Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 191 Haoyangdu

Chapter 191 Haoyang Capital

Ren Tianchen felt that Nina seemed to be in a bad mood today. He smiled and invited her to go shopping, but he was rejected, which made him quite depressed.

"What's wrong with you?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"It's okay." Nina said coldly and turned around to continue to play with the computer.

Ren Tianchen looked at Nina and couldn't figure out what was going on with her, so he said, "Then I'm going to practice. Call me if I have something to do."

Then he left.

Nina suddenly stopped, and a trace of heartache flashed in her eyes, "stupid."


"Fei Luo, do you know what's wrong with Nina? Yesterday was fine. Why did it become so wrong today?!" Ren Tianchen asked Luo Fei on the way to the gravity room.

"She is your girlfriend. I don't even know you. How could I know?" Luo Fei curled her lips and said, "However, after listening to my sister's words, girls need to be well coaxed."

Ren Tianchen frowned: "When did you become my sister?"

"I have been you for 100,000 years. Shouldn't I be your sister?" Concubine Luo said proudly.

Ren Tianchen was speechless. 100,000 years ago, the whole human society was still in the primitive era of drinking blood. According to Luo Fei, even if she said that she was Ren Tianchen's ancestor, it would not be too much.

At this time, Li Yuan came face to face and stopped Ren Tianchen.

"What's wrong with you and Nina? She will never be like today. Li Yuan's face is quite bad. She attaches great importance to Nina and absolutely doesn't want Nina to be hurt.

"I don't know either. I was fine before going to bed last night, and it was like this when I got up in the morning." Ren Tianchen is also helpless.

"Did you do something wrong to her?" Li Yuan asked again.

"Absolutely not."

"That's strange. She can't become like that for no reason!" Li Yuan thought for a while, but he really couldn't think of a reason. Then he said to Ren Tianchen, "Go and apologize to Nina and make her happy."

"I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I apologize?" Ren Tianchen curled his lips.

"Don't you know that men are always wrong in front of women? Even if you are right, you have to admit your mistakes." Li Yuan's side face was 45 degrees and looked at Ren Tianchen with contemptuous eyes.

Ren Tianchen was speechless in an instant.

"Go and admit your mistake." Then, Li Yuan went away.

"She's right. You should coax Nina. This girl is really good." Concubine Luo opened her mouth at this time.

"I have my own moderation." Ren Tianchen said lightly, and then continued to walk towards the gravity room.


All day, the two of them were doing their own things. Ren Tianchen was practicing and Nina was reading, and the atmosphere suddenly became very cold.

Ren Tianchen talked to Nina several times, but her attitude was cold. She answered a few words and stopped talking. She continued to do what she was doing at hand, which made Ren Tianchen helpless and speechless.

He remembered that when he had a conflict with Ruoxue in the past, it gave him a considerable headache, and finally it took a lot of effort to make her happy.

The current situation is similar to that, but the tragedy is that Ren Tianchen did not know that he had made Nina unhappy at all. Even if he wanted to make her happy, he had no way to start, which made him particularly entangled.

At this moment, it was night. They stayed in the study, but the two of them had little communication and read their own books.

"Tianchen, I want to tell you something." This is the first time that Nina took the initiative to talk to Ren Tianchen today.

"What's the matter?" Ren Tianchen sat next to her, put his hand around her small waist and asked.

"My family and the military are conducting an experiment to jointly develop a computer system. I need your help. Would you like to help?" Nina said.

"There is no problem." Ren Tianchen wanted to make Nina happy, so he readily agreed, and then he asked, "What system is it?"

"I'm not sure about the specifics. This is a cooperation between the family's research institute and the military. It seems to be an artificial intelligence system that needs to be installed on the mecha." Nina said.

"Is it an unmanned fighter armor?" Ren Tianchen frowned.

