Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 534 Confrontation

Chapter 534 Confrontation

The hall is bright, and the fairy emperor is as solemn and sacred as a god, releasing powerful power and shaking the heavens and ten earths. Even the four kings will tremble.

Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold, as if he had surpassed the world, and the terrible power of the fairy emperor could never hurt him at all.

The power of the Fairy Emperor continued to impact, and the whole temple was trembling violently, as if there was a terrible earthquake, and he could not even stand still.

The four kings have almost retreated outside the door of the palace, and they have tried their best to resist. It is still difficult to resist the terrible power of the fairy emperor. At this moment, they are sweating, their bodies are painful, and they are very uncomfortable. They can't help sighing the horror of Her Majesty. At the same time, they are also amazed at the power of Ren Tianchen, who can actually be in the power of the queen. Under oppression, he doesn't move like a mountain and looks very relaxed.

The fairy emperor also frowned and stared at Ren Tianchen solemnly. His heart had already been stunned, and he felt the horror of the person in front of him more and more.

"You are a member of Mina's family. I don't want to hurt you. Don't force me to take action!" Ren Tianchen said lightly.

"What?" The fairy emperor was furious, and his eyes became colder. He said, "Your words are too arrogant!"

"In this universe, strength is the most important thing. I dare to stand here facing you. Everything is because I am stronger than you!" Ren Tianchen said indifferently.

"Then take out the power you said is stronger than me and let me see it." The fairy emperor sneered.

"In that case, I will do as you wish!" Ren Tianchen took action lightly.


This is the first time he took the initiative to take action, poked out a palm and crushed the fairy emperor.

The fairy emperor suddenly felt a burst of horror and used all his strength, but could not stop the hand.

Ren Tianchen's hand bloomed with immortal divine light, which suddenly wiped out the power of the fairy emperor. The bloody light shocked the world, suppressed the eight wildernesses and six hazes and crushed the sun, moon and the universe.

The fairy emperor clenched her teeth and tried her best, but she couldn't stop the big hand. The terrible fluctuation made her sweat coldly, her body cracked and bleeding.

Why is it so powerful?!

At this moment, she felt the gap between herself and Ren Tianchen, like the difference between clouds and mud. The gap was too big.


A big hand poked out by Ren Tianchen destroyed everything and was irresistibly crushed directly to the fairy emperor. If it fell down, she would become a pool of mud.

The Fairy Emperor was almost desperate. Her power had no effect at all, and she could only watch the big hand crush her.

But at the last moment, Ren Tianchen stopped, and the temple suddenly quieted down. The brightest thing was the big hand burning with blood light, standing in front of the fairy emperor, making her feel Ren Tianchen's terror at close range.

The four kings were dumbfounded. Her Majesty the Supreme Empress was defeated, and she was completely defeated and completely suppressed.

They looked at Ren Tianchen and couldn't help marveling at who he was. How powerful is it to suppress the queen?!

"Why?" The fairy emperor asked, and she needed to know why.

"I've already said that you are from Mina's clan, and I don't want to hurt you." Ren Tianchen withdrew his strength and said lightly, "I just came here to let Mina's relics be buried in the land of her hometown and let her rest in heaven. I'm not here to kill!"

"I admit that my strength is not as good as yours, but the rules of the fairy clan are unbreakable. Timina violates the clan rules and must accept due punishment!" The fairy emperor is still strong and will not give in because of the power of Ren Tianchen.

"Since you have to abide by the clan rules, I can only do it in my own way." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

"What do you want to do?" The fairy emperor tightened his heart and worried about what Ren Tianchen would do against the fairy clan.

"You will know in a minute." Ren Tianchen said lightly, and then he turned around and walked out of the temple.

The four kings made way for him, and then went out with the fairy emperor to see what Ren Tianchen wanted to do!

After walking out of the temple, Ren Tianchen flew directly into the sky and then looked down at the temple in the sky.

"What is he going to do?" The four kings and the fairy emperor looked up and guessed Ren Tianchen's behavior.

Ren Tianchen hung in the void and quietly observed the whole temple. He saw the hidden magic array, which was very huge. Once it was stimulated, it was powerful enough to wipe out everything in the world. It was this magic array here that made the temple exist for tens of thousands of years.

"The magic array left by the immortal god of war is really good, but it's really useful for me!" Ren Tianchendao.


Suddenly, he roared and exploded with all his strength. The blood-red light rose to the sky, fell into the universe, and spread in all directions.


The blood-red energy light swept the sky like the vast sea, covering the sky and the sun, and actually drowned half of the fairy star in a very short time.

Countless fairies looked up and felt a kind of soul-stained horror.

And the nearest fairy emperor and the four kings are under great pressure. They feel that they are as small as ants, and Ren Tianchen has become a god in their eyes.

"Is this his power?" The bitterness of the four kings feels that their souls are thrilling.

"No wonder you can easily suppress me. Such a power is extremely terrible even in the whole universe." Fairy Emperor.


Under the influence of the terrible power of Ren Tianchen, the magic array left by the immortal God of War independently launched to protect the temple, and the whole mother tree released light and merged into the magic array to provide endless energy.

All kinds of mysterious runes emerged, covering the whole temple and releasing a wisp of immortal air.

Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold and submerged in the blood-red light, like a supreme and powerful god, and the whole world is the only one.


At this moment, he took action, attracted tremendous power, condensed a huge hand, and crushed the magic array guarding the temple. The terrible power made the fairy emperor tremble.

"What is he going to do? Is it to forcibly break through the magic array of the temple? The four kings marveled and felt very unrealistic. This is the profound left by the immortal god of war, the ancestor of the fairy clan, engraved with the immortal magic circle. No one has been able to break it in tens of thousands of years, but Ren Tianchen actually wants to break it?!

"This is absolutely impossible. The ancestor is an invincible immortal god of war. No matter how powerful he is, he can't break the magic array of the ancestor. If he is not careful, his life will be in danger." Fairy Emperor, she is very clear about the power of the magic array guarding this temple. Throughout the ages, many peerless strongmen have invaded, but in the end, they all returned and could not break through. It was this temple that allowed the fairy clan to survive several extinction crises.


Ren Tianchen attracted the powerful power, condensed the huge hand covering the sky, and finally hit the magic array with the power of peerless terror.

In an instant, the sky collapsed, the sun, the moon and the universe were broken, and the terrible power shook the whole planet.