Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 500 Enlightenment

Chapter 500 Enlightenment

In the Taoist temple, thousands of people gathered together and sat around the six prisms, practicing the Taoist scriptures wholeheartedly.

Ren Tianchen sat in the outer area, and his heart was empty, practicing ancient scriptures.

In the divine realm, the green way of life crystal blooms with divine light, revealing the magnificent power of life.

Ren Tianchen runs the ancient scriptures, and his body is brilliant, condenses one ancient word after another, and then engraved on the crystal of the way of life.

These ancient characters contain the fruits of his cultivation and enlightenment of the Taoist scriptures. They are condensed by his Taoist power, and all the words in the ancient scriptures are engraved on the green crystal.

With more and more engraved words, the green crystals are becoming more and more brilliant and full of incredible Taoism.


When the last ancient character was engraved with a crystal, an earth-shaking change suddenly took place. A divine light rose to the sky, and the magnificent Taoist force permeated the world. The sky was sitting in it and was rendered very sacred.

The testers around opened their eyes and looked at Ren Tianchen in surprise.

"He only came in a month and became the first floor? Isn't this too horrible?"

Even the peerless heroes in front of them looked back and looked flat, but they couldn't hide their surprise in their eyes.

Ren Tianchen stayed in the Taoist temple for a month and practiced the first layer of enlightenment.

After completing the first passage, Ren Tianchen found that his spiritual strength was higher, which was a very obvious gain.

"It's really extraordinary."

Ren Tianchen felt full of energy, continued to practice, and began to practice the second paragraph of the Taoist scriptures.

The second passage is more difficult to understand, and it is very difficult to explain even if Luo Fei is there to help explain it.

He also began to practice after understanding the essence of the scriptures, condensing one ancient word after another, engraved on the green way of life crystal. Because the difficulty increased a lot, it took him a whole month and a half to complete the cultivation of the second scripture, and before him, Ao Jie had completed the fourth paragraph of the scripture. The text, starting to practice the fifth paragraph of the scripture, is the fastest of all the testers.

The testers sat on the ground like statues and realized the way.

Time is like running water and goes away in a hurry. For these retreating testers, time has little meaning.

Ren Tianchen came to this Taoist temple and took a month to complete the first scripture, and another month and a half to complete the second scripture. His speed was very fast.

However, the further back it is, the more difficult it will be.

It took him two months to complete the third passage.

It took him three months to complete the fourth passage.

He can almost complete the subsequent scriptures in about three months.

When he practiced the seventh passage of the Taoist scriptures, he had been coming to this Taoist temple for a year. At this time, Ao Jie had practiced the eighth passage, which was the fastest one.

The scriptures after the seventh paragraph are more shy and difficult to understand, and there is almost no connection between the scriptures, as if they are put together at will.

Ren Tianchen spent a lot of time understanding the meaning of the scriptures, and then began to practice and condense the ancient characters to engrave them on the crystal of the green way of life. Now this crystal is engraved with dense scriptures, which are more and more sacred and full of magnificent vitality.

It took him four months to fully practice the seventh level of scriptures, and at this time, Ao Jie was still on the eighth level.

"Finally caught up." He smiled gently. It has been almost a year and a half since he practiced the Taoist scriptures. For a year and a half, he sat cross-legated. Most of the time, he was motionless like a statue. His clothes were dusty, his hair was long, and he grew a beard, and he looked like an uncle.

However, seriously, he is about 30 years old now and has stepped into the ranks of uncles. I have to sigh that time is a pig-killing knife.

Shortly after he began to practice the eighth paragraph of the scripture, Ao Jie made great achievements and broke through to the ninth level in one fell swoop, still maintaining the lead.

Today, there are tens of thousands of people in the Taoist temple. Ao Jie has been leading, with two people staying on the eighth floor, one of whom is Ren Tianchen, the other is the angel clan, and several people staying on the seventh floor, most of whom stay on the very low third and fourth floors.

Their talent is far less perverted than Ao Jie or Ren Tianchen, and their comprehension ability is very limited.

The scriptures on the eighth floor are several times more difficult to understand than the seventh floor. Ao Jie stayed on this floor for seven months before completing a breakthrough, which shows that it is very difficult.