"They said that they need a strong man's battle data, and the stronger the better. I thought that you are the Moon Knight, the strongest people in the whole empire, and your battle data must be the best, so I want you to provide them with a copy." Nina said.

"This is okay, but you have to take me to that research institute. I want to see what that system is like." Ren Tianchen felt a sense of uneasiness in the dark, but he couldn't say it clearly.

"This is no problem. I wanted to take you there."

After that, Ren Tianchen held Nina tightly in his arms, gently rubbed her cheeks, and said softly, "Are you not angry with me?"

"I'm dying of anger." Nina is cute and coquettish enough to move any man.

Ren Tianchen smiled and knew that Nina was no longer angry with him.


The next day, Nina and Ren Tianchen left Chongguang City in a special spaceship.

After flying for a few hours, I came to a colonial satellite in an orbit 3,000 kilometers away from Mars.

This is a large colonial satellite with a length of about 50 kilometers, such as a budding flower, quietly hanging in the boundless universe, and frequent spaceships entering and leaving the cosmic port.

This is a colonial satellite belonging to the Tianyue Empire, called Haoyangdu. It is an important military satellite of the Tianyue Empire, with a large number of Tianyue troops stationed. You can see a large number of warships wandering on the outer wall of the colonial satellite, and the defense is very tight.

There are four military ports built in four directions on the outer wall of Haoyangdu, which are specially used for warships to stop.

This time, the place where the Elant family cooperated with the military to develop new systems is in one of the military bases, where there is a research institution specializing in the research and manufacture of various new types of weapons.

The lunar knight is tantamount to a mythical existence for ordinary soldiers. Now a lunar moon knight comes in person, which is a huge shock to the senior military officials in Haoyang.

Ren Tianchen and Nina received a grand welcome as soon as they got off the spacecraft, and they had to take some time to deal with it, otherwise they really couldn't bear it.

What surprised him was that he actually saw Xing Ze. He never thought that the person who should escort Yi Luo Ao would appear here. Immediately, Ren Tianchen asked the reason.

"Mr. Yi Luo'ao has now returned to his territory. As an imperial soldier, I will naturally come back." The stars are faint.

"Then why are you here? Shouldn't you go to the imperial capital?" Ren Tianchen asked, because the First Fleet is the strongest fleet of the Tianyue Empire, stationed on the moon all year round to protect the safety of the imperial capital.

"This time, the scientific research department of our First Fleet cooperated with the Elant family to develop a new system. I received an order from the fleet headquarters to come here to observe this experiment and send a copy of my combat data by the way." The star said faintly. At this moment, they can see the beautiful starry sky outside in front of a transparent glass window.

"But it seems that my combat information is useless." Xing looked at Ren Tianchen and smiled faintly, "I still have something to do. See you when the experiment begins."

And then he left.

When passing an intersection, two soldiers in red came out. They talked as they walked. They didn't notice the stars and accidentally bumped into him.

"I'm sorry! My lord!" When the two saw that it was Xing Ze, they immediately flashed away, lowered their heads, and did not dare to breathe. Their bodies kept trembling and lowered their heads without letting others see the fear in their eyes.

The stars passed in front of them blankly, as if they were air, completely ignoring them.

It was not until Xing Ze went far away that the two were deeply relieved and found that they had sweated. They slowly raised their heads and looked at the direction Xing Ze left, with an unconcealed fear in their eyes.

"Why is it so easy for adults to talk today?"

"Nan alone, let's go quickly."

The two elites in red walked in a hurry and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if they were afraid of some terrible monsters catching up, and even didn't even notice the existence of Ren Tianchen.

All the scenes just now were seen by Ren Tianchen. Although the distance was a little far away, he heard what the two elite soldiers said.

He frowned deeply and his eyes were silent. Looking at the direction of the stars disappearing, no one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, Nina had finished chatting with several people in the family, arranged their own work, and came to Ren Tianchen's side.

"Let's go to the laboratory first. It's about to start."