Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 429 Timona

Chapter 429 Timina

Ren Tianchen flew tens of thousands of kilometers away with the judge and made sure that the Phoenix clan did not catch up before slowing down. Then he found a place to land, took out the two original fragments in the space bracelet of the Phoenix clan, and threw them into his space bracelet.

"Now there are four yuan in total. Hey hey, it's a good harvest." Ren Tianchen smiled gently and was very satisfied with the current results.

"Wow, you have so much, can you give me a piece?" Timina came forward with a smile and reached out to ask for it.

"Do you want it? There is no door, and I have to take you to exchange the fragments!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Well, forget it if you don't give it, stingy!" Timina walked away angrily.

Ren Tianchen smiled and then remembered Ao Jie. The guy was chased and killed by a large group of people. He didn't know if he could escape safely. Perhaps because of many fights, he had a feeling of cherishing heroes.

Ao Jie has always been open and aboveboard. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he is fearless and face the enemy head-on. He disdains any conspiracy and tricks. He can also be called a hero.

The ultimate trial brings together young strong men and masters from all over the world. Even if Ao Jie is killed, it is very common. No one here dares to say that he is invincible.

After a short rest, Ren Tianchen took Timmina on a new road.

In order not to attract people's eyes, he began the invisible function of the judge, hidden in the void, and moved towards the central region of the world.

Along the way, Timona was on Ren Tianchen's lap and refused to go back to the small place behind the seat. She was very happy every day, but she didn't know that Ren Tianchen was suffering in her heart! He is a normal man. A peerless beauty sits on his lap all day, and sometimes even sleeps in his arms. This is definitely a mental suffering. Fortunately, Ren Tianchen's control ability is very good, otherwise something unexpected may happen.

However, later, Ren Tianchen got used to it. Listening to Timina's endless words also eased the boring life of rushing every day.

Three days later, the judge flew over a stone forest.

"Huh? Is there a weak life reaction near here? Ren Tianchen was surprised, and then he felt it carefully and said, "This breath is a little familiar!"

Then Ren Tianchen landed in the stone forest, put away his mecha, and walked in the direction of the faint breath.

Finally, they found a person who was injured all over in a cave.

This person is none other than Ao Jie.

"Is that you?" Ao Jie's eyes were shining and his fighting spirit soared to the flames. Even though he had been seriously injured and his strength was very weak, he still held the knife in his hand.

"That's me." Ren Tianchen said lightly, "You are seriously injured!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that Ao Jie was destined to die here. Is this God's will?" Ao Jie laughed and seemed to be mocking himself, but the fighting spirit in his eyes did not weaken at all. He stared at Ren Tianchen and said, "Although I was seriously injured, it is not so easy for you to kill me."

"Ha ha, I haven't done that much to kill a seriously injured and dying person." Ren Tianchen smiled gently, and then took out a precious healing medicine from the space bracelet and threw it to Ao Jie.

"Are you pitiing me and giving me alms?" Ao Jie did not accept it and stared at Ren Tianchen fiercely.

"I just don't want you to die so early. It's a pity that I don't have an opponent like you. If you want to accept my favor, I can't help it." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

At this time, Timona went straight over.

"Don't come here." Ao Jie crossed the knife to stop Timina from moving forward.

"You have suffered such a serious injury. If you don't treat it quickly, you will die."

Timina completely ignored Ao Jie's big knife, walked to him, put his hand on his wound, and healed his wounds with the unique healing light of the fairy family.

It is indeed amazing to heal the holy light. The wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Ao Jie also felt that his body seemed to be rejuvenated and no longer tremble.

"Sorry, my strength is limited, and I can only help you cure 70% or 80%, and the rest is up to you." Timina's face has closed the healing light, and her face has become a little pale.

"That's enough, thank you." Ao Jie said sincerely that Timena helped him so sincerely that he naturally had a good impression and a much better attitude.

Timina walked back to Ren Tianchen's side, and Ao Jie also stood up.

"Since you are all right, I'll go first." After saying that, Ren Tianchen will leave with Timona.

"Wait!" Ao Jie stopped him.

