Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 209 Ceremony

Chapter Two Nine Ceremony

The high-level figures of the whole empire gathered together today to witness the historical moment when the Knight of the Moon was sealed.

Thousands of people gathered in the square at the gate of the hall, waiting for the beginning of the ceremony.

Nina followed her father through the crowd, and her father kept introducing her to some people from the big family, which was a rare opportunity to expand Nina's contacts and prepare for taking over the whole family in the future.

In the crowd, she met a man with long green hair, a confident smile on his face and an unruly domineering look in her eyes.

This person is Nangong Wu, a wizard who graduated from Beidou College with Ren Tianchen and others. He was an sworn match for Ren Tianchen in the college, but Nina didn't know all this.

But her father has a good attitude towards this father of Nangong Wu, with a smile on his face.

The two adults were chatting, and Nangong Wu approached Nina and got close to her.

Nina felt that this person had a strong desire to possess her, which made her feel very uncomfortable and difficult to ignore him directly, so she could only treat him in a cold manner.

Nangong Wu also seemed to feel Nina's cold attitude towards him. Although she was a little unhappy, she still smiled and did not show it. Instead, she said a lot of sweet words of praise. Hearing that Nina was about to get goose bumps and wanted to leave, she couldn't leave, which made her super embarrassed.

At this time, Zhang Han passed by and saw Nina's embarrassed situation and helped her.

"Ha ha, Nangong Wu, long time no see!" Zhang Han smiled faintly and blocked Nina behind him.

Nangong Wu frowned, looked at Zhang Han, with a little fear in his eyes, and then smiled coldly: "It's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know how you are doing now? I heard that you are just a captain at present! I'm already a major general!"

He looked arrogant, and there was some arrogance and ridicule in his words.

Zhang Han still smiled indifferently: "Congratulations, Major General Nangong!"

Nangong Wu's eyes were cold. In Beidou College, his most unhappy person was not Ren Tianchen but Zhang Han. Every time he looked at Zhang Han's indifferent smiling face, he had an impulse to beat him. In his calm eyes, he saw a kind of supremacy, as if Nangong Wu was as small as an ant. Ignore his existence.

Finally, Nangong Wu snorted coldly and left. He didn't want to have any conflict with Zhang Han.

"Thank you!" Nina said that if it hadn't been for Zhang Han, she might have been pestered by Nangong Wu, which would give her a headache.

"It's just a piece of cake. Besides, I don't like his kind of guy who is a little capable and forgets." Zhang Han smiled faintly and then left.

Nina looked at his back and thought: Why does he like to laugh so much? Looking back on every time he saw Zhang Han in the past, he was almost smiling. In addition, there was no other expression on his face.


Under the attention of the public, the ceremony finally began.

The main door of the hall slowly opened, and many big men lined up in a neat queue, led by nine marshals. Then, under their leadership, thousands of people entered the hall.

This is a very solemn ceremony, all kinds of etiquette must be done, and entering the field is also a very serious thing.

After entering the hall, the queue was divided into two halves, standing on both sides of the hall, leaving a road leading to the gate in the middle.

The scene is quiet. This is a solemn place, and a sacred ceremony is about to be held, so it is not allowed to speak casually.

Nina stood at the back of the queue, because this order of arrangement is based on status. The higher the status and power, she will naturally stand in the front.

Her father is the head of the family, so he stood in a relatively forward position in the middle of the queue, and the opportunity to stand with her is the children of those big families. Zhang Han is not far in front of her. In addition, she also saw Li Na and Carlos, who are good friends of Ren Tianchen.

"The Moon Knight has arrived!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the main entrance of the hall.

I saw that Luo, Asuran and Nagaro, three moon knights, stepped forward, wearing gorgeous robes, with fluttering clothes and momentum like a rainbow.

As we all know, the Moon Knight is the strongest force in the empire, on an equal footing with the nine marshals. But in this world where the strong are respected, people with stronger power are often more respected.

Nagaro, in particular, is a mythical existence for many people, and his light is even brighter than the nine marshals.

Looking at the three lunar knights, there were strange fluctuations in Zhang Han's eyes, but they disappeared in an instant, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Nagaro frowned at this moment and glanced at the area where Zhang Han was standing.

They walked through the red carpet in the middle step by step, and finally stood in the same row as the nine marshals.

Looking at the top 12 people, many people were excited and shocked. The twelve most powerful people in the Tianyue Empire actually gathered together. Such a historic moment was really uncontrollably excited.

"Your Majesty is here!"

with a shout, everyone shocked everyone, and looked back one after another.

At the door of the hall, Emperor Torres wore a golden dragon robe, gorgeous and noble, showing the emperor's domineering. At this moment, he became the center of this world.

He was followed by a pair of people, among which Princess Athena was among them. Today, she is bright and touching, like a fairy down to the earth, almost dreamy.

Athena stopped in front of the dragon platform and stood in the first row, while Torres stepped up the dragon platform step by step, and finally sat on the dragon chair symbolizing the supreme imperial power, looking down at everyone below.

