Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 265 Explore

Chapter 265 Exploring Four

In the dark secret room, three moon knights gathered here.

"He flew towards the earth." Nagaro said coldly.

"Is he going to betray the empire?" Aslan Road, the voice is cold.

"The situation is not certain yet, but this is definitely not his own will. He has been controlled." Luo Dao.

"No matter what the situation is, once it is confirmed that he betrayed the empire, kill him!" Nagaro said coldly.

"Any existence that threatens the security of the empire must be erased." Aslan said coldly.

Luo wanted to defend Ren Tianchen, but there was nothing he could do. As a lunar knight, everything should put the empire first. If Ren Tianchen's betrayal was really confirmed at that time, he would have to erase it.


Ren Tianchen drove the judge's flying swallow fighter directly into the earth's atmosphere and came to an endless grassland in Asia on a bright night like a meteor.

"This is the earth, the planet inhabited by the immortal god of war?" Ren Tianchen looked at this world. More than 100,000 years ago, the Dax Empire was protected by the immortal god of war to unify the galaxy and shock the whole universe.

This planet was the planet inhabited by the immortal God of War at that time. It was brought back from the distant universe, and only a person with great divine power like him can do it.

He closed his eyes and seriously felt the world.

"It won't be wrong. That thing is on this planet, but the specific location is not easy to determine. It seems that it will take a certain amount of time, but this is also good. Use this body to experience the life of human beings on earth!" Ren Tianchen muttered to himself.

After that, he drove the judge into a light and disappeared into the distant sky.


In a prosperous city, Ren Tianchen walked on the street, wearing black clothes, a black hat and sunglasses, from head to soles of his feet.

"Is this human life?" Looking at the prosperous streets around, the vehicles and crowds: "It's really boring. Why can such a low-level race survive to this day? What about the great cosmic empires in the past? Haven't you found this low-level civilization? Or, they have been wiped out by time and no longer exist!" Ren Tianchen muttered in a low voice.

According to the history he knows, since the birth of the universe, there have been many powerful empires, but they have all disappeared with the passage of time. Generally, they have existed for tens of thousands of years, and the longest one has only survived 100,000 years.

Time can destroy everything in the world, and no one can compete with it except the immortal god of war.

The devil's soul integrates Ren Tianchen's heart demons and also has his memory. Now he can be said to be Ren Tianchen, but Ren Tianchen is full of evil consciousness.

He walked on the metropolis and was sealed for 100,000 years. He was isolated from the world and had long forgotten what civilization looked like, so he wanted to experience human life and even wanted to try to integrate into human life, but the result disappointed him. Human life was too boring.

So, he decisively gave up the idea and began to look for what he wanted.

He logged on to the Internet to learn about some human history and also looked for some ancient relics. He felt that what he was looking for might be related to these ancient relics.

He identified several places and then began to look for that thing.

He drove the judge thousands of kilometers to Africa.

The Egyptian pyramid has ancient legends, which are the product of ancient Egyptian civilization thousands of years ago, in which there are Egyptian pharaohs buried.

Ren Tianchen explored here and went into many pyramids. He did not find what he wanted, but found some traces left by ancient aliens.

After that, he went to the Congo Basin, a dense tropical rainforest, where many secrets have been hidden since ancient times. Until today, human beings dare not say that they have completely explored the situation of the rainforest.

After a search, Ren Tianchen did find a relic of an ancient civilization, but he found nothing and nothing he wanted.

In the following month, Ren Tianchen traveled around to the ruins of many ancient human civilizations or mysterious forbidden places, such as the ruins of the Mayan civilization in South America, the Bermuda Delta in North America... These places are very magical and represent the once glorious ancient civilization.

He didn't find what he was looking for, but found a lot of interesting things.

He went deep into the ocean, found the sunken continent of Atlantis, and watched the ancient marine civilization. Then he went to the Antarctic and found an ancient palace under nine kilometers underground. He learned an amazing fact that in the distant past, there was an era, and some people in that era were They dominated the world. They flew away and turned over the sea, but then they disappeared and no one knew where they had gone.

"Is it a cultivation of the later era?" Ren Tianchen looked at the stone mural in front of him and frowned. He knew that there was no source sea in the human body, so he could only practice the divine realm and follow the path of the divine practicer, and he himself was a divine practicer.

