Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 385 Towards Union

Chapter 285 Towards Union

Because the army of the Laurel Dynasty has captured the earth, now, the whole Tianyue Empire has fallen into a tense atmosphere, afraid that the army of the Laurel Dynasty will attack the moon.

Subsequently, the news that Mars was captured by the Laurel Dynasty spread to the empire, causing a greater panic, and the whole human world was also in an uproar.

The Laurel Dynasty was so powerful that it attacked the earth and Mars in such a short time. As Yang Wenchen said, it really wanted to sweep the whole human world.

Everyone in the Tianyue Empire is in danger and is afraid that the Yue Dynasty will launch an attack, and even the Earth Federation will be destroyed. How can the Tianyue Empire resist the terrible imperial army alone?


Somewhere in the outer space outside the moon suddenly tore, and a red light rushed out. It was the judge.

Ren Tianchen tore up space, and after a long journey, he finally returned to the moon from Mars.

Now the moon is in a state of high alert, the Aegis system has been turned on, a red film covers the whole moon, and it has all-round defense capabilities.

However, as Ren Tianchen, he naturally returned to the imperial capital Huangyue City through the Aegis system without hindrance.

Queen Athena was discussing with several marshals how to deal with the current situation. Hearing the news of Ren Tianchen's return, their worried hearts also calmed down.

"I knew he would definitely come back." Marshal Hegro said.

So they sent someone to take Ren Tianchen to this council hall.

"See Your Majesty." Ren Tianchen saluted Athena directly.

"Exemption, it's really great that you can come back safely." Athena smiled slightly, and her worries in the past few days have finally subsided.

Then Ren Tianchen joined the discussion of the current situation.

"Marshal, are Loo back?" Ren Tianchen asked that the four of them blocked the Yuegui imperial army, but they separated when they retreated. He was very worried about the situation of the other three

"Not back yet." Marshal Hegro shook his head and said, "I have sent someone to investigate their news, but in the current situation, it is a little difficult to find their news!"

Now more than half of the human world is controlled by the Laurel Dynasty, and the scope of activities is greatly limited. Moreover, Nagaro took Luo and Asuran to tear apart the space. Who knows where they have gone.

"With the power of the three of them, they should be able to come back safely." Marshal Hegro said firmly.

Ren Tianchen also nodded. He also believed that if the three of them were determined to leave, it was estimated that no one could forcibly retain them.

"Your Majesty, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is absolutely no way to compete with the Yuegui Dynasty alone with the power of our empire. I think we should unite with other forces, such as the remnants of the Earth Federation and the large and small forces scattered around the world. Only by uniting many forces can we be able to cooperate with the Laurel Dynasty. Fight against each other." Marshal Pismai said.

"Do you unite the power of mankind to fight against it?" Marshal Corrudy said softly, and then nodded and said, "Only this method can fight against them and even defeat them."

"It's not easy to beat them!" Marshal Zhang Fangtian sighed.

"Your Majesty can convene a joint meeting and invite all forces to participate in the discussion of a joint response to the Laurel Dynasty." Marshal Hegro said.

"This suggestion is very good. I also think it is only possible to fight against the Yuegui Dynasty by moving towards unity." Athena nodded, but then looked embarrassed and said, "But will other forces promise to unite with us?"

"This is inevitable. If they want to continue to survive, they must choose to unite with us, otherwise they will be the terrible army of the Laurel Dynasty." Marshal Pismai said.

"As far as I know, the remnants of the Earth Federation are now gathering under the command of Marshal He Hai." Marshal Zhang Fangtian said, "Marshal He Hai is a famous general in the federal army and has dealt with many times over the years. I know that he is a very upright person, and I believe he will understand that there is only a way out only by uniting now."

Athena nodded and said, "Then you can hand over the alliance with the federal army to Marshal Zhang, okay?"

"I take the order." Marshal Zhang Fangtian said respectfully.

"Then it was decided to invite all forces to gather in the Tianyue Empire to discuss major events." Athena solemnly declared.


After the political discussion, Ren Tianchen left the palace and returned to Elant's house.

Every time he sees Nina, he always feels very relieved. He knows that he can't live without her.

