Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 223 Ye Wei

Chapter 223 Ye Wei

The stadium in the center of Blue Moon is full of people, and the audience is crowded.

On the ring, 18 mecha of different shapes stand side by side facing the rostrum.

"These people are all very good." In the audience, Jun Yu smiled.

Yu Chenhong, a beautiful host, floated in the air in an automatic aircraft, looking particularly chic and attracting the attention of many people.

"Now, please invite the representatives of the participants of the three major martial arts halls to come out and take an oath."

So, Sirius, Tianshu and Kensei came to the front of the queue. They were the most outstanding disciples and the most qualified representatives of their respective martial arts.

Three mechas led the fifteen mecha behind and raised their right hand to the rostrum.

"On behalf of all participants, we will strictly follow the rules of the conference, compete openly, strive for the highest glory with our own strength, and make a vow here that we are willing to accept any punishment if we violate it." Their voices were very solemn, like a rainbow, soaring to the sky.

After the oath, Yu Chenhong said loudly, "Now please invite Mr. Bai He, the owner of the Extreme Martial Arts Museum, the organizer of the conference, to announce the start of the martial arts competition."

Baihe stood up in the warm applause of the audience. After looking around for a week, he said loudly, "I announce that this martial arts competition has officially begun!!!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene was detonated, the audience applauded warmly, and the salutes rose to the sky, and the fireworks bloomed in the sky.

"The conference has officially started. Now I will announce the arrangement of this martial arts competition. First, we will draw lots to determine the opponents of the preliminary competition. After the preliminary competition, it will be used for the rematch, then the semi-finals, and finally the finals. Do you understand?" Influenced by the atmosphere at the scene, Yu Chenhong was very excited and smiled very brightly and charmingly.

"Then let's hold the lottery now. Please be ready."

is finally starting, and the audience and participants are looking forward to it.

"Well, I must win this competition." Hong Ming smiled coldly and looked at the other players with a very arrogant attitude.

Suddenly, at the top of the ring, eighteen virtual screens appeared, each with a number, from one to eighteen.

Then each virtual screen rolled into a ball, like 18 paper balls, and began to rotate crazily, faster than a tornado, completely disrupting the order, and it took half a minute to stop.

All the contestants stared at the 18 virtual paper balls in the sky, chose their respective goals, and were ready to go, because there must be some people who chose the same goal, and it depends on who will be quick.

The audience was also quietly looking forward to it, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

"The drawing of lots begins." Yu Chenhong gave an order.


Suddenly, 17 mechas on the ring jumped up and rushed to the virtual paper ball.

The Sirius, Tianshu and Kensei took the lead, grabbed three virtual paper groups, and then landed gracefully. Some of the other competitions were directly grabbed, and some of their targets were taken away, and immediately changed their goals to grab another. There was a brief chaos in the sky.

At this time, people found that the dark and bulky hacker mecha from the Yanzhiwuguan stood still and did not participate in the lottery, as if they did not care about this matter at all.

"What the hell is he doing?" Bai Litian looked at the hacker and frowned.

"Hmm, self-righteous." Hong Ming snorted disdainfully. Obviously, he didn't like the man named Monk, although he was on the same team as him.

When everyone chooses, there is only one virtual paper ball left in the sky. There is no doubt that this belongs to the hacker.

"Okay, please open your numbers!"

So, all the mecha opened their palms, and after a burst of light, a number appeared on the palm of their hands.

Ye Wei grabbed No. 1; Bai Litian was No. 7; Hong Ming was No. 15, which made him a little unhappy because he didn't get the first place.

Bai Lin got No. 14; Ye Shuang got No. 11; Wang Meixin was No. 12; and the unmoved hacker number, that is, Monk of Yanzhi Martial Arts Museum, got No. 9.

The battle list quickly appeared on the big screen, and the contestants looked at their respective opponents and quickly recalled their opponents' information in their minds.

"Well, you're unlucky to meet me." Hong Ming smiled coldly and looked at the Chiyang with a trace of pity in his eyes. Chiyang from Zhenwuguan got No. 16 and happened to be his opponent.