After scraping around the ancient palace, he left.

However, as soon as the judge rushed out of the ground, he encountered a large group of federal mecha.

He was not the only one looking for ancient civilization, and the federal army was also very concerned about this matter. After long research and investigation, they found a 10,000-year-old ruins in the Antarctic, so they sent a large number of troops to investigate.

Ren Tianchen smiled coldly, drove the judge to kill all directions, broke the ancient tranquility of Antarctica, killed the investigation force of hundreds of mecha, left the mechanical wreckage on the ground, and then went away.

Ren Tianchen also officially revealed the news that he was on the earth.

When the incident reached the Federal Army headquarters, the military leaders were shocked.

The Moon Knight represents the top combat power and is an invincible existence that sweeps thousands of troops.

A new moon knight has sneaked into the earth, what's going on?!

Immediately, the federal army headquarters issued an order to search Ren Tianchen with all his strength and must find him as soon as possible.

Ren Tianchen heard about this matter, but he was unmoved and continued his search journey, shuttled between the relics of various civilizations, and learned a lot of secrets of ancient civilizations.

Under the moonlit night, in the endless desert, Ren Tianchen looked up at the moonlight and the cold wind invaded, but he was unmoved.

"Where the hell is it?" He is running around these days, but he can't find it at all. Has it been wiped out in a long time?!"

A ray of morning light projected from Cong Fang to his face, the sky turned white, and the sun seemed to be a little shy, so it rose slowly.

"It's really not good!" He looked up to the sky and roared bitterly, but there was no result, which almost wiped out his patience.

"Then let's go and kill! Maybe it will make you feel better." Ren Tianchen smiled coldly, with blood and crazy murderous intent surging in his eyes.

He summoned the judge, rose to the sky and flew directly to a big city nearby.

"With so many people, it should be better to kill!" He looked down at the city below and smiled coldly.


The judge's light wings stretched out 100 meters, gorgeous, like an angel, with horrible energy on his chest, beating it down and blowing out a big hole in the city. I don't know how many people have died.

"Haha, that's so cool!" Ren Tianchen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The devil was fierce in nature, and after integrating the heart demons, it was better than before.

The judge swooped down, and many people on the street looked up. The wings were very beautiful, but it hit a devastating beam of light.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge to dance in the sky of the city, as if he were playing a game. The wings of light hit a large beam of light, like a rainstorm, hitting the ground, the building collapsed, smoke, stones splashed, countless people died and wounded, and howls resounded throughout the city.

Ren Tianchen was laughing wildly. The sound of explosion and crying seemed to be the most wonderful music, making him feel extremely comfortable.

In the deepest part of the divine realm in Ren Tianchen's brain, the real Ren Tianchen was imprisoned here. He could also feel what was happening in the outside world and was completely shocked by what the devil did.

" Stop, they are all unarmed civilians!" He roared, really completely enraged, and tried to break free from the chain that locked him with all his strength.

"Haha, why stop? How interesting it is!" At this moment, the judge is bathed in bloody light, like a demon god, destroying and erasing the lives of countless people.


He kicked into a 20-story building and killed a group of people.


It swept with a sword, hit a kilometer-long light blade, and cut off dozens of skyscrapers, like the end of the world, the sky collapsed, and countless people died.


Ren Tianchen's eyes burst into blood, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, killing happily.


The judge turned around and shot a 50-meter thick beam of light, sweeping the sky with earthly power, sweeping all the way, and destroying a large group of federal armor, which was the city's defense army.

Then the judges rose to the sky, killed the federal army and carried out a unilateral massacre.

In the face of a terrorist strong man like Ren Tianchen, ordinary soldiers are simply vulnerable. The federal army was killed and turned over. One by one, the mecha was blown up. The wreckage fell to the ground like a meteorite, smashing the building and killing many people.

"Haha... Is this human? It's really vulnerable!" Ren Tianchen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

The judge has 100 meters of light wings on his back and is condescending, like a demon god, overlooking the world.

The city has been completely destroyed. The once prosperous streets have now become a ruin full of gunpowder smoke. The fire has engulfed the city, and countless lives have died in the fire.