Ren Tianchen was confident that it could take less time than Ao Jie, but he obviously underestimated the power of the Taoist scriptures. It took him five months to complete this eighth-level scripture and became the second tester to practice to the ninth level.

"It's really difficult!" Ren Tianchen brushed his long beard and thought hard about the ninth-level scriptures

He began to practice the ninth passage of the scriptures, which is the most difficult passage of the Taoist scriptures. Not only are there few words, but there is no connection between the scriptures at all, which is chaotic and very difficult to understand.

He thought hard for two months and probably understood the essence of the scripture before he began to practice.

At this time, Ao Jie still kept the lead and left others far behind.

Then, another five months passed.


A divine light rose to the sky and pierced the sky. A huge virtual shadow rushed out of Ao Jie's body and towered into the clouds, like a giant supporting the sky.

This terrible Taoist image shocked everyone and felt a suffocating fluctuation.


Ao Jie opened his eyes, and the two cold rays were as cold as electricity, which was very terrible.

He stood up and turned his back to all the testers. His tall and majestic back was deeply engraved in everyone's hearts, as if he saw the supreme god of war and couldn't help but want to worship.

"He has become more terrible." Ren Tianchen looked at Ao Jie, and now Ao Jie is more unfathomable, and so is he.

"Congratulations on practicing the Taoist scriptures, completing the trial, and you will get the original fragments." The young man appeared again, and he was no different from two years ago.

Ao Jie nodded indifferently, and then looked back to see Ren Tianchen and smiled confidently.

"You can continue to practice here, but you must go to the next world as soon as the time comes." The young man said to the other testers, and then his body bloomed with divine light and finally disappeared, turning into a fist-sized original fragment.

"It turns out that he is also a fragment of origin." Ren Tiancheng was surprised and remembered the person he met in the world of heart demons, which was also the origin of fragments.

"I'll wait for you at the stage first. I hope it won't be too long." Ao Jie said.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon." Ren Tianchendao.

Although they are far apart, they can still hear each other clearly.

After that, Ao Jie put away the fragments of the origin and left the Taoist temple, and Ren Tianchen also continued to practice.

In fact, he has cultivated the ninth level of scriptures to the final stage, and it won't take long to complete it.

Two months later.


When he engraved all the ancient characters of the Taoist Sutra on the green crystal of life, it suddenly caused earth-shaking changes, and the peerless divine light rose to the sky and flooded the whole sky.

A huge word "sheng" appeared behind him, crossing the sky, and around the word "sheng", there are thousands of bright Taoist lights flying and entangling. Carefully distinguishing, you can see that these are the ancient characters of the Taoist Sutra, and a scripture constitutes a Taoist light.

The word "sheng" crosses the sky. In fact, it is magnificent and very terrible. It is sopressing that many trials can't breathe, and I feel that my soul is trembling.

"It's terrible." The testers are trembling.

Ren Tianchen stood up slowly, which was the first time he stood up after entering the Taoist temple.

"Three years have passed and finally succeeded." His eyes were deep, bathed in the divine light, releasing frightening power, as if facing a supreme god.

"Two years and eight months." Luo Fei said, "Actually, if you hadn't spent half a year wandering around after coming to the other side of the road, you would have been the first to complete it, and the fragment would have belonged to you."

"It doesn't matter. If it hadn't been for that half a year's understanding, I wouldn't have finished it so quickly." Ren Tianchendao.

Then he restrained his breath, but it made people feel like a bottomless abyss, which is even more horrible.

Now that the Taoist scriptures have been cultivated, it is meaningless to stay in this Taoist temple.

He went straight out of the Taoist temple for the first time in two years and eight months.

"Time is really fast. It took me two years and eight months to cultivate the Taoist scriptures." Ren Tianchen sighed.

In addition, fortunately, Ao Jie did not send a voice to him, indicating that the door to the next world had not been opened, giving him enough time to complete the cultivation of the Taoist scriptures.

Seriously recall, it has been 11 years since he participated in the ultimate trial.

He also changed from a young man in his early twenties to a 30-year-old uncle.

Time is like water, and it goes by in an instant. There is nothing he can do to save it. The only thing he can do is to survive until he returns to his hometown.

(I didn't expect to write 500 chapters! Although this book has completely become a fantasy, let's continue!)