Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 332 Plan

Chapter 332 Plan

It is comparable to the bombardment of ancient gods, causing extremely horrible fluctuations. Everything within a thousand kilometers around no longer exists, and the void is broken. Such destructive power makes people tremble.

When the light was not shining, the void was no longer trembling and twisted, and the star field gradually returned to calm. The judge was wrapped in his own light wings to resist the impact just now. Even so, the judge was still seriously damaged, and the body was covered with several long cracks.

Ren Tianchen took a long breath. Just now, it was really dangerous. He thought he was about to die, but he finally survived.

He searched the neighborhood and found no trace of Morasha at all, and finally wiped him out.

On the other side, the situation of the golden mecha is similar. Although it blocks the impact, the long cracks on the fuselage are also very scary.

"It's finally done."

The golden mecha turned to face the judge. Ren Tianchen found that the crack on the golden mecha was slowly healing. Although this healing speed was not as fast as that of the judge, it surprised Ren Tianchen.

"Yo, Tianchen, long time no see." Suddenly, a figure appeared on the screen, a young man with long braids, golden eyes, very exquisite facial features, about 20 years old.

Ren Tianchen was stunned immediately. This person turned out to be his acquaintance.

"It seems that I guessed right. It's really you! Yang Wenchen!" Ren Tianchen smiled.

This young man is Yang Wenchen. When Ren Tianchen was a soldier in the Heso mining area, he knew a strong man in a mission to sneak into the enemy camp. The former young man has now become a mature and steady young man.

"Well, how do you know it's mine?" This time it was Yang Wenchen's turn to be stunned.

"Although your voice and breath have changed, that feeling will not change. My intuition tells me that you are Yang Wenchen." Ren Tianchen smiled and said.

"Your intuition is really amazing!" Yang Wenchen said.

"I just didn't expect that you would become so powerful after three years!" Ren Tianchen sighed that he and Yang Wenchen were just junior ace warriors. They fought hundreds of federal mechas in the Heso mining area and accidentally broke into the Death Rift Valley. After nine deaths, they escaped.

He still remembers that when they parted, the two sides made an agreement to win a place in the future cosmic hegemony.

Three years have passed, and both of them have become one of the top strong men in the human world.

What surprised Ren Tianchen was how Yang Wenchen practiced to reach such a terrible state, which was not much weaker than him.

"Ha ha, people always change. My mother said that I am the dragon among people, so I am destined not to be ordinary in my life." Yang Wenchen said confidently.

I don't know why Ren Tianchen felt a special accident from it, but he couldn't say it was unknown. Is it an illusion?!

"Why are you here?" After the joy of reunion, Ren Tianchen asked about the business.

"I've actually been tracking this guy." Yang Wenchen said, "A month ago, this alien appeared near Neptune and massacred more than 100,000 people. At that time, I happened to be there. When I arrived, he had already left, so I tracked it all the way here."

"So, so, the look I felt before is you." Ren Tianchendao.

"Yes, when you went to the scene to investigate, I was nearby, but I didn't expect to meet you here. Fate is really amazing!" Yang Wenchen sighed.

Then, he said, "Yes, I've heard about you. Haven't you been awarded the title of Knight of the Moon? Why was he deported by the Tianyue Empire for no reason?

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Ren Tianchen sighed a lot and said, "This matter is difficult to say."

"That doesn't matter. Let's find a place to drink and talk about it in detail." Yang Wenchen said with a smile.

Ren Tianchen also nodded, and then flew away with the judge and the golden mecha.


On the moon, there are still heavy troops near Huangyue City, and there are almost countless warships and mechas around.

Since the Saint Cavalry Regiment attacked the federal capital three months ago, the Tianyue Empire has entered a state of emergency alert and sent heavy troops to defend Huangyue City to prevent the attack of the Saint Cavalry Regiment.

