Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 146 True or False

Chapter 146 True and False

Ren Tianchen slowly retreated. He didn't want to clash with these federal troops, but he didn't want to. He just kicked a small stone and made an inaudible sound. He was shocked and knew that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the man hundreds of meters away looked at his direction in an instant. Even if it was far away, Ren Tianchen still felt the cold eyes.


The lightning leopard roared and rushed this way, obviously receiving the man's order.

It was extremely fast and almost flashed, smashed several broken houses, opened its mouth, and bit Ren Tianchen.

Although Ren Tianchen tried his best to avoid unnecessary conflicts, since he came to the door, he had to fight.

The lightning leopard patted his paw, and Ren Tianchen jumped back and retreated dozens of meters to avoid the blow, but the place where he stood before was smashed.

It hit and jumped up again. Ren Tianchen no longer gave in. The golden light flashed in his eyes, and a magnificent and violent spiritual power hit the lightning leopard's brain fiercely.


In an instant, its brain was strangled into pieces, and suddenly seven holes bled, its huge body was stiff, and then slowly fell down. A powerful warcraft was easily killed.

The lightning leopard is a ferocious warcraft, and its body is far more powerful than human beings. If Tianchen fights with it with its body, even ten of them are no opponents, so he can only crush its divine realm with his spiritual power. Of course, it would be easier if the judge was summoned, but he didn't think it was necessary.

Ren Tianchen didn't want to continue pestering. At this moment, the man rushed over and was super fast.

At the same time, a powerful spiritual wave swept over, and Ren Tianchen's heart sank. This is a spiritual confrontation. You must deal with it carefully. If you are not careful, you may die here. This is not a joke. If the divine realm is damaged, you may die at any time.

He also bombarded a spiritual wave rudely, as if the dragon was born, earth-shaking.


The two spiritual forces collided with each other, the earth was smashed in an instant, and the surrounding broken walls were strangled into powder. The strong wind and waves swept everywhere with rolling dust and smoke, covering the nearby area of 100 meters.

Two figures rushed out of the thick smoke and stopped on two pillars.

Ren Tianchen's face was solemn. He looked at the man who was also standing on the pillar dozens of meters away. After the engagement just now, he knew that this man's mental strength was extremely strong, not weaker than him, but in terms of physical strength, he was slightly inferior to him.

With a "bang", the two disappeared on the pillar at the same time and turned into two shadows fighting in mid-air.

The two of them have all kinds of boxing skills and all kinds of footwork. They are inseparable. The speed of their action is so fast that they are dazzling.

The two hit the ground from mid-air and fought hundreds of times in just ten seconds. Each move was extremely dangerous. The shot was a fatal move, all to put the other party to death.


The two fought closely and exploded with a spiritual wave, which hit them fiercely. A strong shock wave crashed them away, and at the same time shattered the surrounding earth, and a burst of rocks pierced through the air.

"Cock!" The black glass mask on the man's helmet cracked, which was made of special tempered glass, but it could not withstand the strong spiritual impact of the two.

Ren Tianchen's face is solemn. He knows that he must defeat the person in front of him if he wants to get out today, but it's not easy.

Not long after the two landed, they took action at the same time. After several flashes, they crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and fought again.

This time, they are two-hearted. At the same time as the hand-to-hand battle, they also carry out the divine realm war.


The spiritual strength of the two condensed into two huge fists and bombarded each other fiercely. The strong shock wave shocked both of them back.

Then, the two collided with each other. At the same time, the divine realm operated, releasing all the spiritual power. The invisible spiritual power was like two torrents strangled together fiercely, like enemies meeting and undead.

Two magnificent spiritual forces enveloped the surrounding 300 meters, and they were strangled together, forming an invisible whirlpool. The earth under his feet and the surrounding dilapidated houses were strangled into powder. A large amount of sand and stone were sucked into the invisible whirlpool, and a gray whirlpool gradually formed.

The wind roared between heaven and earth, the wind and rain changed, the gray whirlpool, tore the surrounding earth, more sand and stones were sucked in, and the whirlpool continued to grow.

In the center of the whirlpool, Ren Tianchen and that man are still fighting fiercely. This is a double confrontation between the body and the divine realm. Both sides exerted all their strength, and all kinds of martial arts moves are serious, vowing to kill each other.

Ren Tianchen has been strengthened many times and has occupied a certain advantage in physical strength. Moreover, since his debut, he has experienced hundreds of battles and has extremely rich experience in hand-to-hand combat. In the fight, his opponent has gradually fallen to the fore.

In an instant, Ren Tianchen grabbed the fleeting flaw and punched the opponent back a few steps. At the same time, the golden light flashed in his eyes, blowing out a magnificent spiritual wave.

The man was shocked and quickly hit a piece of spiritual power, but Ren Tianchen's spiritual power was like a peerless sword, which could cut through everything in the world and disperse her spiritual power.


She was bombarded more than ten meters in an instant. Although she tried her best to resist, she was still bombarded by Ren Tianchen's powerful spiritual power, and her divine realm was severely damaged.

