Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 535 Faith

Chapter 535 Faith

The whole fairy star is shaking. Everything is because Ren Tianchen defends the magic array left by the immortal god of war with great magic power.

On the mother tree of the fairy clan, the gods are soaring into the sky, and the two terrible forces are fighting against each other.

Ren Tianchen released an infinite divine light, like a god, strongly shaking the guardian array of the temple. This has become a world of light. The terrible laws are flashing, and the shocking fluctuations are rippling, like waves beating the shore, which is extremely horrible.

The fairy emperor and the four kings at the gate of the temple have been shocked and numb. They stared at the man like a god in the sky. His power has far exceeded their imagination.


Ren Tianchen attracted the great power of Tongtian, condensed the giant hand that had been covering the sky, and shook the abiding array of the temple. This is a shocking duel, and the power is too terrible.

The guardian array of the temple is so powerful that Ren Tianchen can't attack it for a long time.

"You are dead. This is the peerless array left by the ancestors of our fairy clan. You can't break it, and once it is activated, you can't stop." The fairy emperor said coldly.

Ren Tianchen ignored the words of the Fairy Emperor, but continued to increase his strength and strongly pressure on the magic array.


The power that broke out shocked the whole world.

"Kka!" In the long stalemate, Ren Tianchen did his best and finally let the magic array crack.

"Break it!" With a roar, he shook the sky and the earth. The huge hand condensed with infinite divine light crushed the magic array and a big hole appeared.

"What? The guardian array of the temple has been broken?

"Is this the magic array left by the immortal God of War?"

The four kings and the fairy emperor were stunned and felt cold. The guardian array of the supreme temple of the fairy clan, known as the strongest defense in the world, has been broken, which is really incredible.

"What on earth does he want to do?" The fairy emperor's eyes were shocked. This human being is too powerful for her to resist. Now it is really terrible to forcibly break through the guardian array of the temple.

After Ren Tianchen broke through the magic array, he did not continue to attack, but penetrated his strength into the magic array.

The bloody light continued to spread, and finally dyed the whole magic array red.

The fairy emperor looked at the phalanx dyed red in the sky and had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Ren Tianchen penetrated into the magic array with the divine power of heaven, and then began to sketch and put the arrays into the magic array of the temple.

"What does he want to do?"

The Fairy Emperor carefully sensed the changes in the magic array, and then said in horror, "She is changing the eyes of the ancestral magic array."

"What? Change the eyes? Is it possible?"

"No wonder he wanted to attack the magic array. It turned out that he wanted to tear open the cracks, take the opportunity to penetrate the array, and then modify it. This person is so terrible." The fairy emperor said with some fear.

In the sky, the divine light is surging, and the Taoist lines are flashing. Let Tianchen's fingers draw a line of lines, which represents his way.

Behind him, a huge word "sheng" crosses the void, emitting immortal fluctuations.

He put one array after another into the magic array and modified this magic array bit by bit. I have to say that the magic array left by the immortal God of War is really terrible and very complicated. It is not easy to modify it. Ren Tianchen still feels a little difficult to go all out. .

After about a day, Ren Tianchen's modification work has almost been done, and the whole array has been modified by him, which is different from before.

"It's time."

He took out Timena's guqin, stroked his body and stroked the strings. Is his heart trembling? This is Timena's piano, and her breath still remains on it.

"Go home, Mina! I want you to live in people's hearts forever, and no one can forget your name.

Then he drew one complex divine pattern after another and put it into the guqin, making the whole guqin bloom and not be seen clearly.


Ren Tianchen put this guqin into the array, and suddenly, a breath of peerless horror rushed up and shook the whole planet.

The bright light drowns everything and can't see what happened at all.

After a while, the god was restrained and all the truth appeared.

Ren Tianchen still hangs quietly in the void, while the guqin is quietly hanging at the top of the temple, blooming with a faint light, looking extremely sacred.

"What on earth have you done?" The fairy emperor shouted angrily and said, "Do you think you can just put the guqin at the top of the temple? I'll just take it down and destroy it."

"You are wrong! It's not that simple." Ren Tianchen shook his head and said, "I infiltrated the guardian magic array of the temple and modified it to make Mina's Guqin an eye and be protected by the whole magic array. Moreover, I have also strengthened the magic array. Even if I can't take the Guqin down now. If you attack strongly, it will be annihilated in an instant."

