Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 353 Dialogue

Chapter 353 Dialogue

The judge stepped on the flying swallow fighter plane, and Ren Tianchen stared at the distance, and his eyes were full of astonishment and puzzlement.

I saw a tall mecha standing there thousands of meters away.

This is a purple and white mixed mecha, which is quite beautiful and very powerful.

It steps on a pterosaur-like aircraft with a pair of wings on its back, a giant epee on its left arm, a small shield on its right arm, and a blue water crystal inlaid in its chest, which is very crystal and beautiful.

This mecha stood there. Although it had no momentum, it seemed to have become the only one in the world.

But to Ren Tianchen's surprise, this mecha is very similar in appearance to the savior he drove two years ago, especially the head, which is almost identical.

"Where did this mecha come from?" Ren Tianchen frowned and was ready to fight. The sudden appearance of the mecha gave him a very bad feeling.

"Tianchen, I detected the reaction of the source energy furnace on the mecha." Luo said.

"What?" Ren Tianchen was shocked. At the beginning, in the belly of Olympus Mountain, the three-way war finally grabbed a source energy furnace, so today, only the Tianyue Empire, the Earth Federation and the Saint Cavalry Regiment have a source energy furnace.

"Does the Saint Cavalry Regiment appear again?" Ren Tianchen's face was solemn.

At this moment, the purple-white mixed mecha turned away, and the pterosaur fighter under its feet jet out purple light and carried it to the distance.

Ren Tianchen didn't think about it and drove the judge to catch up. He was very concerned about the source of this mecha.

The purple-white two-color mecha passed through a group of asteroids on the pterodactosaur fighter. After a while, the judge stepped on the flying swallow fighter.

"Where on earth is he taking me?" Ren Tianchen frowned.

He has chased the mecha in front of him for a day, but he has not been able to catch up, because its speed is no worse than that of the judge. It always keeps a certain distance, neither too close nor too far. Ren Tianchen understands that the other party is going to take him somewhere. Although he doesn't know where that place is, he knows It is already far away from Mars, which may be going to a deeper universe.

Along the way, the mecha in front of him seemed to be deliberately testing him. He flew into dense asteroids several times and traveled through groups of asteroids at high speed, but these were trivial and easily completed for Ren Tianchen.

"Who the hell is that? Why copy the savior? Ren Tianchen thought that the Salvation had been destroyed in the two-year decisive battle in the Xiso mining area, and now there is an identical mecha, which makes him very concerned.

After all, the savior is the first mecha he drove, and he was born and died with him. He defeated many enemies and made great contributions.

After flying for a day and a night, an abandoned colonial satellite appeared in front of Ren Tianchen's eyes, and then he saw the purple and white two-color mecha fly into the abandoned colonial satellite.

"Why did you come here?" Ren Tianchen frowned. According to the data, the colonial satellite had been abandoned 50 years ago and became cosmic garbage, drifting in the eternal darkness.

Is there another world here?

After a moment of hesitation, Ren Tianchen flew into the abandoned colonial satellite with the judge.

After entering the cosmic port, he found that it was already a mess, and there was rubbish everywhere.

Ren Tianchen put away the judge and the Feiyan fighter.

"Is there still oxygen here?" As soon as he came out, he was stunned. A colonial satellite that had been abandoned for 50 years still had oxygen. It seemed that there was something wrong here.

Then he released his spiritual power and launched a search for the colonial satellite, but no matter how he looked for it, he could not find the mecha that had flown into it before, but he found a life reaction.

"Is there a person there? Are you waiting for me?" Ren Tianchen frowned. He knew that it might be a trap, but he had to take a look anyway.

His current strength, few people in the world can hurt him, which is also his fearless strength.

Ren Tianchen slowly walked to that place step by step. He was not in a hurry. Since that was waiting for him, let him wait a little longer.

The place where Ren Tianchen came is the command room of this abandoned colonial satellite. It is very empty and can hold several mecha. In the past, it was responsible for the operation of the whole satellite, but now it is dilapidated and many places have been destroyed.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a man on a large chair dozens of meters away, but he was behind his back and could only see the back of his head from his perspective.

"Who are you? What's the purpose of attracting me here? Ren Tianchen stopped ten meters away from the man.

"Ha ha, long time no see, Ren Tianchen!" A laughter remembered, and the big chair turned around. Ren Tianchen also saw the man's appearance clearly and was immediately stunned.

