Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 193 The Existence of Soldiers

Chapter 193 The Existence of Soldiers

How is it possible? Using this system in war can avoid the death of a large number of soldiers, and there will be no more sadness. Nina can't understand what Ren Tianchen said. In her opinion, the magic soldier system will benefit mankind, because it can reduce death in war and reduce the sadness in the world.

"You are wrong. This system will not benefit mankind, but will kill the future of mankind." Ren Tianchen said heavily, which made Nina even more incomprehensible.

Then, Ren Tianchen slowly said, "War does make many people die and create countless sorrows, and this magic soldier system can indeed reduce death and sadness, but what should we soldiers do? Soldiers fight for the country, but the security of the country is left to careless robots to protect. What's the point of soldiers?!"

"Isn't it good that there will be no war without soldiers, so that no one will die?" Nina asked.

Ren Tianchen shook his head and said, "You don't understand that soldiers are essential to war. War without death is just a game. When war is reduced to a game, it will be a terrible thing. People will forget the horror of war, forget the pain brought by the war, and even completely lose war. The ability to fight, a race without fighting ability, will only end up to extinction.

"You are exaggerating. This system can make human beings extinct?! This is impossible." The person in charge of the experiment smiled coldly and was very disdainful of Ren Tianchen's statement.

"Is it reasonable for soldiers to die in war?" Nina looked at Ren Tianchen and asked.

"Soldiers are born for war, and the battlefield is the best destination." Ren Tianchen said coldly, "The battlefield requires the death of soldiers. Maybe he is also aware of this before he challenges the divine soldier system. He is defending his dignity as a soldier."

Ren Tianchen's eyes were like electricity, staring at the Dust on the battlefield. In the face of the three strong enemies, it was indomitable and fought bravely.

"I can't understand your point of view at all. War is right, and the death of soldiers is taken for granted. If so, then the world is too terrible." Nina shook her head and couldn't agree with Ren Tianchen's view, which was completely contrary to her outlook on life and world.

She looked at him and suddenly felt that he had become so far away, obviously in front of her, but she couldn't touch it.

"The person who really can't understand is you. Why do you develop such a useless system?" Ren Tianchen's face was cold, but this matter touched him. Although he is a moon knight, he is also a soldier in the final analysis. Now this divine soldier system is about to deny the existence of soldiers, which is equivalent to denying him together. What's the significance of his hard work all the time?!

But Ren Tianchen's words did deeply hurt Nina's heart. She looked at him and suddenly felt that he was strange.

"How dare you say I can't understand?" She was stunned, and there was fog in her eyes.

Ren Tianchen has some regret in his heart. Why did he say such heavy words? Yu Xin looked at Nina unbearablely.

Nina stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said coldly, "Yes, I really can't understand. Maybe Ruoxue is the most understanding person for you?"

"What are you talking about?" Ren Tianchen frowned deeply and looked at Nina.

"You know what I'm saying." Nina did not hesitate at all and looked at Ren Tianchen with strong eyes. She loved him very much, but he had never forgotten Ruoxue in his heart. He even slept with her. When she was dreaming, the person she dreamed of was also Ruoxue, which was a heavy blow to Nina. If she never knew, she would never confront Ren Tianchen like this. However, it really happened. She can't do anything without happening, and she can't do it. May I ask how many women can tolerate another woman in their hearts all the time, and it is still so profound.

Ren Tianchen's eyes are solemn. Nina has been in a bad mood these two days. Is it related to A Xue?

"This matter has nothing to do with A Xue at all. Why did you involve her?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"Now, you still don't know anything, you idiot." Nina roared angrily, completely without her usual ladylike demeanor, and then she ran out of the laboratory with tears.

Everyone in the laboratory was dumbfounded and didn't understand what was going on. Why did the two people who were just fine suddenly quarrel?!

"Aren't you going to chase it?" Luo Fei's voice sounded in my mind.

"I won't go." Ren Tianchen's face is not very good, which shows that he is also in a bad mood now.

"You are really an inexorable fool!" Luo Fei let out a long sigh, which had a sense of hatred that iron can't be made into steel.

Ren Tianchen was silent and continued to watch the battle, but his mind was full of the words before Nina left and the scene of her tears, which made him very uneasy.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked himself, he didn't do anything wrong to Nina. How could it become such a quarrel?!

In the experimental area, four mechas incarnate four rays of light, chasing, hovering and staggering each other, shocking strong fluctuations.

The Dust moved and dodged in the light cannon surrounded by three mecha, like a flat boat, ups and downs in the sea of anger. Although it was thrilling, it was unharmed.

Three Tianlong mecha battle three positions, long-range bombarding the Dust, making the stars tired of running around.

However, the star's combat effectiveness is amazing, calmly fighting, and has not been defeated so far.

Two Tianlong mechas were restrained by gunfire, while the other Tianlong mecha sprinted at high speed and cut the dust with a knife.

But the Dust hated to go out and circled behind it and wanted to cut it off with a knife. However, when a beam of light hit, the star had to temporarily collect the knife and avoid the beam of light.


The Tianlong mecha waved a knife and cut it together with the dust.

Then, the two big lightning strikes behind the Dust suddenly pulled down the two arms of the Tianlong Mecha, and then Xing decisively cut the Tianlong Mecha into two halves.

"Machines can never win against human beings, and the existence of soldiers is undeniable." Xing said coldly, "Human beings have infinite possibilities, and unintentional machines have too many limits. How can they give you the future?"

Xing Ze's words spread in the laboratory, and many people blushed. They have been trying to create the strongest warrior system, but now they have been destroyed by force, which is tantamount to a fierce slap.

However, his words did arouse Ren Tianchen's approval, "The future of mankind should be in the hands of human beings. How can we rely on this heartless system? This experiment itself is a mistake."


The battle is still going on. Originally, three mecha talents are comparable to those of the stars, but now one is missing, and their strength is not as good as before. In the face of the powerful Dust, they have gradually fallen into a disadvantage.


The Dust flashed past several beams and directly cut off a Tianlong mecha with a knife.

Then, between its turn, dozens of shotguns were fired from the muzzle of its chest, and another Tianlong mecha had to pause its attack and quickly dodged.

Now, with his strong strength, Xing has completely occupied the advantage, almost pressing two Tianlong mecha to fight, but the magic soldier system is cold and ruthless, and they don't know what fear is. They only know how to kill the target. Even if they are completely defeated, they will rush up without hesitation.

"At least, your bravery is commendable." The stars said faintly.

Two Dragon Mecha attacked and killed again, moving forward.


A blue beam of light came from the distant starry sky, with the power of destruction.

The two Tianlong mecha stopped in an instant and floated out like ghosts.

Immediately, Ren Tianchen's face sank. The blue beam was so familiar that he would never forget it.

Everyone in the laboratory was stunned and didn't know what had happened.

And the star also sank his face and looked deeply at the direction of the beam.

In the distant void, a blue light spot rushed over at a terrible speed. It was a mecha.

The mecha is snow-white, with a huge "V"-shaped tentacle embedded in its forehead, two light energy guns in its hand, and two large beam barrels that look like elongated brackets on the back. Eighteen floating swords are embedded on the edge, nine on each side, and each floating sword is four meters long with a sharp blade.

"Saint Cavalry!" Ren Tianchen's eyes were extremely cold, and he stared at the white mecha on the screen. He always remembered that it was this mecha that severely mutilated Apofis driven by Ruo Xue, and Ruo Xue died driving the almost scrapped Apophis to block a fatal blow for him. Therefore, he hated this mecha. Bone, the murderous intention in the chest is boiling crazily.