Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 226 Infighting

Chapter 226 Fighting in the Same Family

The martial arts competition is still in full swing. The battle between Ye Shuang and Wang Meixin is still talked about by the audience. It can be said to be the most wonderful battle since the beginning of the martial arts competition.

After a midday break, before two o'clock, people have flocked into the gym, looking forward to the start of the game, hoping to see a more exciting game.

The first game in the afternoon was between Banks on the 13th and Bai Lin on the 14th. These two are brothers and sisters. People in the Extreme Martial Arts can't bear to see such a situation, but this is the result of the lottery, and no one can change it.

Before the game starts, in the rest area of the extreme martial arts hall.

Banx chatted with several fellow brothers.

"I really haven't arrived. The people of our extreme martial arts school actually want to fight inside."

"The opponent is Sister Bai Lin. You have to take care of it. Don't do it hard!"

" Come on, it's not that you don't know the strength of Sister Bai Lin. It's only stronger than Banks, and you want Banks to want him to die!"

"I don't think Sister Bai Lin will be so ruthless?", w.

"It's hard to say. You have never seen Bai Lin how serious she was when she fought, and she has never been soft on the enemy."

"So, this may be a bitter battle."

"Come on! Banks, whether you win or Bai Lin wins, it is the glory of our extreme martial arts school. A senior brother patted Banks on the shoulder.

Banks nodded, but his heart was bitter. Bai Lin's strength was not weaker than him, and he still had such a layer of affection for Bai Lin. Not to mention whether he could win or not, it was a little difficult for him to go all out.

At this time, it was time for the game. After saying goodbye to the brothers, Banks drove his Kaiyang mecha to the ring.

On the ring, there is already a green mecha, holding two daggers, standing there quietly. That is the Tianxuan mecha piloted by Bai Lin.

Banks entered the ring with some tanglement, and he never thought that he would become Bai Lin's enemy one day.

"If you dare to release water in this competition, I won't forgive you." At this time, Bai Lin's cold voice came. Obviously, she had made up her mind not to show mercy.

"I know, I will do my best." Banks nodded firmly. Since the other party had already said so, he had nothing to hesitate about.

He is firm-eyed and no longer confused. He must win this battle and defend his dignity as a strong man.

"Two players, are you ready? Then the game begins!" Yu Chenhong announced loudly.


Tianxuan and Kaiyang moved at the same time and rushed to each other.


Tianxuan held two daggers, and the speed of her action was very fast, and she waved it magically, as if two lights were flying, drawing a cold curve.

Kaiyang held a long sword, rolled up pieces of sword flowers, and fought crazily with two daggers.

The two mechas fought with all their strength under the control of their respective owners. In the battle circle, the swords and shadows and sword spirit shattered the fallen earth.

They kept moving and dodging, exerting mysterious steps, changing positions in the ring, hitting from one end to the other, from the ground to the sky.

Bai Lin and Banks both used the martial arts they mastered, but they came from the same family, and most of the martial arts they mastered were the same. They knew these martial arts very well, knew their advantages and how to deal with them, so the battle was extremely fierce.

The people in the Extreme Martial Arts Museum are very worried. The strength of the two of them is too similar. No matter who wins, it is not surprising, but the most fearful thing is that both sides will lose. Moreover, looking at the current situation on the field, this possibility is very high.


Tianxuan used her body method and went around the back of Kaiyang, directly cutting off its left arm.

However, Kaiyang's lightning-like counterattack, with a sword behind it, cutting off Tianxuan's right arm.

Bai Lin's eyes darkened and manipulated the Tianxuan to quickly fly back 100 meters.

This situation has made the hearts of the extreme martial arts school sink down.

Both mecha have lost an arm, and the fuselage are scarred, and the battle is too fierce.


Tianxuan and Kaiyang fought together again, which was more tragic than before. Bai Lin and Banks both had the determination to win and tried their best to fight for the dignity of their strong.

