Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 489 Life

Chapter 499 Life

Gradually, Ren Tianchen adapted to the life of this world. He himself is a casual person. Now that he has come to this parallel universe, he has lost his strength. Moreover, the world is almost exactly the same as his original world. His familiar old friends and loved ones are all here.

There is no intrigue, no bloody killing, no right and wrong. Although life is very plain, it is beautiful, full of sunshine and happiness.

Ren Tianchen even likes this kind of life and can stay with his beloved, feeling like he is in heaven.

Unconsciously, he has lived here for a year.

Over the past year, he has been very happy to go to school, after school and play with Nina every day. In addition, he has enjoyed family happiness that he has never had before, lived in harmony with his family, and lived a very happy life.

A few days later, he ushered in a big test in his life, that is, the college entrance examination.

Ren Tianchen never received a standard school education before studying at the Beidou Military Academy in the Tianyue Empire. It can be said that he only studied at the Beidou Military Academy for three years in his life. He never thought that he would experience the college entrance examination one day.

However, after studying hard, he stepped into the examination room with Nina. The examination questions were basically not difficult, and they could deal with it. Therefore, when they walked out of the examination room, they almost all smiled.

"When the score comes out, we will apply for the same school and college, and I will be with you." Nina said with a smile.

"This is exactly what I want." Ren Tianchendao.

Then, the results came out, and their scores were very high. They applied to a national key university together, and there was almost no suspense. They entered this university together.

In the four years of college, they are still together. Although they sometimes have some conflicts and quarrel occasionally, they still love each other deeply. The classmates around them say that they are a quarrelsome couple and a natural couple.

Four years passed quickly. In these four years, Ren Tianchen, of course, not only fell in love. They constantly enriched themselves and did not fall behind a lesson. They also trained themselves by participating in various practical activities, so both of them have graduated with excellent grades and were also hired by the same big company. Please.

This makes the students around him envious, and many people regret not working hard at the beginning.

On the day of graduation, everyone wears bachelor's clothes, take graduation photos, and have dinner before parting, because after this farewell, they may never meet again.

Ren Tianchen also saw some couples around him break up on graduation day or a few days before graduation. Looking at their painful and sad appearance, he subconsciously held Nina's hand beside him.

"We will go on forever, never like them." Ren Tianchen said firmly.

Nina nodded gently and thought she was in his arms.

Two 21-year-old young people, looking forward to a bright future, are about to enter the society and start a new chapter in their lives.

After graduation, Ren Tianchen and Nina worked in the same company and performed well. They were loved by the company's boss and rose quickly. It took him only a year to become a department manager.

But there is a small episode, that is, a candidate came to Timina, and Ren Tianchen, as an interviewer, was at a loss.

Timina herself is very excellent, and when Ren Tianchen intends to release water, she successfully entered the company.

Timina didn't seem to recognize Ren Tianchen at all, and Ren Tianchen was embarrassed to disturb her, but sometimes looked at her in a daze, which made Nina quite unhappy, and the two even had a conflict about this.

However, Timena did not stay in this company for a long time. She resigned after only three months and disappeared into the vast sea of people and couldn't find her. Ren Tianchen was inevitably a little frustrated.

Then the days returned to calm. He lived with Nina, went to work and get off work together every day, went out to play on weekends, and traveled when he had a long vacation.

After three years of work, Ren Tianchen chose to start his own business out of his plan for the future.

And Nina also quit her job without hesitation and started a business with him.

After three years of work, he has accumulated a lot of experience and broad contacts, and has the capital to start a business.

After collecting various information and conducting a detailed analysis, he turned his attention to some small and medium-sized cities, which have very large development space. According to national policies and some local advantages and disadvantages, he chose a country with slow economic development and even inconvenient transportation, but geography The city with a very good location, as the source of development, built the first large supermarket in the city with all its property.

At the beginning, it was hard, the business was bleak, and he often couldn't make ends meet, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. He firmly believed that his eyes were right. Because of his persistence, the business in the supermarket was getting better and better.

Nina has always accompanied him, and in the most difficult times, she still accompanied him and never left.

Finally, as he expected, the country invested a lot of money to develop the city and build a four-way road system, which also brought wealth.

At this time, Ren Tianchen decisively took action, invested a lot of money, contracted some projects, and made a lot of money.

Subsequently, his career was booming and getting better, and the city was also developing, showing strong development potential and proving that Ren Tianchen's original vision was correct.

His career continues to grow, and he earns more and more money. Of course, it is not smooth sailing. Due to lack of experience, he lost 60% of his property due to misjudgment in an investment. Years of efforts were almost burned, which was also his most serious loss.

However, he persisted and slowly recovered his vitality.

"Maybe God saw me so well that I fell hard. In the future, I will remember that I won't make such a mistake again." Ren Tianchen, who is already a young man in his twenties, sighed that after years of baptism, he has retired from his youth and become a mature and steady businessman.

"Only through training can we be stronger." Luo Fei said.

Over the years, Ren Tianchen has been able to develop so smoothly, mostly because Luo Fei secretly assisted him. In this world, artificial intelligence is something in science fiction.

After this fall, he ushered in a peak in his life. He cooperated with Zhang Han to complete a big plan, almost monopolizing the supply of high-end luxury goods across the country and creating a mythical business empire.

At the age of 30, he became a super-rich man with tens of billions of dollars, which was also a goal of his life.

Compared with billions of dollars, what made him happier was that when he was 27 years old, Nina gave birth to a lovely son for him, which was one of the most exciting moments in his life.

A year later, she gave birth to another baby girl for him.

He clearly remembers that when she first learned that she was pregnant, she asked him if he wanted a boy or a girl?

And his answer was: "Whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as you are safe!"

After having his wife and children, he gradually shifted his focus from work to family, because he knew that money is endless. If he neglects his family in order to make money, he will definitely regret it in the future.

Moreover, he has only one purpose of making money, that is, for freedom, for the free life of himself and his family, doing what he wants to do, and will not be hurt by money.

And he now has tens of billions of dollars. Even if his family doesn't work from now on, he can live a comfortable life, but that kind of life is obviously too monotonous and has no goal, which is obviously not in line with his concept.

So, money still needs to be earned, but he focuses more on his family and is a competent husband and father.

With the passage of time, he also had a young man who became middle-aged and then entered old age.

In the end, he retired at the age of 60, living a harmonious family, and full of children and grandchildren, which made him very gratified.

At the same time, he worked hard all his life to build a super business empire, becoming the richest man in the world for ten consecutive years and becoming a mythical existence in the business world.

However, in the 60 years he spent, his heart ached twice.

When he was 45 years old, his father died of illness, and ten years later, his mother also died. The departure of the two close relatives made him suffer a huge blow. He was depressed for a period of time, but finally came out.

He often thinks that the greatest thing in his life is not to create a super business empire, not to make a lot of astronomical money, but to be able to stay with Nina for a long time. Although he occasionally conflicts and quarrels, he has always followed him all his life and has never been separated.

No matter how busy he is, he will take a certain amount of time to accompany Nina. In his heart, she is more important than everything else.

Almost every year, they go to the beach, go to the edge of the sea cliff, snuggle up to each other and watch the sea in the wind, recalling the beauty of their youth.

On the edge of the sea cliff, there is a flower swaying in the wind, like a dancer dancing.