Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 295 Receiving

Chapter 295 Receiving

"Is it the master and two deputy masters?"

"That's great. Three masters will definitely drive this horrible guy away!"

"Go away? It's too cheap for him. Why do you want to destroy him!"

When the three mechas appeared, everyone was cheering. In their eyes, the three masters were super strong men on the dominant side, like myths, and also had a certain position in the world of Jupiter.

"Who are you, this friend? Why did you attack my butterfly gang base camp? Speaking is Liu Xing, the leader of the Butterfly Gang. He is a strong man with a strong body and a sense of strength. He drives a red mecha with two lightsabers.

"We don't seem to have a grudge against you, do we?" Speaking, Liu Hong, the second chair of the Butterfly Gang, the deputy leader, and Liu Xing are brothers. They have been working together for many years before they have made this country that belongs to the Butterfly Gang. He drove a gray mecha with a big knife.

There is also a black mecha next to it, which exists quietly, holding a long tomahawk, and its armor flashes with cold light.

"Why don't we have a good talk? Maybe everyone can be friends!" Liu Xing is kind. He knows that the person in front of him is a very terrible strong man. He doesn't want to be evil with him. It is naturally the best if this struggle can be resolved peacefully.

Ren Tianchen connected their communication and said directly, "It's very simple. I'm here to subdue the Butterfly Gang. As long as you submit to me, there is a way to live, otherwise there is only one way to die."

Now is the time for negotiation. He must be tough enough to deter these people. Although he wants to subdue this force, he does not mind destroying them all. Anyway, there are so many forces in the Jupiter world, not to mention that he can build one by himself.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect this person to be so ambitious that they wanted to subdue the whole Butterfly Gang.

"Isn't your request too much? How dare you want us to submit to you? This is impossible!" Liu Hong immediately refused. This butterfly gang spent a lot of time, energy and painstaking efforts with his brother, and it was impossible for him to give in.

"Such an unreasonable request is really unacceptable! Our brothers exchanged blood and lives for today's Butterfly Gang. How can we give up for your words!" Liu Xing also shook his head.

"If this is the case, I can only suppress it by force." Ren Tianchen sighed.

"Well, although you are very powerful, don't think that you are invincible. If the three of us go together, you may not be able to stop it!" Liu Hong said coldly that he has absolute confidence in his own strength. Over the years, they have been famous and have few opponents. Even in the most powerful forces such as Haicanghui, they are first-class masters.

"Ha ha, let's have a try!" Ren Tianchen smiled softly.

"Don't be too rampant!" Liu Hong snorted coldly.

Drive the mecha and rush to the judge, wave a big knife, and split it directly.


The judge swept away Liu Hong with a mecha with a simple sword.

Liu Hong was shocked. He knew that Ren Tianchen was very powerful, but he didn't expect to be so strong that he defeated him with just one sword.

Liu Xing asked about Liu Hong's situation and was relieved to know that he was safe and sound. He stared at the judge, but his heart turned up with stormy waves. He was so nervous that his sweat flowed down.

"Sir, you are too much. I admit that you are very powerful, but our Butterfly Gang is a major force belonging to Haicang. If you destroy us, Haicang will definitely not let you go. At that time, I'm afraid you will have no foothold in the world of Jupiter!" Liu Xing pulled out the banner of the Haicang Association, hoping to deter Ren Tianchen. After all, the Haicang Association can be said to cover the sky in the world of Jupiter, and no one has ever offended them.

At the same time, he sent a distress signal to Haicanghui, but he did not know that the nearby network signals had been blocked by Luo Fei and the contact with the outside world was completely isolated.

"Ha ha, Haicang will indeed be a little troublesome, but the boss is the one with a hard fist in this Jupiter world. If they really provoke me, I don't mind destroying this Haicang. I still have this strength." Ren Tianchen said lightly, but it shocked Liu Xing and others. He didn't expect to beat the person in front of him who was not afraid of the Haicang meeting at all. Looking at the way he spoke, it seemed that he could really easily destroy Haicang.