Nina knew that Ren Tianchen's expedition was very dangerous, so she had been worried since he left and didn't feel at ease until she saw him again.

"It's great that you came back safely." Nina snuggled in his arms and said gently.

"What I promised you will definitely be done." He held her tightly in his arms and did not want to separate.

After capturing the earth and Mars, the Laurel Empire calmed down and did not enter the Tianyue Empire again. It is speculated that the Laurel Dynasty may have consumed too many troops when attacking Earth and Mars, and needed to adjust and rest, which also gave the Tianyue Empire a buffer and had time to do more. Sufficient preparation.

At the same time, the Tianyue Empire sent invitations to all independent colonial satellites in the solar system, inviting all forces to come to the joint conference and discuss how to fight against the Laurel Dynasty.

After the invitation was sent, colonial satellites sent representatives to the Tianyue Empire, and some representatives from more remote areas sent people across the void to pick up people there.

Therefore, almost every day, a huge spacecraft team comes to the moon, which is a representative to attend the joint conference, and some even bring all their families here. Because their homes were destroyed, they came to join the Tianyue Empire.

On the third day after the invitation was sent, a huge federal army opened near the moon. These were the remnants of the federal army. Under the persuasion of Marshal Zhang Fangtian, Marshal He Hai of the federal army finally agreed to participate in the joint meeting and led the army to the moon.

"Marshal He, I believe you will be proud of the decision made today." Marshal Zhang Fangtian said.

"Ha ha, I hope it will be as you said." Marshal He Hai is quite old and amiable. He is such an ordinary-looking old man who now commands the entire federal army.

The federal army came, and Ren Tianchen also saw the most powerful martial arts warrior, indeed for the terrible strong.

With the passage of time, more and more forces came to participate in the joint meeting. Athena felt very gratified and happy, which proved that she had been recognized by the world as the veritable Emperor of Tianyue. At the same time, she also saw the future of mankind, which must be a bright scene.

Two days later, a void near the moon was broken, and two rays of light rushed out, which turned out to be the emperor and the heavenly punishment. However, the two mechas were broken, and many parts of the body were broken, and the arms were missing and legs were missing.

"Finally, it's back." Luo looked up at the sky and roared, shaking the earth, as if venting all the unhappiness in his chest.

At this moment, Ren Tianchen sensed this breath, which surprised him. He couldn't help looking at the sky, as if he wanted to see through the dome and look directly at the source of breath in the universe.

"Ashulan, you won't die for nothing. I will definitely avenge you." Luo's eyes were cold, and his horrible murderous intentions surged.

The two moon knights came back and shocked Queen Athena and several marshals. They were all happy, but they were stunned when they saw Nagaro and Loo.

Because there were only two people, Ashlan disappeared.

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall was silent. Even if Luo didn't say anything, they could guess what had happened.

A Xiulan was killed.

Everyone looked at Marshal Corudi and Marshal Pismai, and Asheran was their nephew.

The two marshals were silent, but the sadness in their eyes could be felt in their eyes.

"The last trace of blood of the second brother..." Marshal Pismai's voice trembled and the corners of his eyes were wet.

Everyone was silent. The Goonat family was definitely the greatest hero of the empire. First, Marshal Karon laid the foundation of the empire and worked for the empire all his life. After nearly half a hundred years, he got married and gave birth to four sons, but two of them died in the battlefield to defend the empire. The four brothers are now alone with Cruzy and Pismai. He is human, and Ashlan is the son of their second brother.

"Can you tell me the specific situation? How did he die?!" Marshal Pismai asked.

So, Luo began to talk about the situation of the day.

Nagaro took the two of them across the void, but the two strong men of the Laurel Dynasty chased and killed them all the way. They had to flee all the way and were finally chased out of the solar system.

They strayed into a terrible ancient relic, in which they went through thousands of difficulties and finally escaped, but Ashuan could never get out.

Because the three of them had just broken a dangerous barrier in the ruins and suffered very eye injuries, the two strong men of the Laurel Dynasty appeared, and in order to help Luo and Nagaro escape, one of them resisted the two peerless strong men and were finally torn to pieces.

After they escaped, they hurried back.

Thinking of Asuran's death, Loo was furious, and there was a cold murder rush in his eyes.