Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 207 Nagaro

Chapter 107 Nagaro

Renchen and Nina are as good as before, and they are more loving. He doesn't go back to the palace. Anyway, he has nothing to do. He lives at Elant's house. During the day, he goes out with Nina to play or practice. At night, he goes through the clouds with her. Her life is quite moist. Nina is radiant and more charming every day. .

"I said, you two are really energetic!" That morning, the family had breakfast together, and Mrs. Hua looked at Ren Tianchen and Nina with a smile.

Nina lowered her head with a blush, and Ren Tianchen drank porridge in embarrassment without words.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Hua couldn't help laughing and said, "It's a good thing for young people to have energy. When will you two give me a grandson? I'm looking forward to it!"

Ren Tianchen almost sprayed porridge.

"Mom, you think too much. We are not married yet." Nina blushed like blood and was very shy. She was pregnant before marriage. If this kind of thing spreads, she would not be laughed to death. This is absolutely impossible. Besides, she doesn't want to give birth so early.

"Ha ha, is there any problem with this? Just find a day to get married." Mrs. Hua said happily.

Nina was ashamed and angry and lowered her head in silence.

"I will definitely marry Nina, but now is not the right time." Ren Tianchen said that this matter was impossible, at least before avenging Ruoxue. He wanted to give himself and Ruoxue a satisfactory explanation.


It's getting closer and closer to the day of the knight's canon. Ren Tianchen has always lived in Elant's house. During this period, he met Nina's father, who is his future father-in-law.

After Nina's father knew Ren Tianchen's identity, he was almost dumbfounded like Mrs. Hua, but at least he was also used to big scenes. He quickly returned to calm and talked to Ren Tianchen very kindly, which impressed him very well.

He is naturally very happy to have a lunar knight as his son-in-law.

Day by day, and the day of the canonies is getting closer and closer. There are intense preparations in the palace, and the major families of the empire have received invitations. Such a grand ceremony, the families that have received invitations, no matter where they are, they will be disrespectful to the emperor.

The day before the canoning ceremony, Luo came to Elant's house in a purple Hongxi sports car. He came in a low-key way and no one knew about it.

"I said, are you going to live here and not leave?" As soon as Luoao saw Ren Tianchen, he complained: "Now the palace is very busy. You can come here to have fun by yourself. You know that the day after tomorrow will be your canonial ceremony!"

"Even if I'm in the palace, I can't help, can I?" Ren Tianchen asked a question, making Luo speechless, and then he said, "I won't forget such a big event as the ceremony. I was going to go back today, but you came."

"Well, then come back with me quickly. Garo wants to see you." Loo said seriously.

Ren Tianchen's expression suddenly became serious. Although few people had seen Nagaro, I believe that no one in the whole Tianyue Empire did not know his name.

Nagaro, the first knight of the Tianyue Empire and the strongest of the lunar knights, so far, the only one who can compete with the Sayu of the Holy Cavalry Regiment, even Asuran needs to look up to his existence.

Nagaro's story is widely spread in the army. It is said that he joined the army at the age of 15 and destroyed the troops of a squadron of the Earth Federation by a single horse in his first battle. Since his debut, he has been undefeated. Before becoming a Knight of the New Moon, he was besieged by nine ace warriors in a battle, but It was he who killed all nine masters with one opponent and nine, showing super horrible combat effectiveness. The battle shocked the world, and his name completely became a myth.

After becoming a lunar knight, he rarely took action, but every action was earth-shaking and powerful that it was trembling. Now no one knows how powerful he is, because the people he has seen, Sa Yu of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, and the others are dead.

Ren Tianchen has always wanted to see Nagaro, who is full of mystery and legend, but he has never had a chance.

Because the moon knights have great freedom and can walk around at will, the moon knights are generally dragons who can't see the end. Sometimes even the emperor doesn't know where they have gone, so he can only call them back with special signals. And Nagaro is even more mysterious. It is said that not many people have seen his real face.