"Participate in Your Majesty!" In addition to the nine marshals, the three lunar knights and the princess standing in front of them, all knelt down on one foot to worship.

"Let's all love you!" Torres waved his hand gently.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone shouted with one voice, extremely solemn.

After looking around for a week, Torres smiled and said, "Today is a significant day for our whole empire. We will usher in a new lunar knight, and you will witness this historic moment with me."

Then, the master of ceremonies went to the bottom of the dragon platform and said loudly, "The sealing ceremony begins now. Please let the moon knight Ren Tianchen enter the hall!"

After a while, Ren Tianchen entered the hall. He wore a bloody robe and fluttering clothes. He slowly walked on the red carpet and looked ahead with a flat face.

There were very faint exclamation in the hall. Many people have never seen Ren Tianchen. Before that, they had also guessed what kind of person the latest lunar knight would be. They had heard that it was a young man, but they did not expect that the newly crowned lunar moon knight would be so young. Not even 20 years old.

Many girls from large families nodded secretly when they saw Ren Tianchen's handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, and even some were quite excited. There were also those who secretly sent autumn waves. Such a young andwei New Moon Knight has a fatal attraction for them.

Nina is very excited at this moment. Her boyfriend has now become the focus of the whole Tianyue Empire, and everyone should pay attention to it, which makes her feel very proud and happy.

Zhang Han just smiled faintly, and Li Na and Carlos were really happy for Ren Tianchen.

However, Nangong Wu's face was very ugly. He was hidden in the crowd, and his eyes were full of unwilling resentment. In the past, he and Ren Tianchen were tit-for-tat everywhere in the school. The contradiction between the two was very sharp, and he always wanted to trample Ren Tianchen under his feet. However, now Ren Tianchen has become a moon knight. Even his father has to look up and trampled him fiercely. Only more than two years have passed. Why is the difference so big?

Ren Tianchen had already felt the existence of Nangong Wu, and just skipped it at a glance. This is ** naked disregard. Nangong Wu blushed with anger. He had an impulse to rush out and beat Ren Tianchen fiercely. However, the reality told him that doing so was tantamount to finding his own death, so he could only It's bearable enough.

In the face of the eyes of many big shots, Ren Tianchen still walked to the Longtai with a plain face, which made the nine marshals nod secretly, with some appreciation in his eyes.

Marshal Hegro looked at Ren Tianchen's young face, with a vicissitudes and sadness in his eyes, and said in his heart, "Rockang, your vision is really right. Your soldier has now become a lunar knight. He is on an equal footing with me. You should also rest in the spirit of heaven!"

Under the attention of everyone, Ren Tianchen walked to the dragon platform and knelt down on one foot in front of the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, Ren Tianchen!"

Torres smiled, and then the master of ceremonies of ceremonies stepped forward, spread out a scroll, and began to read it. The content was roughly to praise Ren Tianchen, describing his great contributions and encouragement to him.

The opening words of the ceremony were quite long, five minutes, but everyone listened quietly and immersed themselves in a solemn atmosphere.

Then Ren Tianchen took the oath. The general content is to be loyal to the empire and the emperor. The oath is very simple and will be finished soon.

"Now, please grant the lunar knight badge." The ceremony finally reached the last one.

After that, Ren Tianchen stood up and faced Torres face to face.

Torres took out a badge from the brocade box held by the master of ceremonies beside him, which was the moon badge symbolizing the status of the highest knight. Ren Tianchen also had one before, but this piece was very different and had a flexible atmosphere.

He once found that although his previous badge was exactly the same as the badge worn by Luo, it was still a little different. Now he understands that it is the lack of this flexible breath.

This is the real lunar knight badge.

Torres personally pinned the moon badge to Ren Tianchen's chest and said, "Congratulations on becoming a real moon knight."

Ren Tianchen knelt down on one foot and said, "I will swear to protect the empire to the death, destroy all enemies for the empire, and live up to your majesty's kindness!"

"Get up!" Torres stretched out his hand to help Ren Tianchen up.

After that, Ren Tianchen turned around and faced thousands of guests below. These people were all big figures with faces in the empire. They were the existence he needed to look up to before, but now his identity and status were different. He became a moon knight under one person and ten thousand people above him. Standing at the peak of power, he seemed to have become the sky. The ruler of the earth, the people below will look up to his existence.

At this moment, he actually developed a trace of pride and pride.

"Is this what it feels like to hold power?" He sighed in his heart.

Only those who really stand at the peak of power will understand the feeling of looking down at the world and everything is under control, which is so fascinating. Even if Ren Tianchen is already as strong as iron, there are not a lot of waves in his heart at this moment.


There was thunderous applause at the scene, deafening, all of which were celebrating Ren Tianchen.

At the same time, in the square outside the hall, 300 salutes were lit at the same time, and the gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky. The original coldness was swept away and the lively pink ink appeared.

"Thank you all!" Ren Tianchen bowed slightly and was very polite.

A new moon knight is officially born, which will be a day to go down in history, and Ren Tianchen will also go down in history. As long as the empire is immortal, it will be passed down forever.