"Is that you? Ilao Weina!"

"Yes, it's me." Yi Luo Ao smiled gently, and his elegant demeanor remained unchanged.

Ren Tianchen did not expect that the contemporary head of the Wei family, known as the first family in the human world, and also confirmed his other conjecture.

"Are you the leader of the Saint Cavalry Regiment?" His face was gloomy and he stared coldly at Yi Luo Ao.

Yi Luo Ao once went to Mars for a charity visit. Ren Tianchen had an intersection with him because of Nina. At that time, Zuo Yu disguised himself as the ace warrior of the imperial army and served as Yi Luo Ao's bodyguard. When he was in Haoyangdu, Zuo exposed his identity. After that, Ren Tianchen suspected that Yi Luo Ao had something to do with the Holy Cavalry Regiment, but he did not Any conclusive evidence has been stranded. Now that I see this person here, it is more powerful evidence than anything else.

"Ha ha, you're right. The Saint Cavalry Corps did obey my orders." Yi Luoao smiled faintly and said, "But you're only halfway right. This organization is huge and mysterious, and it is related to the whole human world."

"Why?" Ren Tianchen's face was gloomy, and there was a cold murder in his eyes. He said, "Why did you do this?"

"Everything we do is for the future of the world. Human beings must change, otherwise it is the fate of extinction." Yiluo said lightly.

"For the future of mankind?" Ren Tianchen smiled and said, "This is really the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard. While promoting the elimination of war, it is constantly creating disputes. Do you know how many innocent people have died because of your attack family and their wives and children are separated?"

Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold and murderous, staring at Yi Luo Ao.

"No one in this world is innocent. Everyone has their own mission. The people you mentioned have completed their mission and are not innocent." Yi Luo Ao smiled faintly.

"Is it their mission to be killed by you?" Ren Tianchen roared. He thought of Ruoxue, Wang Ye, Lengmu, Lockon, and many comrades-in-arms, who died at the hands of the Holy Cavalry Regiment.

"To complete the transformation of the world, we must pay enough blood and sacrifices. Their death is great and will forge a whole new world." Iro said proudly.

"Nonsense." Ren Tianchen scolded angrily and said, "You are a group of terrorists who have killed so many people. What is your excuse for a better world!"

"You don't understand us at all." Yi Luo Ao shook his head and sighed.

"Of course, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. All I know is to destroy you, avenge the dead, and return the world to tranquility." Ren Tianchen said resolutely.

"Revenge? Ha ha, is your vision only so low? Yi Luoao looked at Ren Tianchen with pity and sighed, "It seems that Zuo Yu overestimated you. You are just a poor and pathetic person who can't extricate himself from hatred."

"Well, your most powerful trump card has been killed by me. Why can you be arrogant in front of me?" Ren Tianchen snorted coldly.

"Ha ha, you are so pathetic that you are so happy to kill your brother!" Yi Luo Ao smiled faintly and looked at him with pity.

"What did you say?" Ren Tianchen was struck by lightning, and his whole body was stunned and stared at Yi Luo Ao.

"Don't you hear clearly? Zuo Yu is your brother. Haven't you always scolded us for being cruel and inhuman? Now it seems that you are better than us!" Yi Luo Ao smiled faintly.

"No! This is impossible! My brother died very early. Ren Tianchen roared like crazy. He would never believe that the person he had wanted to kill for a long time was his brother. Are you kidding?

"I know. You must be lying to me. Your holy cavalry regiment is so despicable." Ren Tianchen stared at Yi Luo Ao, and there was a cold murder in his eyes.

"Ha ha, you are really pathetic." Iro Ao smiled faintly, shook his head and sighed.

"Evidence, you said he was my brother. Can you come up with convincing evidence?" Ren Tianchen said coldly.

"Since you want evidence, I'll show you!"

Suddenly, a virtual light screen appeared in front of Ren Tianchen, and the screen was Zuo Yu's front photo.

"Look carefully."

Then Zuo Yu on the light screen gradually changed under the gaze of Ren Tianchen, slowly becoming smaller, and his eyes gradually changed from cold to indifferent, then became firm, then sad, and finally bright.

"How could this happen?" Ren Tianchen took a few steps back and stared at the virtual light screen in disbelief. On it was a young *, and the face was exactly the same as his brother's face in his memory.