Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 269 Laughing all the way to the northwest

Chapter 269 Laughing All the Way to the Northwest

The judge opened his palm and condensed his blood and glory, and the light was about to drown Nina.

Her face was stunned and dull, and she seemed to be unable to believe the facts in front of her. Ren Tianchen actually wanted to kill her?!

"You are not allowed to hurt her!!!" Ren Tianchen, who was imprisoned, roared like a madman, and his eyes were red and full of blood.


A ten-meter thick beam of light appeared in the palm of the judge's hand, but the target was not Nina, but a skyscraper at the end of the road. The building collapsed and the gravel flew around.

Nina looked at the collapsed building behind in surprise and looked at the judge. She was a little scared, but she couldn't help but be excited. Ren Tianchen did not want to take action against him.

The judge took a few steps back. In the cockpit, Ren Tianchen's left hand was entangled and fighting with his right hand, and his expression was distorted.

"I won't let you hurt Nina!" Ren Tianchen roared. At the moment of Nina's death, he completely broke out, desperately broke free from the chain, and made a trace of contact with his body, thus protecting Nina.

"With your strength, you can't resist me. Be obedient. If it hadn't been for your slight connection with this body, I would have killed you long ago." The magic Ren Tianchen roared, and the blood light in his eyes shined even more. A huge force suppressed Ren Tianchen in the depths of his heart. Three heavenly knives came across the air and directly inserted them into Ren Tianchen's wrists and heart, crucified his death. This is a knife condensed by three spiritual forces, stabbing his soul, a huge The great pain swept through his soul, but he endured it firmly and did not shout a word of pain!

"Hey, fight with me, you're not good enough!" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly and turned his eyes to Nina again: "This time you are dead, and no one can do you."

The judge only took three steps, and the radar sounded. Ren Tianchen saw that there was a mecha in the distance, which was very powerful. In a blink of an eye, he was about to be in front of him. It turned out to be the destroyer.

"Ha ha, interesting!" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly, decisively abandoned Nina's goal and rushed to the destroyer.

Mina's eyes burned with war spirit, and the saboteur decisively shot and shot in a series of light beams.

Between several flashes, the judge killed in front of the destroyer and directly split it with a sword.


A slender arm emerged from the saboteur's shoulder, judging the hit with a light sword.

At the same time, the saboteur decisively fired two shots. At such a close distance, the judge had little chance of avoiding and was directly bombarded.

Then, the saboteur released 14 floating cannons to form a siege, enveloped the judge and began to bomb wildly.

Hundreds of beams of light hit the judge from all directions, 360 degrees in all directions. The battlefield was extremely chaotic. The judge was like a ghost, flashing, and dodged as much as possible in the beam turbulence.

But these beams are too dense, and these floating cannons are controlled by Mina with spiritual power and act completely according to her wishes. The movements are not rigid at all, and there is no regularity. They are completely random strings, but some of them are responsible for entanglement, some are responsible for attack, some are responsible for defense, some are equipped with It's almost perfect.

"It's really annoying!" Ren Tianchen felt very tricky. These floating guns were like flies, but they were very powerful. The judge had been hit several times.


The sabotage shot a 30-meter-thick golden beam of light, bombarding the judge with a devastating atmosphere.


Ren Tianchen roared, and the source of blood could erupt like a volcano, shaking away the floating cannons around him. Then, the judge burned the bloody light and hit the golden beam straight into the golden beam. He pressed the golden beam back as if riding the wind and waves.


After the judge approached, he killed with a sword. Although the saboteur resisted it, it was difficult to stop the strength and was suppressed for a while.

The terrible fluctuations brought down a large area of the building below.

After that, the judge kicked down the destroyer and smashed more than a dozen buildings, leaving a gully in the city, as if someone had cut a knife.

The judge dived down and wanted to kill him without giving Mina any chance to stop.

The saboteur fired several energy shells in a row, but they were dodged by the judge.


The judge split a devastating sword, and the destroyer dodged urgently, but the place where it originally stood, together with the earth behind it, was split in an instant.


The judge and the destroyers rose to the sky and fought crazily all the way into the sky, like two lights entangling and fighting, circling and violently. Each blow shook out a devastating power, making the world tremble, and the light of the confrontation was brighter than the sun in the sky.

The surviving people in this city scrambled to escape from this terrible battle. They knew that if they were involved, they would definitely have no bones.

The judge holds a white snow sword, burning with blood-colored brilliance, like a demon god, with infinite fighting power, and every blow has the power of destruction.

And the sabot has a shot in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. The golden light is burning, like a golden god of war, crossing the long river of time and walking from the distant past to the contemporary.

The battle between them is extremely fierce, which can be called the ancient god war.

The speed of the judge and the destroyer is extremely horrible, erratic and disappears step by step, but it is frequent bombardment, which is inseparable. This is a battle that ordinary people can't imagine.

They hit the ground from the sky, shaking out terrible fluctuations. Wherever they passed, everything was destroyed, the buildings collapsed, like the sky and the earth cracked, and the city was ruthlessly destroyed again and again.

After that, they broke into the mountains next to them, breaking the sky and the earth and flying rocks.

"You are not my opponent!" Ren Tianchen laughed coldly and took a stronger action.

A punch smashed the destroyer and smashed the top of a high mountain, making it very short.

But soon the saboteur came back, cut off a sword fiercely with the judge, and the engine behind him sprayed and suppressed the force.

The judge took a strong action, grabbed the vandal's head, pulled it off, and the two suddenly changed their positions.


The judge kicked down the destroyer and directly smashed a hundred-meter-high mountain. The rocks collapsed in the air and shot in all directions.

"I told you, you are not my opponent!" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly, like a god looking down at the world.

He was about to give Mina a final blow when suddenly, a strange feeling flashed through his heart. He frowned, looked at the northwest, closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He suddenly opened his eyes with great excitement and excitement.

"Finally found it!" He laughed and then looked down: "I'll forgive you for the time being today!"

Then, the judge turned into a light and rushed to the northwest.

At this moment, a golden light rushed from the north. It was a black mecha, light, with two huge corners on its head and two long light knives in his hand, which was very powerful.

It was so fast that it killed the judge in a blink of an eye and wanted to intercept it.


The judge and the sudden appearance of the mecha hit each other fiercely, shocking the destructive power.

Then the two flew around, and the gorgeous light danced like a ribbon.

"I don't have time to play with you. Get out of here!" Ren Tianchen shouted loudly.

The judge waved his sword to shake open the black mecha, opened the light wings, hit a piece of beam, suppressed the black mecha, and let it retreat further.

Then, the judge turned around in an instant, turned into a light and rushed out, disappearing into the northwest sky in a blink of an eye.

The black mecha looked northwest, slowly lowered the light knife in his hand, and stopped quietly in the sky.

Then, the saboteur rushed out of the pile of stones and flew to its side. After looking at each other, they started their engines and rushed northwest.


The judge's speed was at full speed, like a light across the sky.

Knowing the location of such a thing made Ren Tianchen feel good and had a smile on his face.

Looking back on the black mecha I just met, there is no doubt that it is a very powerful Valkyrie warrior.

"There are still some powerful human beings in the world who are at the same level as me now or more powerful than me." Ren Tianchen frowned, but then his face was excited and his eyes were bloody. He said, "But as long as I get that thing, I will be invincible and sweep everything. No one can stop me!"

He was in a good mood and laughed all the way to the northwest!