This is not alarmist, because Ren Tianchen has added another immortal god of war array in this. Once the two magic arrays are activated, the power exerted is absolutely terrible.

"Bastard! Unexpectedly, he changed the guardian array of our fairy temple without authorization!" The fairy emperor was furious.

"More than that, I also connect the guqin with the temple and the mother tree. From now on, the power of faith emitted by every fairy visiting the temple or mother tree will flow into the guqin, nourish the guqin and achieve immortality!"

"What?" The fairy emperor and the four kings were shocked. In this way, wouldn't this guqin be worshipped by the whole fairy clan?

"I just want Mina's name to last forever. As for what it will look like in the future, I don't know." Ren Tianchen looked at the Guqin and said lightly.

In a faint time, he seemed to see a few rays of light coming together and integrating into the guqin, and then he saw a virtual shadow of Timina.

"Is it?" His face was dull, as if he remembered something, and felt incredible.

After a while, his face softened and smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to the unknown change."

The fairy emperor looked at Ren Tianchen doubtfully, why did he show such a gentle smile?

"Listen to all the fairies!" Ren Tianchen used his magical power and spread his voice to the whole fairy star, and every fairy heard his voice very clearly.

"I think you all know that there is a curse in the fairy clan. If you don't send people to participate in the ultimate trial, there will be a natural disaster of extinction. There is a fairy named Timina. For the sake of the whole fairy clan, regardless of her life, she bravely participated in the ultimate trial. But she will never come back, so you have to remember the name! Her name is Timena!"

Ren Tianchen's voice resounded throughout the fairy star, and at the same time, he also showed some pictures in everyone's mind to let them know that such a girl was fighting bravely for them.

Ren Tianchen deliberately selected some sad fragments to create a sad atmosphere.

Many people were moved to tears, because the fairy people are very kind by nature. Watching their clan fight desperately among so many monsters, they can't help.




Many people consciously shouted Timina's name, almost all of which were shouting for the heroes of the fairy clan from the bottom of their hearts. Of course, some of them were promoted by Ren Tianchen with some small means.

For a moment, a magnificent power of faith came from all over the planet and poured directly into the guqin, making the guqin more and more sacred.

The fairy emperor was dull and felt that everything in front of him was too unreal.

"Dear Fairy Emperor, in this way, even if you want to expel Mina from the fairy clan, it is impossible to change, because in the hearts of all the fairy clan, she has become a hero!" Ren Tianchen said lightly.

The Fairy Emperor's eyes sank. As Ren Tianchen said, under such circumstances, she could not punish Timina at all.

"I just came this time to let Mina's soul rest in peace. Although some unpleasant things happened before, I absolutely have no malice. I hope you can understand." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

Then he looked at the Guqin and said gently, "I'm back, but I will come back to see you again. I hope you will bring me a big surprise."

Guqin trembled slightly, as if responding to Ren Tianchen.

He smiled slightly, and then he turned into a light, went straight out of the region, and disappeared into the vast universe in a blink of an eye.

The fairy emperor breathed a sigh of relief and found that her clothes had been soaked in cold sweat. Ren Tianchen put too much pressure on her.

At this time, she saw an old woman silently appear in the sky, and she was immediately delighted and quickly flew up.

"Master, you are here!" She respectfully said that this old woman is her master and can be said to be the most powerful existence of the fairy clan.

"I've been here for a long time, just observing secretly." The old woman said lightly, and her voice gave people a very kind feeling.

"Master, what do you think of that man?"

"That man is too powerful. If I guess correctly, he has entered the extreme and become a demigod!" The old woman's eyes were full of deep fear.

"Half god? This,," the fairy emperor was shocked, and then said, "No wonder he is so terrible!"

The most powerful between heaven and earth is the immortal god of war. Next to the immortal god of war is the demigod who is not as good as the ultimate. In the era without the immortal god of war, the demigod is the peak of this universe.

"So how to solve this?" The fairy emperor pointed to the guqin and asked.

"I have no choice but to wait and see what happens." The old woman was also helpless and then said, "But one thing can be confirmed that this guqin will definitely evolve into a peerless horrible magic weapon in the future, which is not a good thing for our fairy clan."

The fairy emperor nodded, and now it can only be like this. She looked at the sky and wondered where the man came from?!