The gray vortex collapsed in an instant, and the strong shock wave swept all over the world with sand and dust, covering the nearby distance of thousands of kilometers.

Ren Tianchen's spiritual power gushed out, shaking away the dust and sand around him, and once again clearly saw the man more than ten meters away.

The man stood up slowly and seemed to have suffered a lot of trauma. With a click, the glass mask was covered with cracks and extended to the helmet itself, and the helmet was almost broken.

A piece of glass fell down and you can see that it was a very beautiful but extremely cold green eye.

The dust and smoke slowly dispersed, and Ren Tianchen stared at the figure. The breeze blew and clicked. The man's helmet was completely broken and slowly sprinkled.

Time seemed to stop, and the sound of metal fragments falling was clearly audible. The wind blew, the clouds moved, and everything in the world was normal, but Ren Tianchen was stunned.

"How is that possible?!" Ren Tianchen's face was dull and his mind was blank, which was more shocking than seeing a ghost.

The helmet is broken, and her long silver hair falls like a waterfall falling in nine days, fluttering with the wind. A pair of green eyes, blood overflowing from the corners of her eyes, beautiful but cold. She stands like an ice lotus in the world, noble and cold and arrogant, and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

At this moment, Ren Tianchen's face is dull, his head is blank, and the shock in his heart can no longer be described in words.

"A Xue?!"

The same long silver hair and the same green eyes, the woman in front of her, looks exactly the same as Ruoxue in any way. If you have to say anything different, her eyes are far colder than Ruoxue.

How could this happen? Ruo Xue, who should have died more than two years ago, appear here? And he also appeared here as the Earth Federal Army.

What the hell is going on?

Ren Tianchen had no other reverie, and his thoughts for Ruoxue burst out in an instant. It was out of control, endless sadness surged into his heart, and his eyes gradually moistened.

Since he woke up, his yearning for Ruo Xue has increased. The two people who used to love each other are now separated from each other and can't see each other again in his life. The pain made him painful. If it hadn't been for revenge, he might have gone with her.

Now, a woman who looks exactly like Ruo Xue appeared in front of him, making him think that she has returned to him.

"Are you Ruoxue?" Ren Tianchen's voice trembled, not only excited or something.

The woman opposite did not answer, but looked at her coldly. Her eyes were like nine cold ice, without any emotion.

At this moment, Ren Tianchen completely forgot that he had a life-and-death war with the woman in front of him, with exactly the same face as Ruoxue, which completely upset him.

He almost put down all his vigilance, trembled and walked slowly.

She coldly watched Ren Tianchen approaching step by step. Suddenly, the golden light flashed in her eyes, and a spiritual wave hit Ren Tianchen.

"Be careful." Luo Fei reminded that she had been paying attention to what had happened.

Although Ren Tianchen was confused, his instinct to fight was still there, almost subconsciously operating the divine realm and releasing a spiritual power, but it was still a little late. With a bang, he was bombarded several meters.


She spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, like a withered beautiful petal, and fell gently.

Ren Tianchen, regardless of his own situation, smashed the ground, turned into a dark shadow and rushed over, and catched it before she fell to the ground.

Looking at it so closely, Ren Tianchen was even more shocked. He stared at this face exactly like Ruoxue. He was confused. Is this true or false?

The last time he went through the trial of the immortal God of War, he also met Ruoxue, but it was an illusion created by the psychedelic blood tree, which was not true. However, this time it is different. He can really feel that this is a real reality.

"How could this happen?" The shock, surprise, ecstasy and all kinds of emotions in Ren Tianchen's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

He reached out to touch her cheek, which was the intimate action they used to do before, but he stopped when he was about to approach. He was afraid that all this would be an illusory bubble and disappear in one place, then he would experience the pain of losing Ruoxue.

With an incomparable struggle, his mood has never been so complicated today.

In the end, he gently put his hand on her cheek. In an instant, the familiar feeling surged into his heart, the same feeling as before.

"Is it really Ruoxue?!" Ren Tianchen was extremely surprised and ecstatic. For a long time, he had always hoped to see Ruoxue again and be with her again and never be separated.

Ren Tianchen's mood at this moment was no longer enough to describe excitement. He gently erased the blood stains from the corners of her eyes, which was the injury she had suffered during the battle just now. He regretted and blamed himself. He almost killed Ruoxue with such a heavy hand just now. If that was really the case, I'm afraid that even suicide would not be enough to make up for him. The fault of.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"That look,," he remembered Ruoxue's cold eyes before, the eyes that ignored everything and didn't even care about his own life, as if they had no feelings, as if they were a piece of ice stone.

"Why does she have such a look? Is she really Ruoxue? After ecstasy, Ren Tianchen regained some reason. Although 10 million people in his heart were willing to believe that the person in front of him was Ruoxue, the objective facts could not be ignored.

(From tomorrow, March 1st, two chapters a day, one chapter at 10 a.m. and one chapter at 8 p.m., please support us.)