Ren Tianchen turned around and said, "What? Do you want to fight with me again?"

Ao Jie shook his head and said, "I have two original fragments on my body. There was such a good opportunity just now. Why didn't you take action?"

"I have already said that I haven't done anything to a seriously injured and dying person." Then Ren Tianchen stared at Ao Jie: "I want to defeat you and seize the fragments."

"Very good, that's what I want to say." Ao Jie is as domineering as the sky, and his fighting spirit is burning.

Timina looked at these two competing men and thought: Are all male creatures in the universe so aggressive?!

Ren Tianchen smiled and then left with Timina, driving the judge to continue to fly towards the central region.

Ao Jie walked out of the cave and stared at the direction of the judge's departure.

"Next time, I will definitely defeat you!"


Ren Tianchen and Timina continued on the road, crossed many dangerous high-power areas, and encountered two black whirlpools. What's more terrible is that they actually encountered a real black hole.

It's a hole that I don't know how deep it is. I can't see it at all. The hole is very wide and looks very ordinary, but it has a very terrible gravity. Even light can be sucked in. Ren Tianchen saw hundreds of testers on the road accidentally flying into that area in an instant, they were sucked in and could no longer get out. The man broke out in a cold sweat.

So they were more cautious on their way. When they saw some huge holes hiding far away, they were afraid of being sucked into by the black hole, and then they were completely finished.

Although they acted cautiously along the way, the disaster did not come alone, and they still failed to avoid them all.

Ren Tianchen met a super horrible strong man who wanted to grab his fragments. The two sides launched an earth-shaking war. They fought for a whole day, spanning thousands of kilometers and smashed many mountains. The judge was almost cut open, and Ren Tianchen was also seriously injured. In the end, both sides were injured and retreated separately.

Ren Tianchen drove the very badly damaged judge and found Timena. He first noticed that something was wrong, so he put Timena down and let her wait. Unexpectedly, the little girl really waited here for a day and did not escape, which moved Ren Tianchen and felt That's funny. What a simple and naive girl.

"Are you all right?" Timina saw that Ren Tianchen came back with blood all over her body and quickly ran up to help him sit down.

"I can't die yet, but I'm going to trouble you again." Ren Tianchen's face was pale and he smiled reluctantly.

Without saying a word, Timina put the white light of her hands on Ren Tianchen's wound and began to treat him with a healing light.

Ren Tianchen looked at Timina, who was seriously healing him. After this period of time, he did not treat her as a prisoner, but treated her equally as a friend. How could Ren Tianchen hurt her cruelly when he could meet such a simple, naive and kind girl in this cruel trial space?

"Thank you." Ren Tianchen is very sincere.

"You're welcome. We fairies often go out to help cure people. This is our duty." Timena said carelessly.

Ren Tianchen smiled and said nothing more.

Under Timona's healing light, Ren Tianchen's injury was cured. After a day's rest, he was completely healed.

So Ren Tianchen continued on the road with Timona.

After a long journey of a month, they finally came to the center of the world.

Like the previous two worlds, the central area of the world also has a circular transmission platform hundreds of kilometers wide.

When they came here, they found that more than 3 million people had gathered here, and almost filled the altar.

"Can you feel where your people are? Take me," asked Ren Tianchen.

Timina nodded and said, "Are you really going to exchange me for the original fragments?"

"Do you want to be free?" Ren Tianchen said with a smile.

"Of course, I don't want to be your prisoner anymore." Timena said angrily.

Ren Tianchen smiled and then landed somewhere outside the altar according to Timena's instructions.

"My people are around here." Timena said.

Ren Tianchen nodded, then put away the mecha and said to Timena, "Go and find your people!"

Timina was stunned, thought her ear was wrong, and asked, "Aren't you going to take me to exchange the original fragments?"

"It's no longer necessary." Ren Tianchen smiled and said, "You have helped me so much on the way. I already regard you as my friend. How can I exchange my friends for original fragments? All right, go find your people quickly."

Ren Tianchen touched her head gently like his brother and smiled.

Timina left obediently, and Ren Tianchen watched her leave. Suddenly, he felt a little reluctant. What's going on?!