But since the attack on the federal capital, the Saints seemed to have evaporate from the world and never appeared again. The disturbance they caused has gradually subsided, and everything seems to have restored its original order.

When Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen fought against the Morasha of the Blood Demon Clan, an ordinary passenger spacecraft slowly sailed into the cosmic port of Huangyue City.

There are five people sitting in a private room in the spacecraft.

These five people are the five super warriors of the Holy Cavalry Regiment: Zuo Yu, Mu Yun, Bingyue, Mitchell and Zhang Yu.

No one expected that the five frightening super warriors of the Holy Cavalry gathered here and were about to enter Huangyue City.

"I believe everyone has understood the purpose of this mission and the meaning of the task, right?" Mu Yun looked around.

"I fully understand that after hiding for so long, we finally have a chance to do a big fight. We want to teach the world a painful lesson and know the horror of our holy cavalry regiment." Zhang Ba said coldly. Now he is completely different from the past. His body is shrouded in a cold breath, and his eyes are also terrible: "It's a pity that that bastard is no longer here."

He naturally said that Ren Tianchen, his brother Li Ke died at the hands of Ren Tianchen, and he saw it with his own eyes. He will never forget this unforgettable deep blood feud. If he does not kill Ren Tianchen, he will not stop.

"I have found out where he is. After this mission is completed, I will kill him with you." Bingyue said indifferently.

Zhang V nodded, his eyes full of expectation, as if he had imagined the moment when he killed Ren Tianchen.

"However, I don't think our action this time will be too reckless." At this time, Mitchell opened her mouth.

Except for Sa Yu, everyone else's eyes urged Mitchell.

"Are you doubting the judgment made by Gaia? You have to remember that Gaia is not wrong!" Bingyue said coldly.

"I don't doubt Gaia." Mitchell said, "It's just a little confused. Is it right for us to do this? We are enemies of the whole world and constantly intervene physically, so that we can really eliminate the war?"

"Of course, everything is going according to the plan, and we officially exist for this purpose." Bingyue said coldly.

"Planning?" Mitchell said softly, "The death of Fujinomiya and Li Ke is also part of the plan? Or is our death part of the plan?!"

Suddenly, everyone was dumb and silent. Although they were in the organization, they knew little about the Holy Cavalry Regiment. They only knew that it was extremely huge. As for the plan they said, I'm afraid no one here was completely clear about it.

"Sa Yu, don't you think so?" Mitchell asked that among the people here, only Zuo Yu knew the plan best.

He sat there quietly, extremely deep, and his bloody eyes were colder than in the past, completely extincting all emotions. Everyone else knew that this silent man's body contained destructive power and was one of the most powerful people in the world today.

"The plan is correct. We just need to do it." Zuo Yu said coldly, and then he looked at Mitchell and said, "If you go to the battlefield with confusion, you will die!"

Mitchell was silent, and at this time, Bingyue said, "We exist because of the plan. If our death is also in the plan, then this is fate and there is no choice!"

"Fate?" Mu Yun said softly.

After that, they were silent and didn't say another word.

After entering the space port of Huangyue City, they got off the spaceship. After a series of tedious procedures, they finally successfully entered Huangyue City with the citizens of the Pure Tianyue Empire.

People in the cosmic port would never have thought that they passed by the Saint Cavalry and even put them in, because their identity information was so perfect that there was almost no flaw.

"How will the world develop next? I'm really looking forward to it!" Gaia is in a virtual time and space, holding a glass of red wine, always paying attention to the situation of the whole world and knows everything, which is also the terrible thing about the Saints.

After the five soldiers of the Holy Cavalry Regiment entered Huangyue City, they walked to the palace.

At night, at the top of a cliff, five figures stood proudly, and the raging mountain wind could not shake them at all.

"After tonight, the world will change as a result." Zuo Yu stood in the middle and looked at the palace in the distance, with extremely cold eyes.


Five blue lights broke out, and then five powerful mecha appeared.

A huge storm will start this night.