There are more and more wounds on the two mecha. The most serious thing about the Tianxuan is that the waist is pierced. The most serious thing about the Kaiyang is that the right leg is about to be pierced, and the damaged wounds are emitting electric sparks, which looks very tragic.


The two mechas were blown away and smashed to the ground. It was very difficult to stand up.

People in the Extreme Martial Arts Museum can't bear to watch it any more. According to this trend, the final outcome may really be a loss for both sides.

"I won't lose!" It has been almost an hour since the battle, and she has almost exhausted all her strength. The fierce battle has also shocked her and her face is very pale, but her eyes are extremely firm and her decisive heart is unshakable.

"I won't lose either!" Banks's eyes are turbulent and unshakable.

Kaiyang's scarred right leg was punctured and almost broken, emitting electric sparks and black smoke.


The back engine of the two mecha jets directly to the other side to make a final blow.

People in the Extreme Martial Arts Museum almost dared not look at it, and Baihe, the owner of the museum, was so nervous that he almost stood up.

Tianxuan held a short sword in the backhand and drew to Kaiyang to take its head.

Banks's eyes sank, and the Kaiyang moved out of the side, gave way of the dagger, and stabbed the Tianxuan from the side, and the target turned out to be the cockpit.

At this moment, Bai Lin's beautiful smile appeared in Banks's mind. The smile had always been hidden in the depths of his memory and had never disappeared.

Banks almost subconsciously manipulated the Kaiyang and stabbed it. It crossed the chest of the Tianxuan and only pierced a layer of armor.

However, Tianxuan was a quick stabbing sword. The dagger pierced the chest of Kaiyang, and the cockpit was damaged. Banks was stained with blood. What's worse, his right eye was stained with a piece of blood, which stained his whole face, making him scream.

Bai Lin's battle was uncontrollable. Banks' scream brought her back to her senses and found that the dagger had pierced the chest of Kaiyang.

"How could this happen?"

She was completely stunned, as if she couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

Tianxuan pulled out her dagger and hurriedly stepped back several steps.

And Kaiyang fell to the ground feebly, the electric spark jumped crazily, black smoke rose, and the body was too seriously damaged, although there was a possibility of explosion.

"At the end of the game, Bai Lin won the game." Yu Chenhong announced the result of the referee.

Suddenly, there was warm applause in the audience, and the audience cheered. It was a rare and wonderful game for them.

Ren Tianchen looked at the excited people around him and couldn't help shaking his head, "This is human beings, who regard other people's pain as their own happiness."

But for the people of the Extreme Martial Arts Museum, this is a very sad thing, especially Bai Lin, who was stunned.

The extreme martial arts medical team immediately rushed to the ring and rescued the seriously injured Banks from the cockpit of Kaiyang. He was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable.

Bai Lin quickly came out of the cockpit of the Tianxuan and ran over.

Banks lay on a stretcher with blood all over his body. His face was very pale. His right hand covered his right eye, and blood couldn't stop flowing out of his fingers, which was extremely conspicuous and shocking.

Bai Lin felt deeply guilty, because she hurt Banks like this. She regretted that her stubborn personality had hurt many people.

She knew that at that moment, Banks deliberately stabbed her, but she didn't want to hurt her, but she stabbed the sword into Kaiyang's chest and hurt him like this.

"I'm sorry! I hurt you!" Bai Lin burst into tears, held Banks' hand and apologized very sincerely.

Banks opened his intact left eye, looked at Bai Lin, smiled slightly, and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm not as good as others. It has nothing to do with you."

What he said made Bai Lin even more guilty.

"Now that you have won the game, work hard together with mine! Come on!" Banks was seriously injured and it was difficult to speak, but he still smiled.

It turns out that the power of love is so great that a person can ignore his life and death.

"Well, I will definitely work hard! I won't let you down!" Bai Lin nodded.

Then, Banks was carried away by the medical team. He was seriously injured and had to be treated quickly, otherwise his life might be in danger.

Bai Lin stood on the ring, and the audience around her was cheering for her, but at this moment, she felt that the applause was so harsh, and the applause was more like satirizing her!