"Then I'll go back to the palace first. You have to attend the sealing ceremony the day after tomorrow!" Ren Tianchen turned around and said to Nina.

She nodded and reached out to hug him, reluctantly.

Finally, Ren Tianchen left Elant's house with Luo and sped away in the direction of the palace.

On the way, Loo told him that every lunar knight had to meet other lunar knights before being awarded the title, and then they would gather together to have a meal together, which is a tradition that has been handed down.

Luoo also told Ren Tianchen something. After collecting samples of Shijin, the source of life, the Royal Academy of Sciences found that the atomic structure of this strange metal was completely different from that of the world and could not be copied at all. This made Dean Shi Yifan entangled for a long time. Such an epoch-making metal was not limited by science and technology. It's a pity that the law has been fully utilized.

Loo also regrets that his desire to have immortal ability for the punishment was dashed.

"Why don't we exchange our mecha?" Loo smiled almost **.

Ren Tianchen squined at the 45th angle and said a word contemptuously, "Get out!"

Louou curled his lips helplessly and continued to drive.


After they returned to the palace, they directly returned to the lunar palace.

"Get ready, put on formal clothes, and then go to see them." Luo said so.

Then the two of them returned to their villa and changed into their respective clothes.

Ren Tianchen wears a red robe, embroidered with golden patterns, and the purple cloak gently swayed, bringing out a chic atmosphere.

Loo is wearing a purple robe with embroidered red patterns and a golden cloak, which is chic and handsome.

They walked to the emperor's palace together, where the meeting and banquet were.

The two walked side by side, and everyone they saw along the way saluted them. After crossing the long road, they finally came to a magnificent palace.

The palace is magnificent, but it is particularly lonely at this moment.

Emperor Torres is high above, overlooking the people, and is the emperor of the people.

Under the Longtai, there are two people standing.

One is Ashlan. He is dressed in a snow-white robe, embroidered with golden rose patterns, which is spotless and elegant, like the son of God falling from the sky, extraordinary.

On the other side, there stands a young man in a black robe, about 30 years old.

His long black hair and cold eyes seem to contain lightning, which is extremely sharp. He stood there like the center of the world, and the fierce momentum rose to the sky, covering the imperial spirit of Torres, like a sword piercing the sky.

Ren Tianchen and Luo have entered the hall, and his fierce eyes are projected.

Ren Tianchen was shocked. This is Nagaro, so powerful! It gave him a feeling of suffocation and powerlessness, as if he was simply vulnerable in front of this person, which reminded him of the gods and demons in the belly of Mount Olympus, and the "star rule", that is, Zuo Yu of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, but Ren Tianchen did not know his name.

"See Your Majesty." Ren Tianchen and Luo both saluted Torres, and then the four stood side by side.

"You are here." Torres smiled and said, "Tianchen, you have seen Asuran. Next to you is Nagaro, the strongest knight in our empire."

"Hello! Please give me more advice when we meet for the first time. Ren Tianchen kindly stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Nagaro looked at him coldly, then reached out and touched him gently and took it back. He didn't say anything, and he didn't look at him again, as if he didn't notice his existence at all.

"Don't care too much. He has such an indifferent personality." Luo said quietly next to him.

Ren Tianchen nodded. In fact, he didn't care. This is the demeanor of a strong man. Although Nagaro's attitude is very cold, he at least shook hands with him, which shows that he agrees with Ren Tianchen, otherwise he may not look at him seriously.

"Four lunar knights gathered together, which is rare in the history of the empire!" Torres sighed that every lunar knight is one of the billions, a world-class leader of the world, the strongest sword of the empire, and the guardian of everything in the empire.

It is very difficult to become a lunar knight, so rarely there will be more than three lunar knights in each era, let alone four together. It is foreseeable that this will be an unprecedented world.

Then, the four lunar knights and the emperor Torres, five people gathered together to have lunch together, which is an ancient tradition that has remained.