Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 512 Remnant Soul

Chapter 512 Remnant Soul

The familiar voice, the face that can never be forgotten, Nina's whole body is petrified, and her eyes are full of panic. She dreams of Ren Tianchen almost every day. She is afraid that it is just a dream in front of her, which will be broken at a touch.

"Is it really you?" Her voice trembled and her body was stiff, and she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was really the person she longed for.

"Of course it's me. You believe you can touch it." Ren Tianchen smiled slightly, then took her hand, put it on his cheek, and gently rubbed it.

"It's really you, this is not a dream! You're really back!" At this moment, Nina burst into tears, and her tears continued. She cried with joy, and her thoughts for many years completely broke out.

"Wife! I'm really back!" Ren Tianchen also shed tears and held down the excitement in his heart.

Nina jumped directly into his arms, but due to excessive force, Ren Tianchen was directly thrown to the ground by her.

Then, she cried loudly in his arms, as if to cry out the thoughts accumulated over the years.

Ren Tianchen hugged her tightly, gently comforted her, and let her completely release herself. Although he didn't know the specific situation, he could still feel that Nina had been very unhappy over the years.

No one would have thought that this rich and richest woman in the human world would fall into a man's arms like a little girl and cry without words.

After a long time, she stopped crying.

"Crying like a flower-faced cat, not beautiful! No one wants it!" Ren Tianchen held her face and wiped away tears for her.

"I've been waiting for you for 13 years. Can't I cry after so many years of missing you?" Nina said aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes, as if she was going to cry again.

"Where! My lovely wife is the most beautiful at all times!" Ren Tianchen immediately greeted him with a smile. He didn't want Nina to cry again.

"It's almost the same!" Nina pouted her little mouth, and then hugged Ren Tianchen tightly, as if she was afraid that he would leave again.

"Thank God for bringing you back to me. I'm really happy." She whispered in his ear.

"I said I would definitely come back, and what I promised you would definitely be done." Ren Tianchen hugged her tightly and whispered.

Then Nina snuggled up in Ren Tianchen's arms and confided about each other's thoughts. She was connected and unwilling to let go of each other.

Nina didn't ask about Ren Tianchen's situation in the ultimate trial. She just wanted to cherish every moment with him.

After a long time, it has been very deep.

"It's late. Let's go back to rest!" Ren Tianchendao.

"No, I have a lot of things to tell you. I won't sleep tonight, and you are not allowed to sleep!" Nina acted coquettishly like a little girl.

"Of course, we haven't been to that for a long time. How about staying up all night tonight?" Ren Tianchen's colored way.

Nina's face suddenly turned red and was very cute, but she said a very strong sentence: "That's what you said. If you can't stay up all night tonight, you are not a man!"

Ren Tianchen's eyes widened, was surprised, and then said, "Since you said so, I don't hesitate to die!"

"Fuck you!" Nina pouted her little mouth, secretly happy, and even looked forward to the next thing.

In the past 13 years, she has been alone in the empty room and has not been nourished once. Now that Ren Tianchen has returned, she wants to make up for all the shortcomings of these years.

Then they stood up.

At this moment, Ren Tianchen's body suddenly glowed. He was surprised by his own mutation. A light rushed out of his body and condensed into a virtual shadow.

"Timina?!" Ren Tianchen's eyes widened, full of horror and disbelief.

The virtual shadow was Timina, the lovely fairy, who smiled gently and then gradually faded away.

"No! Don't go! Mina! Stay!"

Ren Tianchen shouted and detained the space in front of him, trying to leave the light, because it might be Timena's remnant soul.

But the space solidified, but it couldn't leave her, and the virtual shadow finally disappeared between heaven and earth.

Why can't it be detained? Why?" Ren Tianchen stared at his hand. He could obviously solidify the space. Why couldn't he leave a wisp of her soul?

"I'm sorry! Mina! I'm useless. I can't do anything!"

Ren Tianchen knelt directly on the ground, burst into tears, and his fingers grasped the soil deeply. He would never forget the girl who sacrificed her life for him, which was the eternal pain in his heart.

Nina was stunned. Why was he so sad? Who is that Timena?!

But obviously this is not the time to think about this problem.

"Tianchen, what's wrong with you? What the hell happened?" She quickly helped him up and asked gently.

Ren Tianchen closed his eyes and adjusted his mood. After a while, he opened his eyes and said flatly, "I'm fine."

But Nina felt his scarred heart from his tone.

"Let's go back." Nina didn't ask about Timina. She knew that it was definitely not the right time.

After returning to the room, Ren Tianchen took a shower with Nina, and of course, he also staged a lot of flirting preludes.

Then he began to play. Ren Tianchen did what he said and went all out. Nina also contributed all of herself to reach the peak of desire with Ren Tianchen. The two-bedroom **'s body was intertwined, as if to make up for all the shortcomings in the past 13 years.

Under Ren Tianchen's full attack, Nina finally couldn't support it. She was paralyzed in ** and didn't even have any strength, but it could be seen from her eyes that she was very satisfied and happy.

At this time, the sky was dawn, and Ren Tianchen did what he said and did it all night.

Ren Tianchen could actually fight again, but he felt sorry for Nina and was afraid that she couldn't bear it, so he had to give up and hugged her to sleep together.

When they woke up again, it was already afternoon.

"We are really crazy." Nina looked at the messy bed and the traces on her body and was very satisfied.

"For the first time in 13 years, no matter how crazy it is." Ren Tianchen smiled slightly, and her hands were very old and her jade body swam. Her skin is as smooth as jade and feels perfect. Even if her real age is over 30, it is no different from a 20-year-old girl. The years have left no trace on her body.

"I'm hungry." Nina pouted.

"Then let's wash first and then go out for dinner." Ren Tianchendao.

Nina nodded and said, "But you take me to wash it."

"Yes! My lord!" Ren Tianchen cleverly picked her up and went straight to the bathroom.

One night of madness has left a lot of traces on them, and it is really difficult to go out to see people without washing them.

Of course, Ren Tianchen will not be so honest and take the opportunity to get rid of a lot of oil.

After washing, they walked out of the room together.

The maids of the Elant family were directly dumbfounded. The usually strong owner of the family actually smiled so happily beside a man like a little girl today!

This is really shocking, just like the money falling from the sky, which is unbelievable, but it really happens in front of us.

"Who is that man? When did it appear to conquer our owner?

"Yes! What a strong woman the head of the family is. I don't think many men in the solar system can match her. Who is this man?

The maids are talking about it. They have been coming to Elant's house for a few years and don't know anything about the past.

"Is it him? Is he back again?" An old maid who worked here more than ten years ago and once met Ren Tianchen, so she recognized it.

"Who is he?"

"He was the lunar knight in those years, the only man of the owner of the Nina family. He disappeared for 13 years, but he didn't expect him to appear again."

Everyone suddenly realized and remembered the past. More than a decade ago, a young new moon knight guarded the Tianyue Empire and did several earth-shaking events, and there are endless legends about him still circulating among the people.

"Gun my order, I won't participate in any activities today." Nina ordered the assistant, and then had dinner with Ren Tianchen.