manor is very large and wide, surrounded by European classical buildings, with trees and flowers swaying in the wind.

"Miss Elant, welcome. My master asked me to take you to see him." Middle-aged people came to welcome Nina and Ren Tianchen.

After that, he took the two to the depths of the manor. Along the way, Ren Tianchen found many secret whistles and cameras, and even many mecha, such a strict defense. It seems that Kane Corey is a very cautious person.

The middle-aged man took Nina and Ren Tianchen to a hall, which was very spacious and magnificently decorated, with a golden Kirin throne at the top of the hall.

At this moment, there are four chairs on both sides of the hall, and there are already three groups of people sitting. When these three groups saw Nina, they all showed unexpected eyes and looked at the new two people up and down.

Nina sat directly on the last empty chair, and Ren Tianchen stood behind her and stared at the others in the hall. She knew that these were Nina's competitors and businessmen who wanted to work with Kane Corey.

"Huh? What's going on with such a small girl to appear here? Finally, a relatively old man sitting opposite opened his mouth.

He is the Zhao family, a big family from the earth. The Zhao family is very powerful in the Earth Federation, just like the Elant family in the Tianyue Empire.

"Ha ha, Mr. Zhao, you may not know that this is the daughter of the Elant family, and she has been very famous in the business world recently." A middle-aged man sitting in the same row as Nina and others, he is a famous rich family in Mars.

"Oh, it turned out to be the daughter of the Elant family. It's really terrible to have such achievements at a young age." The old man of the Zhao family said.

"Ha, I have heard that the young lady of the Elant family is as beautiful as a fairy. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Today, she really lives up to her reputation." On the opposite side, a handsome young man in his twenties smiled faintly. He behaved dignifiedly and was quite popular.

He is from the Sun family, another big family of the Tianyue Empire, and the Sun family's power in the Tianyue Empire is no weaker than that of the Elant family.

"It seems that everyone's purpose is the same." The middle-aged people from the Qian family glanced at others.

These three people are all from powerful forces. The purpose of this visit is the same as Nina, to cooperate with Kane Corey and hope to complete this business.

"What kind of person do you think this Kane Corey is?" The young man of the Sun family asked.

"Ha ha, who knows, it is rumored that this person is very mysterious and has never shown his true face. So far, no one has seen him." The middle-aged humanity of the Qian family.

"Ten years ago, he suddenly rose strongly and unified all the underworld forces in the Olympus Mountains. This man is cruel and ruthless, and anyone who dares to resist him will be killed." The old man of the Zhao family said lightly.

"So, I'm really interested in Kane Corey. What kind of person is it?" The young man of the Sun family smiled meaningfully. He looked at Nina: "I think Miss Elant is also very interested."

"I'm only interested in what he has in his hand, and I'm not interested in what kind of person he is." Nina said lightly. At this moment, Nina seemed to have changed into a person, with a cold breath, very tough, and no longer gentle. In the face of these old and treacherous businessmen, she could not show any weakness.

"Ha ha, it's really awesome." The middle-aged man of the Qian family said with a smile.

After waiting for a long time, the young man of the Sun family showed impatientness and looked at the Kirin throne above the hall: "Why hasn't this Kane Corey come yet? This shelf is too big. When do we have to wait?"

The middle-aged people of the Qian family just drank tea and smiled coldly; the elderly of the Zhao family closed their eyes and seemed to care at all.

, Nina has a plain face. As long as Ren Tianchen is by her side, there is nothing to worry about.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked to the side of the Kirin Throne, and Ren Tianchen recognized the person who had just brought them here.

He took a look at the crowd and then shouted, "Lord Kane Corey is here."

Not long, a man came out from the side and immediately made everyone's eyes wide open, showing a very unexpected look.

This is a middle-aged man in a Chinese robe. He is fat, average-looking, with small eyes, a cheap smile and a greasy face, which makes people quite uncomfortable to look at. At least Nina feels ugly.

The middle-aged fat man sat on the Kirin throne, and his small eyes glanced at the four people sitting here. When he saw Nina, he showed a wisp of ** light, but he couldn't widen his eyes.

"Ha ha, everyone, I'm Kane Corey, I've kept you waiting for a long time." The middle-aged fat man smiled.

"Are you Kane Corey?" The young man of the Sun family looked at the middle-aged man up and down.

"If it's fake, it will be replaced." Kane Corey smiled faintly.

"It is rumored that Kane Corey is very mysterious and powerful. Originally, I was looking forward to it, but now it seems that it is really not as famous as meeting." The young man of the Sun family said, and his tone was full of sarcasm.

"Ha ha, it's all spread by some friends in the world. I'm just an ordinary person, not so magical." Kane Corey smiled modestly.

"I won't talk nonsense. Let's make it clear. Our Sun family wants to cooperate with you. What price do you want?" The young man of the Sun family looked arrogant and quite didn't pay attention to Kane Corey. He didn't seem to come to talk about business at all.

"Ha, Master Sun, there are four families here. If I cooperate with you, the other three families will certainly be dissatisfied. The Zhao family, the Qian family and the Elant family are all powerful families. I can't afford to provoke them." Kane Corey shook his head and smiled.

"What do you want?" The young master of the Sun family looked dissatisfied. In his opinion, it was your glory that the Sun family was willing to cooperate with you, and it was really good or wrong to bargain there.

Kane Corey smiled and said, "I'm a businessman, just for profit. I will cooperate with anyone who pays a high price."