Wang Meixin looked at Lan Xue with a smile, and her opponent was Ye Shuang.

Bai Lin was a little stunned, because her opponent turned out to be her brother Banks.

"Ha ha, Sister Bai Lin, this is really a coincidence." Banks said helplessly that he never thought that there would be a battle between the same doors in the preliminary round.

"Well, although we are the same door, I won't show mercy when fighting." Bai Lin said resolutely.

Banks was stunned for a moment and smiled helplessly.

Yu Chenhong read out the battle order on the preliminary list one by one, and then she said loudly, "Now that all the contestants know their opponents, then start the first game now. Please ask Ye Wei of the Real Martial Arts Museum and Zhao Hai of the Extreme Martial Arts Museum to stay and compete, and the other players will leave."

After the people of the Extreme Martial Arts Museum cheered up Zhao Hai, they left together with the people of other martial arts museums. Only Ye Wei's Jiansheng and Zhao Hai's Yuheng were left in a large ring. A light yellow light shield covered the whole ring. From afar, it looked like a bowl upside down on the ground.

The sword saint is red, holding a long sword and standing proudly, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

Yuheng held a big knife in both hands. In the cockpit, Zhao Hai's eyes were solemn and his forehead was sweating. His opponent was the first generation of the real martial arts school. His strength was absolutely horrible. Even if he stood there without any movement, it made him feel a great pressure.

This is a martial arts competition. The competition is naturally fists and cold weapons. It is impossible to use powerful destructive weapons such as beam cannons.

"Brother, who do you think can win this game?" Bai Lin asked, at this moment, they were watching the situation in the arena in the viewing area of the Extreme Martial Arts Museum.

"There is no doubt that it is Ye Wei, and Zhao Hai is not his opponent at all." Bai Litian stared at the Kensei on the ring, knowing that it was his opponent soon after.

"Let's reiterate the rules of the game. As long as you take away the head of the opponent's mecha or let the other party lose combat effectiveness, it will be a victory, but you must not attack the cockpit. If you violate it, you will be disqualified from the game. It's clear!" Yu Chenhong paused, took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Well, the first game between Ye Wei and Zhao Hai officially begins."


suddenly triggered thunderous applause, the crowd was excited, and the audience had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The game officially began. Zhao Hai took the lead and launched the Yuheng directly to rush to the Jiansheng. The speed was so fast that it reached 15 times the speed of sound.

Jiansheng moves like a ghost, moving hundreds of meters in one step and avoiding the Yuheng far away. From this, we can see Ye Wei's superb driving skills.

However, Yuheng made an emergency turn, the engine sprayed, and rushed to the Kensei again.

Yuheng came fiercely, and the big knife waved the wind and split down.

Ye Wei's face was flat, the sword saint moved lightly, and the whole fuselage flew around. In an instant, it circled behind the Yuheng, and the long sword took action and instantly set it on the neck of the Yuheng.

Yuheng suddenly stopped. In the cockpit, Zhao Hai sweated coldly. He looked back at the Jiansheng and couldn't help swallowing. He didn't expect Ye Wei to be so powerful. Such a move was obviously to ask him to surrender, but he was unwilling to be defeated.


The Yuheng was about to fight back, but the Jiansheng was faster than it. The long sword was cut horizontally, and a huge metal head flew up. At the same time, the Jiansheng retreated away and landed a hundred meters away.


Yuheng's huge head fell to the ground. Jiansheng put away his sword and turned around and walked down the ring, leaving a strong back to everyone.

"At the end of the competition, the winner is Ye Wei from Zhenwuguan!"

The audience was a little disappointed. They didn't expect that a game would end so quickly, which did not make them feel exciting and passionate, but they still gave warm applause.

Zhao Hai was still a little stunned. He was defeated in less than a minute.

In the end, he sighed and left the ring with a somewhat discouraged driving Yuheng.

"Very good." In the vast sea of people, Ren Tianchen nodded and appreciated Ye Wei very much.

"It should be his honor to get your evaluation." Jun Yu smiled and was surrounded by people. It was impossible for him to tell Ren Tianchen's true identity.