"Sir, there are many powerful people in the world. You are not invincible. It's better to keep a low profile. Don't do everything too well." Liu Xing said coldly.

"You're really right, but I can destroy everything here on my own. For you, I'm invincible." Ren Tianchen said lightly, "I still say that, either submit to me or die all and make a choice!"

In fact, he doesn't want to be so cold-blooded and ruthless, but now it's a special period, and he must take special means. How can he subdue these people if he is not tough?!

"You bully too much." Liu Xing's face was gloomy and his eyes were full of anger. The other party was determined to let them go.

"Brother, what else are you talking to him about? Go together and kill him! I don't believe that three people can't beat him together!" Liu Hong shouted that he was a person full of blood, and it was easy to be impulsive when doing things.

So, he and another deputy master drove the mecha and killed the judge.

Liu Xing hesitated, gritted his teeth and rushed up. Maybe three people could win this person together as Liu Hong said.

"Then don't blame me." Ren Tianchen's face was flat, and there was a cold light flashing in his eyes.


The judge swept away, cut off the weapons in the hands of the three mechas, and then kicked Liu Hong's armor away.

Then, judge Tan's legs swept over and knocked the black mecha away.

Then, it turned around like lightning and kicked out with the other foot. It happened that Liu Xing rushed up with his mecha, so with a bang, it flew out again.

"Is that all the power?" Ren Tianchen said lightly.

The onlookers around were dumbfounded, and the three masters they admired were defeated so easily.

Liu Xing and others were also shocked. The three of them could not compete with this person together. They were defeated so easily that they didn't even have the strength to fight.

How powerful is this man?!

"I'm not here to destroy you, but to submit to me. Aren't you also ordered by the Haicang Club before? Now it's just a master. I can guarantee that as long as you submit to me, I can make your Butterfly Gang develop better, and at least become a big force that goes hand in hand with Haicang. Ren Tianchen changed his tone. Strong repression is not the way. Soft and hard work is the king's way.

He continued: "Do you want to always submit to the Haicang Society, look up to them, and choose trees. As long as you follow me, it is not impossible for you to become the largest force in the world of Jupiter in the future."

I have to say that Liu Xing was moved by what he said. The person in front of him has such a powerful power, and what he said is absolutely reliable.

At the beginning, they joined the Haicang Association in order to seek asylum. Now the Butterfly Gang has gradually developed and grown. He has long had the intention to leave the Haicang Association and go out independently, but they do not have the strength to compete with the Haicang Association at all.

"After you submit to me, I just need you to listen to my dispatch at any time. At the same time, I will give you enough autonomy. I will not interfere in the internal affairs of the gang, and all three masters have the final say." Ren Tianchen continued to add vinegar and found that his eloquence was getting better and better now. Maybe he had been following Nina for a long time. Looking at her sharp words when talking business with people, he was unconsciously infected.

Not to mention Liu Xing, even Liu Hong is moved. Although he is more impulsive, he is by no means the kind of brainless person and can still see the current situation clearly. If you really follow what the person in front of you said with his help, then the Butterfly Gang may really fly to the sky and become Jupiter's world's largest force!

How about it? Think about it, submit to me and have a bright future; if you don't obey, kill all of you; heaven or hell, you can choose for yourself! I hope it will come soon. I don't have much patience!" Ren Tianchen said lightly, and he said everything that should be said. Now he just needs to wait quietly.

After a while, Liu Hong finally made up his mind after a fierce and sharp struggle and discussed well with the two deputy masters.

"No one in the world wants to choose heaven." Liu Xing said bitterly, and then his expression changed and became very serious. He shouted, "Butterfly helps everyone listen. From today on, he is our lord and salute to the lord!"

"See the lord!"

The three help led thousands of gangs to kneel down to Ren Tianchen and officially recognized his leadership position.