Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 261 Summit

Chapter 261 Supreme Meeting

The moon, a void is distorted, and a red light comes out.

After leaving the space tunnel, Ren Tianchen stopped for a moment and saw Huangyue City below. Huangyue City covers a radius of 1,000 kilometers and is the most magnificent cosmic city in the world today.

"It wasn't long before I came back!" Ren Tianchen sighed.

After that, he drove the judge directly into the cosmic port at the top of Huangyue City, from which he could directly reach the palace through the central pillar.

After stopping the Feiyan fighter, Ren Tianchen drove the judge down along the interior of the central pillar and finally came to the underground base under the palace.

Ren Tianchen put away the judge and fell to the ground. Luo came to him.

"You're finally back." As soon as Luoo heard the news of Ren Tianchen's return, he rushed over immediately.

"How is it now?" Ren Tianchen asked that he was more concerned about the attack of the Saint Cavalry on the federal capital.

"The situation is quite bad. We are having a meeting to discuss this matter. Let's go to the meeting place first and then talk about it slowly." Loo raised his eyebrows and said seriously.

So, Ren Tianchen followed Luo. They came to the intelligence department. Hundreds of electricity were flashing, and dozens of staff were busy or walking around in front of the computer. The work was very hard and diligent.

A huge conference table is surrounded by several people, all of whom are big figures at the peak of power in the Tianyue Empire.

Nagaro sat quietly, like a sword that said to tear the sky, extremely fierce and powerful.

Ashulan is elegant and indifferent, dignified and exudes a noble atmosphere.

In addition, there is an old man wearing a purple military uniform, about 50 years old. Although he has a lot of gray hair, his body is strong, his eyes are deep and sharp, and he can't see that he is an old man at all.

In addition, there are several *-level generals sitting here.

As soon as Ren Tianchen came in, he felt the eyes of the old man in purple military uniform, which made him frown.

In the Tianyue Empire, there is only one level of person who can wear purple military uniforms, that is, the supreme commander of the Nine Fleets. Obviously, the person in front of him is one of the nine marshals, and Ren Tianchen still knows him. At the last ceremony of the Shuoyue Knight's canon, they had a relationship.

This person is the supreme commander of the First Fleet: Marshal Corudi!

There is also a look, that is, Nagaro. Although it is only a glance, the powerful momentum makes Ren Tianchen unable to ignore it.

A Xiulan nodded with a smile, still so lightly.

"Everyone is here! Then let's continue!" After Ren Tianchen and Luo took their seats, Marshal Corudi said, "What do you think about this attack on the federal capital by the Saints?"

"For this matter, we should first explore the cause and purpose of this operation, and then speculate on their possible next plan." A general stood up and said that these generals had been leading troops to war all year round and were very experienced in analyzing problems.

The others nodded, and Marshal Corudi also motioned him to go on.

The general clicked casually, and a map suddenly appeared in the middle of the conference table, which is a three-dimensional rendering of St. Beijing, the capital of the Federation.

"This time, the Saint Cavalry came out and put all its strength into it. It almost launched a frontal attack on the federal capital. I have to say that they are really bold." The general clicked out a few more pictures, including the Moon Rider, the Fighting Saint, the Stardust, the Thunder Emperor, and the Fallen Angel. These are the five super warriors of the Holy Cavalry Regiment, representing the most powerful force in the world.

"They are all enemies who have fought before." Loo sighed.

Ren Tianchen stared gloomyly at the fallen angel in the photo, and the murderous opportunity came out of his eyes.

"When the Holy Cavalry Regiment appeared, it claimed to eliminate the war, but what they had been doing was to provoke war and intervene indiscriminately. So far, more than 10 million people have died directly or indirectly because of them, which is almost no different from terrorists."

The general continued: "At the beginning, many people were afraid of the power of the holy horse, so the disputes in various places will calm down in a short time, and there will be a short period of peace. However, the peace suppressed by violence is ultimately hypocritical, and many of them have long history. Although the forces of resentment seem to get along well with each other, how can hundreds of years of resentment be cleared at once? Such suppression will only make the relationship worse. Some have even broken out wars. Although the paladins have suppressed part, they are not gods and it is impossible to suppress all disputes.

The general said clearly and the analysis was very reasonable, and everyone couldn't help nodding.

"With the intensification of contradictions, wars will break out between different forces, because of historical grievances, resources and many other reasons. The current solar system is not as peaceful as it seems. Wars have broken out in many places outside the empire and the Federation, and even some federations and empires. The place also fought, but both sides closed their eyes and did not pursue anything. Therefore, the current solar system is more turbulent than before the appearance of the paladin. They did not play the role of eliminating the war at all, but accelerated the occurrence of the war.

"The universe is in a period of turmoil. Many forces are fighting with each other, and the prestige of the Saint cavalry has gradually decreased. Now many people are not as afraid of the holy horse as before. Some people have even forgotten the existence of the holy horse. An organization that claims to eliminate the war has been almost been forgotten. It is really too lack of existence. Therefore, I think the purpose of this move is to establish their prestige, let the world know their strength, make the world feel afraid of them, and dare not do anything at will, so as to achieve their goal of eliminating the war.

The general looked around and saw that everyone nodded and agreed with his analysis. He couldn't help but feel more confident.

Ren Tianchen frowned and thought, "Really so?!

"So what do you think they will do next?" A general asked.

"Will you launch an attack on our empire?" Another general said.

"I don't think they will attack our empire." The general said confidently, "First, this matter has spread throughout the human world, and their purpose of establishing their power has been achieved. Second, after they attack Shengjing, we will definitely be on high alert and strengthen our defense. After they are ready, if they come to attack, they will definitely suffer a lot. Head, no one will be so stupid and rush up knowing that there is danger, so I don't think they will attack the empire.

Several other generals nodded and thought it was reasonable.

"What's the opinion of several new moon knights?" Marshal Cordy asked.

"As you said, the Saints are a group of terrorists. How can you predict the behavior of terrorists?" Luo stared at the general, giving him a heavy sense of oppression.

At this time, Ren Tianchen said, "We have fought with them several times, more clearly than you know that they are a group of crazy people, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand their behavior."

"So, it's possible for them to do anything!" Aslan said faintly.

The general suddenly looked embarrassed and felt a little unhappy, but he couldn't show it. He was facing the Knight of the Moon, who was on an equal footing with the marshal, much higher than him.

"What about your opinion?" Marshal Corudi asked, looking at the four moon knights.

"Move the troops to Huangyue City to the greatest extent. If the Holy Cavalry Regiment attacks, this will become the primary target." Ren Tianchendao.

"Order the army to maintain the best combat state at all times, so that they can attack at any time." Luo Dao.

"In addition, according to the order, all people entering and leaving the empire will be subject to strict investigation. Those who do not meet the requirements will be deported, and those who resist will be killed!" A Xiulan said lightly, but it made people feel cold.

Everyone looked at Nagaro, who was the strongest of the lunar knights. No one could ignore his existence and wanted to hear his opinion.

"In the next period of time, no one can approach the palace without His Majesty's consent, and there will be no mercy for those who violate it!" He said coldly.

"Is this Your Majesty's order?" Colludi asked.

"No, it's my order." Nagaro said lightly.

Several generals were stunned and looked at each other in consterspect. Isn't this lunar knight too strong? In a word, the palace was directly blocked.

Marshal Corudy nodded without surprise and even took it for granted.

"You guys have similar opinions to mine. Just do what you say!" Corudi Road.