Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 341 The Perfect Man

Chapter 341 The Perfect Man

The Shura holds two light swords and stands quietly in the void. It is obviously there, but it makes people feel as if it has disappeared.

"Finally, shouldn't you shrink the head turtle? Good, let me cut you to death slowly. Zhang Qi smiled coldly. The Dousheng burned the terrible blue light and took the initiative to attack. As soon as he took action, he was shocked and killed Zhang Han in an instant.


The result was unexpected, and the Dousheng was actually cut off by the Shura.

"What?" Zhang was shocked.

At this time, the Shura had been killed. Its speed was extremely horrible, like a ghost. It appeared on the left, on the right, on the top, and behind.

The Dousheng is like standing still and letting it fight.


The Dousheng accurately blocked the light sword of the Shura, but it was kicked away by it.

"Why is this so?" Zhang Fang has been completely crazy. It was unimaginable before that he started the god-stricking system and was suppressed by the other party.

The Dousheng attacked Shura crazily and launched a stormy attack, and every blow was extremely fierce.

However, the defense of the Shura is watertight, blocking every knife of the Dousheng with a light sword, even a slightest deviation.


The two sides bombarded hundreds of moves, but Zhang Han always won, and his two swords split the Dousheng by thousands of meters.

Zhang Han smiled faintly and did not continue to attack, but was waiting for the Dousheng to come to the door by himself.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Zhang was so angry that his eyes exploded, and his blood and evil spirits rose and were extremely violent.


The Dousheng split a bright light and went straight to the Shura to the fierce and terrible power.

Zhang Han still smiled indifferently. Shura raised the lightsaber and directly shattered the horrible light with one sword.

Then Dousheng split several of the same huge light blades, and was also smashed by Shura's sword, which was extremely easy.

"All attacks in the world have flaws. As long as you find that flaw, you can easily break it." Zhang Han said lightly.

While speaking, the Shura shattered several huge light blades. These light blades have very powerful power and can definitely smash a relatively small colonial satellite into pieces, but in front of Zhang Han, it was vulnerable and easily smashed them.

"No! How could I lose to you!" Zhang fell roaring and completely fell into madness.

The Dousheng was desperate and killed the Shura with a huge blue light. The horrible breath made people tremble.

"It's so sad." Zhang Han shook his head gently and drove the Shura to meet him strongly.


A earth-shaking bombardment, this void is really trembling.

A green metal arm flew high, and at the moment of the confrontation, one arm of the Dousheng was cut off.

"Goodbye!" Zhang Han spoke indifferently. Shura turned around and stabbed with a flat sword and pierced the chest of the Dousheng directly from behind

In the bombardment just now, the Shura cut off the arm of the Dousheng and flashed behind it at the same time, so this sword directly killed Zhang.

Zhang fell to death and did not expect that he would have such an end. He was very unwilling to be killed by personality here on Saturn, because he had not yet avenged his brother, but there was no chance. The sword of the Shura decided his life.

The Shura pulled out its light sword and retreated, and then the Dousheng exploded, like fireworks blooming, beautiful and gorgeous.

"It's so beautiful." Zhang Han smiled, and his smile was as innocent and simple as a child.

The imperial soldiers around were stunned. They didn't expect Zhang Han to win and kill a soldier of the Saint Cavalry Regiment.

Over the years, the soldiers of the Saint Cavalry Regiment have been shocked every time they take action, leaving too many frightening legends. Now Zhang Han has broken the legend and killed the soldiers of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, which undoubtedly establishes an invincible strong image in the minds of the soldiers.

All the young soldiers are rippling in spring. Zhang Han's family background is rich, outstanding in appearance, and good at playing the piano. At a young age, he is already a major general. His command ability on the battlefield is outstanding, and he is also a powerful mecha warrior. Such a person is simply perfect to the extreme, which makes many people have this man who should only be in heaven. The idea that you can see it several times in the world.

Suddenly, Zhang Han was silent again, and there was no previous smile on his face. He lay in the cockpit and looked at the universe outside, a little lonely and lonely

"The opponent is so weak that he will feel empty after every battle!" This is the reason for his silence.

Because he is too powerful, it is difficult to find an opponent on the battlefield. Once the enemy is taken, there is no chance. The final result is doomed, which is too boring.

So he sits more in warships and commands the fleet to fight, and rarely drives mecha to fight.

Zhangva is dead, and the latest thing to know is the Holy Cavalry Regiment.

Gaia suddenly opened her eyes, and an incredible light shone again.

"What's wrong?" Yu Yanhong next to him asked that they were the seniors of the Saint Cavalry Regiment and were discussing some important things.

"Zhangfa is dead." Gaia's face is ugly.

Yu Yanhong was stunned and said, "How could this happen?"

"First Li Ke, then Fujinomiya, and now even Zhang Qi is dead, which has a great impact on the combat effectiveness of our holy horse. In order to implement the plan smoothly, it seems that we have to change the strategy." Gaia muttered alone, and then disappeared with a sw ofyi sheng, leaving only Yu Yanhong in the room.

At this moment, she calmed down. She was confused and looked at the empty and dark room. She was thinking, is what she really doing was right?


The incident of Zhang Hange killing a soldier of the Saint Cavalry Regiment quickly spread, causing a huge shock. Of course, the most surprising thing was the Tianyue Empire. Of course, it was a gratifying thing for such a super strong man to appear in his army.

When Ren Tianchen heard the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then felt that it was reasonable.

"Have you been so strong? Zhang Han!"

He has known Zhang Han for many years, but he can't see through this person at all, which is also the only person he can't see through, but he knows very well that Zhang Han is very strong, and no one knows how strong he is.

If he is allowed to fight with Zhang Han now, he is not absolutely sure that he can win. The most terrible thing in the world is not the powerful enemy, but the enemy that can't be seen through, because you don't know how powerful he is at all, which is the most dangerous.

"As far as I know, Zhang Han is now the youngest and most promising general in the Tianyue Empire. He has a bright future and is likely to become a marshal in the future." Nina said.

Ren Tianchen nodded, but sighed in his heart.

If it hadn't been for the decisive battle in the Sisso mining area, maybe he is still fighting around for the empire in the army, like Zhang Han, growing up step by step, but he doesn't know whether he can achieve today's achievements like Zhang Han. Maybe... can't!

Ren Tianchen knows very well that Zhang Han is a perfect person in all aspects, which he can't compare with, but everyone has their own different ways. No matter what other people have achieved, it's none of his business. He just needs to go his own way.

As the saying goes, different paths do not work together, and the road he and Zhang Han want to take is completely different.

In the military base of a certain Tianyue Empire.

Carlo, who is already at the captain level, is here. When he heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was happy for Zhang Han.

For a long time, after the baptism of the battlefield and seeing a lot of life and death separation, he has also achieved transformation, no longer the sharp and impulsive boy.

Because of his personality, he has few friends. Ren Tianchen, Zhang Han, Ruoxue, and Li Na are all his very important friends. In the past, he did not cherish them too much. After experiencing many things, he felt that these feelings were really precious.

"When can we meet again?" He looked up at the starry sky and sighed.

After graduation, they went their separate ways and rarely met. He almost forgot when the last time they met.


In a beautiful manor surrounded by a sea of flowers, a wonderful girl opened her big watery eyes and stared straight at the virtual screen in front of her, which recorded Zhang Han's news and a photo of him.

Although the girl's face is very flat, she still can't hide the excitement hidden in her heart, and there is a hot light in her eyes.

"I really want to see you again." She looked up at the blue sky with incomparable expectation in her eyes.