Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 348 Judgment and Fall

Chapter 38 Judgment and Fallen


The kilometer-long asteroid burst into pieces, and countless fragments splashed in all directions. It had been drifting in the dark and cold universe, but it hit the battle between Ren Tianchen and Sa Yu and was directly blown up.

However, the battle did not stop. The judges and the fallen angels continued to fight, swords fought against each other, and the divine realm was bombarded. Each blow shattered hundreds of kilometers of space. Wherever they passed, everything was destroyed and no longer existed.

Ren Tianchen and Zuo Yu both roared. They have been crazy, abandoned all rules and methods, and carried out the most primitive and violent bombardment.


The judge and the fallen angel waved the divine soldiers in their hands, bombarded thousands of times and smashed the endless starry sky.

It has been more than ten hours since the battle, but they have never stopped, and they still fight hard to part with each other.


The judge waved his sword and cut angrily. After countless bombardments, the bloody sword of the fallen angel has reached its limit and has been cut into pieces. The black sword in the judge's hand is a divine soldier refined by the ancient immortal god of war, which surpasses the bloody sword in all aspects, so there is no damage.

Then the judge flew up and kicked the fallen angel away. Immediately after him, he crossed a distance of 10,000 meters and waved his sword.

"Hang!" However, the fallen angel clamped the judge's black sword with a white blade empty-handed, and then kicked the judge's right wrist, and the black sword fell off.

Then the fallen angel punched out, but the judge also punched. The two punched each other fiercely. With a bombard, both sides were shaken away at the same time, and the surrounding space was shattered thousands of kilometers.

"Your power is really beyond my imagination." Zuo Yu said breathlessly.

"I told you, I will never stop if I don't kill you." Ren Tianchen also gasped. After more than ten hours of war, they almost ran out of physical strength, but they didn't want to lose, and they were holding on with their tenacious willpower.

Ren Tianchen roared, and the bloody absolute field bloomed with divine light. Suddenly, hundreds of huge bare hands rushed out and grabbed the fallen angel.

Zuo Yu snorted coldly, and the fallen angel roared at the sky, broke the sky with strength, slapped it, and scattered the hundreds of bloody big hands.

At the same time, the judge recalled the black sword, and the fallen angel also pulled out a bloody sword again.

The two rushed again, collided fiercely, shattered the space, and entered the dimensional space tunnel here.

But they are still fighting crazily. After a few hours, they hit the dimensional space again and came to the real universe.

This time, they actually brought it to the universe where Venus is located.


The two bombarded and shattered the world, like a star explosion. On a space cargo ship tens of thousands of kilometers away, the crew also felt the terrible fluctuation and looked over.

"What the hell happened?"

At this time, they saw an unforgettable shot.

Suddenly, a huge beam of light appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away and stretched tens of thousands of kilometers. It was really horrible from afar.

It seemed to be a sword of the gods, and it was actually cut to Venus.

The heavenly sword crossed the sky and cut on Venus, drawing a wound thousands of kilometers long, and it was a bottomless abyss.

All the people who saw this scene in the distance were stunned. What's going on? Venus was actually cut off. Fortunately, the heavenly sword was far enough away, but the tip of the sword scratched Venus little by little, leaving scars. If it was hit at close range, would the whole Venus be cut in half?

The person who hit this blow was Zuo Yu. The fallen angel raised tens of thousands of kilometers of super-giant lightsaber and almost cut off Venus.

Ren Tianchen's face was solemn. The blow just now was really horrible. If he slowed down, he might be cut so that there was no scum left.

The judge and the fallen angel killed again and continued the unfinished terror war.


At the time of the life-and-death battle between Ren Tianchen and Zuoyu, the battle between the Saint Cavalry Regiment and the joint forces was also over.

Mu Yun fought against 30 magic mecha alone. After paying a great price, he was finally completely destroyed and then disappeared.

In addition, the same is true of Bingyue and Mitchell. After paying a great price to destroy their opponents, they disappeared.

Even the golden warship struggled for the opportunity to be severely damaged, escaped the joint attack of the Divine Moon and Galileo, left the star domain and disappeared without a trace.

"How is it now?" Luo and his party have come to Mars and are waiting for news. Of course, the old tree guard and the green dragon have returned to their small world.

"I just received the news that the two of them appeared on Venus and almost destroyed Venus!" Asiland Road.

Loo opened his mouth and found that he could not speak for a while. It's too horrible to hit Venus from the asteroid belt.

"This is a battle beyond human understanding. We can't stop it at all, and we can't help it." Asiland Road.

"However, everything is left to Tianchen alone. His burden is too heavy." Luo is worried about Ren Tianchen. After all, the strength of Zuo Yu is obvious to all, and it is not easy to defeat him.

Now more than 20 hours have passed, and the battle is still going on. At this moment, I don't know where to go.

"But if you don't defeat that person, it will be a disaster in the human world, and now you can only rely on him." Asuran sighed.

Luo also nodded. Zuoyu is too powerful and horrible. I'm afraid that even Nagaro can't compete with it. It can be seen that Zuoyu has always hidden his strength.


The judge and the fallen angel penetrated the space, fought to the dimensional space, fought all the way, crossed the distant space distance, and finally returned to the asteroid belt.


The space was broken, and the judges and fallen angels broke through the space barriers. A strong blow shattered thousands of kilometers of space around them, and countless asteroids were killed into ashes and no longer existed.

The judge and the fallen angel were blown away, and both of them were unable to stop this powerful shock wave. The judge and the fallen angel rode the wind and waves like two sailboats. Wherever they passed, whether it was space or asteroid, everything was crushed.

They flew back tens of thousands of kilometers before stopping, and the space was broken by tens of thousands of kilometers.


Ren Tianchen and Zuo Yu both spit out a large mouthful of blood, which was very shocking.

They have fought for more than 30 hours now. In the past day and one night, they have hardly stopped, fought all the way, fought desperately, crossed a long space distance, and almost hit the sun. This is a devilish magic and test for their body and spirit, even if They have already overdrawn all their strength, but they still support it with the most tenacious fighting will.

At this moment, both mechas have lost their light, and their bodies are scarred. After a day and a night of war, even the mecha has exceeded the limit.

"I must kill you! Revenge for the dead!" Ren Tianchen's belief is firm. Even if he is seriously injured, even his vision is a little blurred, but his tenacious fighting spirit is still horrible.

He drove the judge to the fallen angel.

"I didn't expect that I was forced to this extent. It's time to end it." Zuo Yu smiled faintly. Even if his face was as pale as paper, his invincible temperament remained unchanged.

He drove the fallen angel to the judge.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed. When there were still 100 kilometers away, the judge suddenly broke out and burned a red light. At the same time, the fallen angel also burned, and the blue light was extremely bright.

These are their last ray of strength, and this is to fight with all the last strength to make the final conclusion.


Ren Tianchen and Zuo Yu roared, shaking the sky and the earth, making the void tremble and the universe broken.


The red light and the blue light finally collided fiercely, shaking out horrible fluctuations, and the eternal light shines.

This blow is only the last blow they made. Its power is far less powerful than any of their previous blows, but the light is brighter than anything else.

An endless battle came to an end, but everything was blocked by the bright light. I couldn't see anything. I didn't know their victory or defeat, and I didn't know who could survive and who would die.