Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 356 Mysterious Strongman

Chapter 356 Mysterious Strongman

The judge released light, which gradually coincided with the energy frequency of the light shield. Finally, the two sides offset each other and a big hole appeared.

One advantage of the Aegis system is that any place will be monitored by the main control room as long as it receives a little impact. If Ren Tianchen forcibly crashes, it will be found at the first time.

After passing through the Aegis system, the judge activated the stealth skill, hidden and flew to Huangyue City.

He found that the moon is now very heavily guarded, and mecha and warships can be seen cruising everywhere.

"Those are the Third Fleet... the Fifth Fleet... the Eighth Fleet... and the Second Fleet." Along the way, Ren Tianchen passed through many lines of defense and had already seen four fleets in the nine major fleets of the empire.

"There are actually four fleets conspired with Prince Cross!" Ren Tianchen was shocked that the nine fleets contained all the troops of the empire, and each fleet had more than 100,000 mecha, some even reached 200,000.

Now the four fleets rebel, and the combined forces will be extremely horrible. He knows very well that even in the face of hundreds of thousands of mecha, the result will be death. No one can fight against such a horrible force alone. If there is, it is by no means a human.

He didn't know much about Prince Clos, and he rarely contacted him when he was a lunar knight. He only knew that he was the elder brother of Emperor Torres and a very incompetent prince. He should have been the emperor, but because he was too incompetent to rule the huge empire at all, so the previous generation The emperor made Torres, who was full of talent and had the demeanor of an emperor, succeed to the throne.

No one thought that such an incompetent person would dare to seek a position and get the support of several marshals? It's really unexpected.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge into Huangyue City quietly and landed in a dense mountain forest.

Then he put away the judge, took out a car from the bracelet, and drove away.

"Fe Concubine Luo, can you help me find out how the situation is now in Huangyue City?" Ren Tianchendao.

"No problem."

Then Luo Fei entered the network system of Tianyue Empire and collected intelligence data to the greatest extent. After a long time, she reappeared in front of Ren Tianchen.

"Now the whole Huangyue City has entered a state of emergency, with a large number of troops deployed, patrols everywhere, and residents are prohibited from going out. Now the most prosperous urban area has also become deserted." Luo Fei said.

"So it is." Ren Tianchen nodded and said, "Go to Elant's house first."

When such an incident happened in the imperial capital, he was very worried about Ruoxue's safety.

Fortunately, the place where he arrived is not far from Elant's house. He drives very fast and I believe it won't take long to get there.

But on the way, he unexpectedly encountered a checkpoint. A group of imperial soldiers set up a fence, with four mecha and several tanks, cut off the road and prevented any passage.

How dare you use such troops as a roadblock, which shows how strict the security in Huangyue City is now.

"Stop the vehicle in front of you immediately, or we will destroy you."

"There is no time to delay." Ren Tianchen directly released a spiritual power and penetrated into the minds of the soldiers, making them fall to the ground all of a sudden, and then he drove the car unimped.

Then he encountered three levels, all of which were solved in the same way, so he quickly came to Elant's house.

When he came to Elant's house, he found that the door was unlocked. When he entered it, it was even more empty, and many places were destroyed. The houses collapsed a lot, and he saw several stench bodies. Obviously, they had only died for a few days.

Ren Tianchen's heart twitched, and the scene in front of him gave him an ominous feeling.

He ran quickly to Nina's courtyard where she lived, and he hoped that Nina would be waiting for him there.

However, when he ran there breathlessly, he saw a collapsed house, burning scorched earth, and the original beautiful courtyard had been turned into ruins.

"No!" He roared up to the sky, and his terrible spiritual power exploded like a volcano, moving to the sky and the earth. The earth seemed to be drunk and shaking violently.

At this moment, the golden light flashed in his eyes, and the horrible cold killing machine surged like a tsunami. The temperature between heaven and earth seemed to be much colder. His killing machine was extremely heavy, and several flying butterflies were torn to pieces in an instant.

"Tianchen, calm down. Maybe Nina is just going to escape, not what you think. We are looking carefully." Luo Fei quickly opened her mouth to persuade her. She was afraid that Ren Tianchen would suddenly go crazy, and the consequences were terrible.

"If Nina has any shortcomings, I want all of you to pay for it." Ren Tianchen looked at the location of the palace from afar. The cold murder in his eyes was trembling, the terrible spiritual power surged, and the nearby space was distorted.

At this moment, in the palace, three people opened their eyes and their eyes were solemn.

"What a powerful breath? Who the hell is it?" His voice was full of vicissitudes, as if it had come from the distant past.


Ren Tianchen operated the divine realm, and a huge spiritual force surged like the tide, sweeping in all directions, and quickly enveloped the whole imperial moon city. He carefully sensed and found Nina's whereabouts.

In the palace, the three mysterious people sensed this power at the first time.

"What a strong spiritual power, the development level of the divine realm has reached at least 50% or even higher."

"Is it thinking about our challenge to release your breath so undisguised?"

"Then let's fight and see who he is!"

Then the golden light bloomed on their bodies, and the breath of terror spread everywhere, and then rose to the sky.

Ren Tianchen did not find Nina, but he sensed the three powerful breaths in the palace.

"Is that the mysterious helper invited by Cross?" Ren Tianchen's face was gloomy, and the cold murder in his eyes was surging.

Then he felt that the three forces were coming towards him at a high speed.

"It's just the right time." Nina's whereabouts are unknown, which makes Ren Tianchen very unhappy now. Since these rebels are automatically sent to the door, there is nothing to say. It is really difficult to solve his hatred without killing them with strong violence.


The blood light broke out, and the judge rose to the sky and rushed directly to the three mysterious strong men.


The judge's speed was extremely fast, just like light, fiercely hitting one of the golden lights, shaking out the aftershocks of destruction, and strangling the earth below into powder.

The mysterious strong man didn't expect the attack to come so suddenly, but they still blocked it.

Both sides were shaken away and confronted hundreds of meters apart.

Ren Tianchen saw the appearance of the enemy clearly. These are three golden mechas, with the same shape. Only a few places are different. One holds a long knife, the other holds two knives, and the other holds two tomahawks. They all shine with golden glow.

This is mecha, but it gives Ren Tianchen a breath of life.

"So it's you!" The golden mecha in the middle said, with an extremely cold and murderous voice.

Ren Tianchen had a gloomy face and stared at the three mecha opposite him coldly, but he was also a little surprised that the other party actually recognized him?!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that we couldn't find you everywhere, but you sent it to the door by yourself." A mecha sneered.

"You are dead today." Another golden mecha sneered.

Ren Tianchen snorted coldly and stopped talking nonsense with them. The driver killed the judge directly.

"Do you think you can beat us with one against three?" The leading golden mecha sneered.


Three mechas shot at the same time, hitting a devastating blow. The judge punched directly and defended the blow. The aftershocks shook out, the void was broken, and the earth shattered more than ten kilometers below.

"You can't fight here."

The judges rose to the sky to fight outside with three golden mechas. The power of the battle between them is so powerful that Huangyue City can't bear it at all. If they continue to fight, it may smash the whole Huangyue City.